Grünwald-Schwark, V., Zachos, F. E., Honnen, A.-C., Borkenhagen, P., Krüger, F., et al. (2012): Der Fischotter (Lutra lutra) in Schleswig-Holstein - Signatur einer rückwandernden, bedrohten Wirbeltierart und Konsequenzen für den Naturschutz. (original) (raw)

Natur und Landschaft 87, 201-207.

The European otter (Lutra lutra) belongs to the most endangered mammal species in Europe and is a target species in many nature conservation projects. While the otter was still widespread in Schleswig-Holstein (S-H) in 1950, by the mid-1980s it had become almost extinct. Since 1993 a continuously increasing rate of recolonization in S-H has been observed. A comparison of the genetic profiles of otters in S-H with individuals of neighbouring populations reveals that most migrants originate from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and - to a lesser extent - from Denmark. In addition we could show an increased genetic variability in otters in S-H, most likely due to the immigration from different neighbouring populations, which is a favourable starting position for the establishment of a growing founder population. The majority of water bodies in S-H are rated as potential dispersal areas for otters. Many of them have been designated as migration corridor search area, in which it is mandatory that any future environmental planning must take account of the needs of otters. Under this precondition, and assuming an ongoing protection of otter habitats and migration routes, a very positive prognosis regarding the future development of the otter population in S-H can be given.