Pemberdayaan Peternak Ayam Ras Pedaging Sistem Kemitraandengan Penguatan Komitmen Kerjasama Inti-Plasma (original) (raw)
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The role of chicken ranch business in Indonesia starts to develop until at this moment. This business has good prospect and so bright. The necessities of protein consumption rate by people become one of many factors that influence of developing chicken ranch business. This study aimed to: (a) identify and evaluate two differential plasma partnerships system for chicken ranch business in Bogor, (b) know about comparison of rancher income between two differential plasma partnerships system with differential business scale for chicken ranch business in Bogor and (c) know alternative strategies to improve rancher income for plasma partnerships system for chicken ranch business. Data collecting conducted through direct observation of six plasma chicken ranch business through interview with the owner of plasma chicken ranch and the leader of main company that doing partnerships. The data consist of primary data and secondary data that is used to identify and evaluate partnerships model. The data are also used to compare rancher income between two differential partnerships system. The next analysis consist of Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix and External Factor Evaluation matrix (EFE), Internal-External matrix (IE) and analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT Analysis) to formulate alternative strategies in order to support development of plasma partnerships system for chicken ranch business. Partnerships concept for plasma chicken ranch in Bogor have the same concept. But the fact in implementation indicate that the partnerships activities have not done yet perfectly as delivering raw material agreement, determine pricing of raw material agreement, determine selling price which tend to lose out the rancher. The ranchers income from "M" plasma chicken ranch with age production between 37-41 days are better than the ranchers income from "P" plasma chicken ranch with age production between 31-33 days. Based on the SWOT analysis, alternative strategies for plasma chicken ranch business development are including: (1) to improve production, (2) to maintain relationship and trust with main company, (3) to administer business documents, (4) to add new coop, (5) to do operational efficiency, (6) to maintain relation with surrounding society, (7) to hire the surrounding worker, (8) to create and maintain cooperative and information with other rancher in a organization, (9) to approach and negotiate the contract with main company based on the last condition and (10) to observe the economy condition.
The study is intended in identifying the feasibility of investment of open and closed house models. The study was also intended to draft the pattern of financing as well as formulating a wide range of solutions and policy recommendations on issues of broiler commodity development. A Survey conducted on farms in the region of Kabupaten Ciamis, Kabupaten and Kota Tasikmalaya in 2013. Calculation of cash flows for 5 years indicates that the investment of broiler house with the pattern of independent business (pola mandiri) and of Partnership (pola emitraan) can repay credit with an effective interest rate of 14% per year. As for the pattern of makloon (pola Makloon) is not worth getting the credit, unless the credit without interest. The level of investment feasibility viewed from the indicators of financial viability in open houses on a scale of 1,500 head, 3,000 head and 6,000 head and closed houses on a scale of 30,000 head and 6,000 head worth.The eligibility rate was strongly influenced by inputoutput market conditions, i.e., DOC price, chicken feed and the selling price. Judging from the 5 C’s indicators, the feasibility of broiler farmers in the study area are generally eligible to obtain credit, except for collateral and Capacity criterion for farmers with a very small-scale businesses or makloon pattern. Some recommendations are presented to improve the efficiency of investment and improving the welfare of farmers in broiler industry in the study area. Key words: broiler industry, broiler house investment, financing
Sains Peternakan, 2019
Kemitraan pola dagang umum ialah pelaksanaan kemitraan yang dilakukan dalam bentuk kerjasama pemasaran, penyediaan lokasi usaha, atau penerimaan pasokan dari usaha mikro, kecil, dan/atau menengah oleh usaha besar yang dilakukan secara terbuka. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengevaluasi akses peternak ayam pedaging sistem kemitraan pola dagang umum dan menemukan model pengembangannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Juni 2018 di Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur. Responden adalah semua peternak ayam pedaging sistem kemitraan pola dagang umum dengan jumlah 126 orang yang ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan aplikasi SmartPLS 2.0. Hasil penelitian didapatkan evaluasi bahwa peternak ayam pedaging sistem kemitraan pola dagang umum mempunyai akses terhadap sumber daya finansial, teknologi, fisik, ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Sumber daya tersebut bersama dengan SDM peternak berpengaruh terhadap pengembangan usaha ternak sebesar 51,6%. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu pengembangan usaha ternak ayam pedaging sistem kemitraan pola dagang umum harus memperhatikan akses peternak terhadap sumber daya fisik, sumber daya ekonomi, dan sumber daya sosial.
Jurnal Peternakan, 2020
The plasma farmer assessment of the company is very important in supporting the sustainability of the partnership relationship. The index of satisfaction is the difference between perceived performance and expectations. The purpose of this study is the evaluation and analysis of chicken business and the measurement of the Customer Satisfactory Indexs (SCI) of plasma farmers in partnership in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. This research is a descriptive study using survey research methods on plasma farmers who partner with poultry companies. It consists of 30 plasma farmers in partnership with foreign capital companies, 10 plasma farmers in partnership with multinational companies and 6 plasma farmers in partnership with local companies, which were taken by purposive sampling design. Likert scale is used to describe the characteristics of farmers, business characteristics and variable indexes of satisfaction with company performance. The dominant characteristics of broiler partnership plasma farmers in Kampar Regency were: successful broiler farming > 4 years, have partnered for > 2 years, the reason for partnering to want a client, get sources of information directly from the partnership company, chicken farming age 35-36 days with harvest weight 1.7-1.8 kg and mortality <3%. The conclusion of this study is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of foreign capital company partnership services of 73.38% (satisfied), multinational company partnerships of 74.08% (satisfied). While local company partnerships had a CSI of 57.66% or neutral/ ordinary criteria.
JURNAL MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS (Journal Of Agribusiness Management)
Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Bangli. Ukuran sampel ditentukan sebanyak 77 responden perternak ayam ras pedaging yang tersebar di Kabupaten Bangli. Teknik analisis data menggunakan program Smart PLS. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh dari karakeristik peternak, interaksi komunikasi, jiwa kewirausahaan dan motivasi peternak dengan perilaku peternak, serta hubungan perilaku dengan kinerja usaha kemitraan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Karakteristik Peternak, Interaksi komunikasi, jiwa kewirausahaan peternak dan motivasi peternak berpengaruh nyata terhadap perilaku peternak ayam ras pedaging di Kabupaten Bangli. (2) Karakteristik Peternak, Interaksi komunikasi, jiwa kewirausahaan peternak dan motivasi peternak berpengaruh nyata terhadap Kinerja usaha kemitraan ayam ras pedaging di Kabupaten Bangli, (3) Perilaku Perternak ayam ras pedaging berpengaruh nyata terhadap Kinerja usaha kemitraan. Saran dari penelitian ini yaitu dalam meningkatkan kin...
Keragaan Usaha Dan Strategi Pengembangan Peternakan Ayam Ras Pedaging
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaan usaha, faktor internal dan eksternal serta strategi alternatif usaha peternakan ayam ras pedaging di Kecamatan Parung, Kabupaten Bogor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan peluang dalam usaha ayam pedaging adalah kemudahan bahan baku dan pertumbuhan penduduk; ancamannya yaitu harga pakan tidak stabil, rentannya terjangkit penyakit, dan harga jual fluktuatif; kekuatannya adalah hubungan baik dengan pemasok, usaha turun temurun dan pertumbuhannya cepat; kelemahannya yaitu modal terbatas, sangat tergantung kepada pedagang pengumpul dan teknologi masih sederhana. Skor bobot rata-rata matriks IFE 2, 511 dan matriks EFE 3,045. Matriks IE pada usaha peternakan ayam ras pedaging di Kecamatan Parung terletak pada kuadran II, artinya berada pada tahap tumbuh dan kembangkan. Strategi pengembangnyanya melalui perluasan kandang, pengoptimalkan modal, peningkatkan kapasitas peternak, dan jalinan kemitraan.Kata kunci : Ayam Ras Pedaging, Analisi...
Jurnal Sosio Agribisnis, 2019
This study aims to; 1) analyzing the implementation of broiler chicken business contracts, 2) analyzing the factors that influence breeders to choose broiler breeding businesses with a partnership pattern, and 3) comparing the finances between broiler business farmers in partnership with independent pattern broiler chicken businesses Kendari by using 66 respondents determined through the census method. Data is estimated by; descriptive analysis, binary logistic regression analysis and analysis of independent sample t test. The results showed that: (1) the level of implementation of chicken business contracts in Kendari City depends on the high category, which means that the implementation of the contract has been going well, but some attributes still need to be improved, (2) including three variables related to farmers to choose a broiler chicken business through a partnership pattern, namely; (3) the level of income of independent farmers is higher than the level of income of farmers in the partnership pattern per maintenance cycle. However, the level of income of farmers per year from the two groups was not significantly different.
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2010
This research aims to recognize : (a) effective of partnership Inti-Plasma pattern, (b)productivity business livestock broiler chicken partnership Inti-Plasma pattern and independent, and the factors influence. This research is done in Sleman, DIY. The like of analysis unit primary data is resulted of direct interview with one whose work is to rear cattle broiler chicken sample at 2008-2009 year. To recognize effective of partnership inti-plasma pattern, with the method deference of evenly test of : (1) evenly percent of production broiler chicken is sold to company with 100 percents, (2)on the average of production's price and weft's price, doc's price is to be paid by company and plasma with production's price and weft's price, doc's price in contract, and (3) on the average of percent of debt with is to be paid by plasma commensurate with contract. To count of the productivity, with the method to divide of the total production with the wide of stable. To calculation productivity function of business livestock broiler chicken, is used OLS method of natural equalization. The result of research show that : (a) performance of partnership "inti-plasma" business broiler chicken livestock was effective. The condition mentioned is showed by : (1) all of production is sold to company, (2) the production price and weft price, doc price compatible with contract, and (3)evenly percent of debt is to be paid compatible with contract; (b) productivity business livestock broiler chicken for respectively one whose work is to rear cattle group are : (1) one whose work is to rear cattle plasma 15.75 kg/m 2 , (2) one whose work is to rear cattle independent 13.78 kg/m 2 ,(3) one whose work is to rear cattle "plasma-inti mandiri" 15.43 kg/m 2 , and (4) one whose work is to rear cattle "plasma-inti pabrikan" 16.93 kg/m 2. That except, according to part, productivity business livestock broiler chicken is influenced by : (1) amount of doc (0.47458);(2) amount of weft (0.45074); (3) amount of "ovk" (0.03527); (4) age (-0.074361),(5) experience (0.0395); and wide of stable (-0.9803).
Indonesia di tengah Pandemi : Serapan Daging Ayam Ras dan Kesejahteraan Peternak Mandiri
Seperti yang kita ketahui saat ini, dunia sedang menghadapi kondisi pandemi virus corona, tidak hanya memakan banyak korban, virus ini mulai menggerogoti kestabilan ekonomi di dunia tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Berbagai sektor ekonomi di Indonesia mulai melambat, cenderung stagnan bahkan negatif dalam pertumbuhannya. Terutama, pada sektor peternakan ayam broiler. Industri peternakan ayam broiler di Indonesia sudah menunjukkan titik jenuh sejak tengah tahun 2019 dimana populasi ayam broiler ini membeludak tidak diiringi dengan peningkatan konsumsi daging ayam di masyarakat. Harga live bird (lb) di tingkat peternak yang kian merosot semakin mencekik para peternak. Peternak kesulitan mengatur perputaran uang mereka, untuk membayar operasional kandang saja mereka kesulitan apalagi untuk membayar pakan dan lain sebagainya, belum lagi para peternak yang menggunakan kredit untuk membangun kandang mereka, bisa dibayangkan seberapa rentannya kondisi finansial mereka saat ini ditambah dengan kondisi pandemi yang terjadi. Selama rentang waktu Mei 2019 hingga Mei 2020, para peternak sudah beberapa kali melakukan aksi bagi-bagi ayam gratis untuk masyarakat, harga di pasaran pun membaik tetapi hanya untuk 1-2 hari saja. Yang terakhir terjadi di lapangan Karang Kotagede, Selasa (21/04/2020) pagi, Tatak Yudo seorang peternak asal Pati, Jawa Tengah melepas ratusan DOC karena dirinya mengaku tidak sanggup untuk membeli pakan. Ayam-ayamnya dilepas begitu saja untuk mencari makanan sendiri. Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh Kementan untuk mendorong konsumsi daging ayam, seperti melakukan pemilihan duta ayam & telur, melakukan festival ayam & telur bahkan melakukan ekspor daging ayam ke Timor Leste, Jepang dan Papua Nugini. Namun bebagai usaha tersebut masih belum membuahkan hasil yang signifikan karena stok daging ayam kita terlampau banyak (terutama di Pulau Jawa) dibandingkan tingkat konsumsi di dalam negeri.