Video Layanan Masyarakat : Memperkenalkan Potensi Alam Dan Wisata Laut Banten Untuk Meningkatkan Pariwisata Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Aplikasia: Jurnal Aplikasi Ilmu-ilmu Agama, 2021
Kali Biru is a natural tourism in an incised hilly area with the background of the Sermo Reservoir. In Kali Biru, tourists will have an interesting experience and be able to take pictures in instagramable photo spots, for example bicycle spots, hang gliding spots, flying fox, and high ropes. For reaching Kali Biru, people can use a tourist jeep via Sermo and Clereng Reservoir routes. However, tourism rebranding efforts on social media are still lacking. Although various attempts have been made. The purpose of designing this media is to create and design a company profile that can provide data, information and products offered by Padukuhan Kali Biru in an effective, clear and attractive manner. In addition, it can increase the brand image and hopefully in turn it can attract the target market, namely new tourists, both local and foreign tourists, to the Kali Biru Nature Tourism offered. Data collection was carried out through documentation in the photos and videos in the field, which...
Media Video Feature Penunjang Promosi Pariwisata Kabupaten Pati – Jawa Tengah
CICES, 2017
The tourism sector of the economy section of some of the country's potential and the preoritas development of komudite expected to State financial input, especially for developing countries like Indonesia. Especially in the area of Pati, which has a wide area with potential for cultivation, some of the results varied historical heritage, culture and community kehiduapan a unique and natural beauty that can serve as the local tourist attraction and abroad. Lately the multimedia world is already very familiar ditelinga public. The importance of multimedia delivery of information in the spur of the berkreatifitas designer to create forms of media information more communicative and more efficient that can be attractive to people. Similarly the Tourism District of Central Java province in Starch promotes the garrison prosecuted can be showing something interesting about potential-potential of the area through a form of media can indulge the senses of vision and hearing senses. One of...
Pengenalan Potensi Wisata Dan Potensi Unggulan Desa Teluk Melalui Pembuatan Video Profil Desa
ABDIKARYA: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Teluk village, which is comprised mostly of pandeglang Regency of Banten, is full of tourist potential and plenty of potential fishing sectors. But that potential is still largely unknown to the general public. In order for that potential to grow and increase market-value or value-added so as to impact community and local economies, it is vital that an area promote its territory. One of the efforts was to create a village profile video that was uploaded on some social media like youtube. Teluk village profile video is an outlet for the implementation of the thematic untirta group 82 KKM, made with the purpose of introducing the presence and potential of the gulf village, using a virtual ethnographic approach where this method is used to look at social media phenomenon, and it uses qualitative data analysis methods to draw conclusions from observations, interviews, surveys, field observations, Which is used in promoting and introducing Teluk village potential with a preproduction/pro...
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan, 2016
Tourism is one of sectors that is much enthused by the world community, this demand has increased annually. Garut is one of the districts in West Java which is interested by tourists. Furthermore, the promotion for the tourism product roles the prominent for the development of communities and regions. The promotion can use media of video through social media. This media is used to provide an illustration and the knowledge of tourism, and convince young travelers to visit the tourist attraction which is offered. The purpose of this study involves 1) to test the effect of visual presentation and style of language through video in increasing students' knowledge, 2) to analyze the most effective message combination on the media of video about tourism in Garut regency, 3) to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics with improvement knowledge of students. This study employed true experimental methods with 2 x 2 factorial design by using pretest posttest control group design. Dealing with this, factors are used in the visual presentation consists of photos and infographics, and the language style consists of formal and conversational forms. The subjects participating in this study are 75 students of Bogor Agricultural University. The result of this study confirms that the visual presentation and the language style through video have significant influence on the increase of knowledge. The whole combination of treatment is not significantly different from the improvement of knowledge, and the individual characteristics are not significantly related to the improvement knowledge.
Perancangan Video Promosi Kawasan Wisata Pantai Bantol Kabupaten Malang
Art I ka : Jurnal Fakultas Seni Institut Informatika Indonesia Indonesia Surabaya, 2022
Pantai Bantol memiliki potensi wisata yang tinggi, namun banyaknya wisatawan yang berkunjung terhitung rendah dikarenakan belum banyak sorotan untuk kawasan wisata tersebut termasuk pada sosial media. Penelitian ini ditunjukkan untuk merancang sebuah video promosi yang menarik minat masyarakat untuk datang berkunjung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa metode kualitatif yaitu wawancara dengan Kepala Desa Banjarejo serta Juru Kunci Pantai Bantol, serta melakukan observasi secara langsung di wilayah Pantai Bantol. Metode perancangan yang dilakukan yaitu mulai penyusunan ide dan konsep, perancangan storyline serta storyboard yang akan disusun dalam bentuk video. Hasil penelitian ini berupa perancangan video iklan promosi Wisata Pantai Bantol yang di upload pada kanal Youtube dan Instagram. Media pendukung yang dirancang berupa media promosi (Youtube Banner, Youtube Thumbnail, X-Banner, Poster) dan merchandise (Totebag, Mug, Kaos, Topi, Phone Case). Perancangan ini diharapkan memberikan dampak positif seperti menambah jumlah pengunjung yang berwisata di Pantai Bantol.
Pelatihan Membatik Untuk Memunculkan Produk Unggulan Masyarakat Bulusan Dalam Produksi Pariwisata
Banyuwangi is a district that is developing its city towards a tourist city so that the growth of industry and hospitality is very rapid but does not necessarily bring welfare impacts to the surrounding community because the absorption of its employees is not from surrounding residents other than that the natural conditions of the Bulusan Village can only be planted with corn and coconut. The problem that arises is that in Bulusan Village there are many tourist areas and hotels, but the people cannot enjoy it yet. So to answer the problem can use the road are: 1) Training, assistance; 2) Community empowerment activities in order to be able to create new community-based and environment-based jobs are carried out jointly between students and the community accompanied by experts in their fields. The method used for this program is the socialization of the team that offers skills training assistance. Followed by training material. Then followed by the practice of making batik and bambo ...
Indonesia has an abundance potency of landscape in order to developing its tourism, both terrestrial and maritime. Increasing of social welfare, conserve the local culture, and sustainable environment awareness are the objectives of tourism development. One of the area that has those potential is Bondo Beach, Jepara Regency, Central Java. The features of Bondo Beach has fishermen village, rice field, river, and mangrove area. The local people has not been felt the benefit both economics and environment of Bondo Beach though it has been managed. The objectives of the research are to re-planning the landscape of Bondo Beach so that it has integrated tourism landscape between terrestrial and aquatic area. The method was used are observation, interview, and literature study. The data analyzed with aquatic environment, terrestrial, object and tourism attraction, and ecological analysis. The result of this study are (1) zonation concept which is divided into five landscape types, (2) it i...
Mediakom : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 2020
Industri pariwisata kini tengah dihadapkan dengan tantangan zaman dengan hadirnya konsep Tourism 4.0 yang mengharuskan Indonesia berbenah diri dalam menghadapi konsep tersebut. Lahirnya tren Tourism 4.0 telah mengubah keseluruhan siklus ekosistem kepariwisataan, termasuk menjadi penyebab bergesernya budaya siber wisatawan yang salah satu contohnya bisa dilihat pada perubahan proses pengambilan keputusan berwisata orang-orang di era ini, dimana orang-orang menjadikan media sosial sebagai sumber rujukan dalam menetapkan destinasi wisata mereka. Kolom komentar di YouTube kadang-kadang menjadi sebuah review bagi siapapun yang membacanya, dikarenakan orang-orang menuliskan pendapat ataupun pengalaman mereka terkait konten disana. Hal ini membuat YouTube memungkinakan untuk menjadi sarana promosi termasuk didalamnya promosi destinasi pariwisata. Penelitian ini di buat dengan tujuan untuk mencari tahu sejauh mana efektifitas video yang diunggah di YouTube sebagai sarana untuk mempromosikan...
Peningkatan Kapasitas Masyarakat Dalam Bidang Layanan Wisata Di Kampung Bekelir, Kota Tangerang
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), 2020
Provinsi Banten menyimpan beragam potensi pariwisata. Salah satu wilayah dari Provinsi Banten yaitu Kota Tangerang ikut berupaya mengembangkan potensi pariwisata. Kota Tangerang yang berada dalam wilayah administratif Provinsi Banten dan secara regional mempunyai keterkaitan yang sangat erat dengan Ibu Kota Jakarta, saat ini berkembang menjadi kota yang mengandalkan dari sektor jasa, pariwisata, perdagangan dan permukiman. Kota Tangerang memiliki keragaman daya tarik wisata baik budaya, sejarah, buatan hingga wisata kreatif. Salah satu daya tarik wisata kreatif yang dikembangkan adalah Kampung Bekelir. Kampung Bekelir merupakan salah satu yang menjadi perhatian dari pemerintah dan sejak tahun 2017 telah diresmikan sebagai Kampung Wisata. Kampung Bekelir dikelola oleh masyarakat setempat dan seiiring dengan mulai dikenalnya tempat ini sebagai daya tarik wisata, maka dibentuklah Pokdarwis (Kelompok Sadar Wisata). Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh kelompok ini adalah belum semua masyar...