The concept of the New Journalism and its adaptation to narrative journalism in Spain (original) (raw)

The concept of the New Journalism and its adaptation to narrative journalism in Spain 1 The concept of the New Journalism and its adaptation to narrative journalism in Spain

The New Journalism generates massive terminological confusion regarding what it represents. In general, it is usually associated with any stylistic innovation in journalism, which leads to numerous errors and confusion in the field of communication. As a result, specialized researchers or students do not have a clear idea of what the New Journalism constitutes. In this research, we try to answer the question of what the New Journalism is, what its origins are, the time period during which this phenomenon existed, if it had any influence in Spain, and as such, whether or not we can talk about the New Journalism in Spain. In order to obtain answers, we investigated the narrative journalism phenomenon, which has given us a wider view of the issue in order to put the New Journalism in context and provide a clear classification of this phenomenon. Resumen: El Nuevo Periodismo genera una enorme confusión terminológica en cuanto a qué representa. En líneas generales se suele asociar a cualquier innovación estilística en periodismo. Esto conlleva numerosos errores y confusiones en el ámbito comunicativo, y por ende, investigadores especializados o estudiantes en formación no reciben una imagen clara de lo que representa. En esta investi-gación planteamos dar respuesta a qué podemos denominar, con propiedad, Nuevo Periodismo, cuál fue su origen y qué periodo temporal abarca este fenómeno y si tuvo alguna influencia en España y por tanto podemos hablar de un Nuevo Periodismo es-pañol. Para obtener estas respuestas recurriremos al fenómeno del periodismo narrativo, que nos dará una visión más global para poder ubicar el Nuevo Periodismo en su contexto y aportar una clasificación coherente sobre este fenómeno.

The Spanish model ofNew Journalismin a European context

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 2016

This work deals with the study of the evolution and the historicalexperience of Spanish journalism in the context of decades of transition between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. From the selection of the most relevant cases and the examination of tracking, or not, of models and European patterns of the reference press, singularities and analogies of the historical evolution of the Spanish journalism model may be seen-an evolutionary model fully registered within the framework of Western Europe and in one of its most fruitful phases: the origins and first development of the mass media. Therefore, the following trilogy of reference media is selected covering specified time periods:

New perspectives on Spanish-language narrative journalism: from the big bang of the present Boom to the emerging editorial models

This article purports to demonstrate that print and digital publications offering highquality narrative journalism in Spanish are gaining an increasingly wider readership. Furthermore, readers of magazines such as Orsai and Jot Down are willing to pay for longform journalism that meets their aesthetic standards. What theorists such as Boynton and editors such as Kilman have asserted has now been confirmed: the key is creativity. This paper offers a chronological overview of the genre that helps explain why is there is so much talk about a boom in Latin- American narrative journalism today and provides an in-depth analysis of how the combination of conventional and groundbreaking styles of journalism has spelled out success for two of these publications. Keywords: Literary journalism, narrative journalism, journalistic genres, new editorial models, Orsai, Jot Down.

The evolution and hybridization of reportage: characteristics of the genre in «La Vanguardia» and «ABC» (1982-2018)

Communication & Society

The article herein presents the results of a research study focused on the evolution of reportage in the Spanish press over a span of four decades. This is the first longitudinal study covering such an extensive period (1982-2018) with regard to this narrative journalistic genre, through publications in La Vanguardia and ABC, the two oldest national newspapers in Spain. The aim of the study is to discover how the genre has evolved in recent decades, in terms of authorship, length, section in which it is published, headlines, visual and complementary elements, and the degree of hybridisation with other journalistic genres. Based on a quantitative and qualitative methodology, a sample was analysed using the constructed week sampling technique (N=346 issues). The results obtained show an increase in the amount and general length of the reports published from the year 2000 onward, as well as a tendency toward hybridisation with genres such as the crónica and the news report. However, th...

The Challenge of Online Journalistic Language to Narrative Forms: the Special Report Case Study on Spanish Press Websites

ZER. Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, 2007

This study is centred on the influence of online journalistic language on narrative forms. Since the hypothesis that this original language determine general and distinctive features in online models, as well as concept transformations in the traditional ones, the study examines these common characteristics due to be applied in the study of online journalism genres. With this purpose, it takes as case study one of the most innovative models employed in the creation of online contents, commonly called the “Special report”, and considers its use on two of the principal press websites in Spain. The paper defines this specifically format produced for web edition, considering its use in previous media, but also its new concept on the internet. The study concludes that this prototype has the ability for developing the new expressive possibilities, together with a greater stylistic and hypertext structural development. This evidence would demand further exploration of other forms and a greater attention to trends in this area. On the basis of these observations, the article pursues the more general aim of reflecting on the changes generated in the traditional forms of narrating events to the public and, consequently, on the implications that the new parameters of elaboration of online journalistic messages hold for fundamental areas of the discipline such as Newswriting and Genres.

Narrative strategies in the origin of journalism : An analysis of the first Spanish-language gazettes

The topic of our study is journalism as a narrative genre. Before becoming periodical, newssheets adopted many forms at the end of the sixteenth and throughout the seventeenth centuries, which we aim to typologize before conducting a corpus-based analysis (Biber, 2009, 2012), in which predetermined categories will be applied in search of patterns. In order to prove the validity and productivity of this approach in an exploratory manner, we have applied those methods to a reduced corpus of some of the first gazette-type printed newssheets in the Spanish language, so as to longitudinally extend this strategy in further research to many other corpora of miscellaneous newssheets. This first tentative sample is composed of four newssheets published from 1597 to 1621, our goal being to trace the patterns and continuities of a narratological model for the early days of Spanish journalism. In our opinion, and following an Italian style detailed by Panfilo Persico in Il Segretario (Venice, 1620), narrative newswriting strategies, at least in the Mediterranean area, were most especially consolidated during the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), and were even present in Spanish gazettes in one of the most flourishing periods of activity, the decade of 1683, because of the Turkish Wars (Díaz Noci, 2008).

Spanish and Latin American narrative journalism: a comparative of issues, influences, publications and points of view of a new generation of authors

Introduction. Narrative journalism has achieved an important growth in Latin America, in the context of the so-called boom of the Latin American crónica. At a more modest level, in the Spanish sphere this journalistic modality that uses literary tools to tell real events, has experienced a particular boost relying on specialized publishers. The aim of this research is to compare points of view, issues, influences and publications between Spanish and Latin American journalists. Methodology. The study is based on in-depth interviews with 22 leading narrative journalists from Spain, Argentina and Chile. Results and conclusions. Despite the diversity of designations, journalists from both latitudes agree when identifying the keys of the genre and pointing out the difficulties for its development, due to the lack of publishing channels in mainstream media, replaced now by books and magazines. Together with the variety of subjects addressed, there are differences between the work of Spanish and Latin American journalists in narrative structure planning as well as the reciprocity of professional references. Keywords Narrative journalism; journalism and literature: crónica; journalistic genres and Spanish and Latin American journalists.

Gómez Alfaro: Pioneer of Interdisciplinary Studies on the Relationships Between Journalism and Literature in Spain

The article rescues and analyzes the work done in 1960 by Antonio Gómez Alfaro, the first Spanish author that carried out a study on relations between journalism and literature using a multidiscipline perspective. The tradition documents the emergence of comparative approaches at the end of the 1990s, but the revision of Gómez Alfaro’s proposal is an exceptional advance, because this intellectual dealt with the merging of literature and journalism with the assistance of scientific fields that range from literary theory to linguistics and anthropology. This multi-focal approach is extraordinary considering at the time Journalism was not part of the Spanish university system; therefore, there was not a scientific platform nor were there academic precedents that supported in-depth, exhaustive research about journalism and literature, a reality that appeared forty years after the publication of the aforementioned precursor. In order to provide an adequate context to the analysis of Gómez Alfaro’s work, the first part undertakes a historic synthesis from when the discussion about journalism as a literary genre arose in 1845 in the Spanish Real Academia, until the birth of the first scientific theories about literary journalism in the 1980s and 90s. Keywords: Journalism and Literature; Literary Journalism; Spain; Antonio Gómez Alfaro.

MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF ENGLISH-LANGUAGE JOURNALISM IN SOUTHERN SPAIN / Más de 120 años de prensa en lengua inglesa en el sur de España

RiHC, 2024

RESUMEN Este artículo estudia la evolución histórica de la prensa en lengua inglesa en Málaga y la Costa del Sol desde sus orígenes, en esta zona del sur de España, hasta la actualidad, al tiempo que establece las principales etapas de su desarrollo y señala sus principales características. También se destacan los factores que permitieron el nacimiento y posterior desarrollo de este fenómeno mediático, ligado a la presencia de comunidades estables de residentes británicos y de otros países europeos y de fuera de Europa, en un contexto social y culturalmente permeable. También describe las características de la estructura de este sistema mediático y sus principales referencias periodísticas. This article examines the historical evolution of the English-language press in Málaga and the Costa del Sol, tracing its origins in this region of southern Spain to the present day. It identifies the key stages of its development and highlights its defining characteristics. The study underscores the factors that facilitated the emergence and growth of this media phenomenon, which is closely tied to the presence of stable communities of British residents and expatriates from other European and non-European countries, within a socially and culturally permeable environment. Additionally, this research outlines the structural features of this media system and its principal journalistic benchmarks