Environment Of Accouting Science: A Comparative Between Anglo-Saxon And Continent Europe (original) (raw)
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“Metafizika” Journal (ISSN 2616-6879), 2018
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Archival Education in Scandinavian Countries
Türk Kütüphaneciliği, 2008
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A Comparison of Science Curriculum in Ireland and Turkey
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Science Teacher Candidates\' Thoughts About Global Warming Studying in Turkey and United Kingdom
Teachers have important roles in raising awareness of students about global warming and educating them as environmentally conscious individuals. Being a good environmental educator is related with the knowledge of the teachers in the area. The aim of the study is to identify the level of awareness and knowledge about global warming of science teacher candidates’ who are studying in Turkey and United Kingdom. In this qualitative research data was obtained from 14 teacher candidates (7 from Turkey, 7 from United Kingdom) via semi- structured interviews. In data analysis procedure descriptive analysis method was utilized and teacher candidates’ comments were coded thematically. Findings revealed that neither teacher candidates in Turkey nor those in United Kingdom have adequate awareness and knowledge about global warming.
Transformations in scholarship, like in every other discipline, have happened in a globalizing world. In this context, the redefinition or the conceptualization of scholarship has great importance. In this study, first with historical transformation happening in higher education, the changing role of the scholarship has been discussed. Scholarship concept and as academic activities teaching, research, social service, and management have been examined. In addition, research-teaching dilemma in academic activities has been mentioned and problems that belong to academic life have been handled. Results of the examined researches showed that scholarship concept is generally related to academic activities. In this context, it has seen that research and teaching activities as a dilemma that occupy academic agenda have three kinds of relationships: positive, negative and no relationship. Besides, it has seen that academicians have been faced varied problems in all over the world. But because there are a limited number of studies in Turkey, it is hard to localize Turkey’s position in world discussion agenda.
Place of Enlightenment in the History of Science Culture and Intellectual Attitude
Kafkas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Çalışmanın Türü: Araştırma Öz "Hakiki dünya" tektir, ama bu dünyayı anlamlandırmak maksadıyla kurgulanmış, farklı yöntemlere sahip, birden çok "zihni dünya" vardır. Bu "zihni dünya"lardan biri de, fertlere bilimsel seziş ve izan kazandırmayı hedefleyen, bilim kültürüdür. Bilim kültürü tarihçesinde, hem bir dönemi hem de bir anlamlandırma biçimini ifade eden önemli bir kesit ise "mutlak akıl çağı", yani aydınlanma dönemidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı da, bu dönemin bilimsel "zihni dünya" tasarımının, siyasi, ekonomik ve toplumsal inşaya odaklanan içerik altında ezildiğini ve dönemin entelektüel tavrının da, buna zemin hazırladığını, bilimin parametreleri çerçevesinde eleştirel bir bakış tarzıyla değerlendirmektir.
Although science is a way of research based on logical thinking, problem solving and questioning; it is a science that tries to define and explain the world. The objectives of science education are to enable students to understand the natural world and to give them the opportunity to experience the excitement with their intellectual richness (MEB, 2005). In this context, the school environment is considered as a limited learning environment for the Science course. Outside the school, there are many opportunities for science education. In this study, it is aimed to determine out-of-school learning environments proposed by science teacher candidates within the scope of science education. 73 (48 female, 25 male) science teacher candidates were the participants of the study. The descriptive survey model and semi-structured interview technique were used. The teacher candidates were asked to answer the question ”What are the learning environments outside the school in science education?. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 randomly selected teacher candidates. The opinions of prospective teachers participating in the study were reported with frequencies and percentages. According to the findings, pre-school learning environments stated by teacher candidates for science education were the most common; “forest areas” (11,8%), “zoos/ animal shelters” (10,4%), “science-technology centers / museums” (9,6%), “houses / kitchens” (7,4%), “Power plants (nuclear, hydroelectric, thermal, electricity)” (7,4%), “environment, fields, gardens” (7,4%), “giant aquariums” (6,6%), “space stations (simulators)/ observatories” (5,9%), “national parks/ nature parks” (5,2%), “scientific school trips/ nature trips” (5,2%), “water resources (dam, lake, stream)” (4,4%), “nature camps” (3,7%), “industrial zones” (3%), “construction areas” (2,2%), “science fairs” (2,2%), “factories” (2,2%), “greenhouses” (2,2%), “science cafes/ huts” (1,5%) and “libraries” (1,5%). Keywords: Science Education, Outdoor Learning Environments, Prospective Teachers