Synthesis and crystal structure of new Ru(III)-sulfoxide complexes containing a planar N-ligand: mer,cis-RuCl3(1Me-Im)2(S-DMSO) and [4Et-PyH][trans-RuCl4(4Et-Py)(S-DMSO)] (original) (raw)
1996, Inorganica Chimica Acta
The title compounds, mer-trichloro-cis-bis(I-methylimidazole)dimethyl sulfoxideruthenium(lII) (1) and 4-ethylpyridbtium rruns-(4ethylpyridine) (dimethyl sulfoxide)tetrachlororuthenate(III) (2) have been synthesized and structurally characterized. Crystals of 1 [RuCI,(C,H,N,),(C,H,oS)] .O.S(C,H,O) are monoclinic, space group P2/c with u= 16.836(g). b=8.646(3). C= 14.0.7(7) i\, /3=110.19(2)", Z=4. Crystals of 2 [RuCl,(C,H,N)(C,H,OS)][C,H,$I] are monoclinic, space group F2Jn with a=7.996(1), b= 11.670(I), c=23.979(3) A, p=98.39(1)". Z=4. The sulfoxide ligands are S-bonded and trwu to the N-planar ligands in botb Ru(lII) complexes.The two lMe-lm ligandsin 1 arecistoeachotherandthearrangementissuchthatitsB/B'interbasedihedralangleis65.6".B/RuL, and B'/RttL, dihedral angles are 26.8 and 66.8", respectively. The 4Et-Py plane in 2 bisects the Cl-Ru-CI bond angles. The conformatioo of the planar N-ligand observed in the X-ray structures is discussed in terms of an interaction between the ligsnds.