Training of Coconut Business Strategies as Micro, Small Business, Medium Enterprises in Meruya Selatan Village (original) (raw)

Analysis of Constraints and Opportunities for the Development of Smallholder Coconut Oil Processing Industry in Micro Enterprises Konawe Islands Regency

JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis) : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2020

It is based on the fact that small-scale coconut oil processing in micro-scale businesses is facing serious threats and competition with palm oil produced by large and medium-sized entrepreneurs, resulting in a downturn in business as well as weakening the motivation of coconut farmers to process coconut production into coconut oil. As a result, coconut farmers in their daily lives actually buy palm oil processed by large and medium entrepreneurs, while their businesses are getting worse. In line with this, through this research, an analysis of the obstacles and opportunities for the development of the people's coconut oil processing industry was carried out. The purpose of this study was to analyze the barriers to developing the people's coconut oil processing industry on a micro-scale business and to analyze the opportunities for developing the people's coconut oil processing industry on a micro-scale business. The research method is through a Focus Group Discussion (F...

Coconut Farming Business Development Strategies in Pohuwato


This research aims to 1) Analyze the factors of coconut farming business development in Pohuwato and 2) Reconstitute the coconut farming business development strategy in Pohuwato. This research was conducted in Pohuwato in December 2018-February 2019 with 40 farmers as the research sample. The research method used was a survey method. The data analysis used was the SWOT analysis. The findings indicate that the factors of coconut development in Pohuwato were both internal and external. The internal factors were plants as substitutes for tall coconuts, coconuts’ fluctuated price, lack of coconut tree rejuvenation, and traditional coconut processing. Furthermore, the external factors included erratic climates bringing about crop failure, no fixed standard price of coconut, and farmers’ alternative businesses. The best coconut farming business development strategy in Pohuwato existed in Quadrant I. This quadrant rendered the best support for the aggressive strategy or the SO (Strength-O...

Reducing poverty through community empowerment with integrated coconut product program in Bujjulu district of Gowa regency

Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021

Poverty is still an urgent agenda that needs to be addressed by the Government in Gowa Regency, especially the poor, to empower the people in Bujjulu area. The purpose of the study was to analyze poverty reduction by community empowerment through integrated coconut products in Bujjulu District, Gowa Regency. The research method used is a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used are observation methods, interview methods, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique in this study used are data condensation, data display (data presentation), conclusion drawing/verification The result of the research is that Bujjulu Village, Gowa Regency is mostly carried out with the principle of learning by doing so that this integrated coconut program can be expected to produce an increase in family income in particular. The implementation of this training focused on making flower pots from coconut fiber, making charcoal and briquettes as alternative fuels as a substitute ...

Development of Economic Potential an integrated coconut processing to Improve Welfare coconut farmers society in North Buton


Coconut (cocos nucifera) has the economic potential that the strategy to be developed by farmers with Integrated Processing so as to Improve Welfare of farmers. Objective the research is to explore the potential for coconut production and describe farmer’s characteristics, coconut plantation, and coconut processing business in North Buton. Specifically, this study aims to analyze the economic potential of coconut processing and explains the strategy of developing an integrated coconut processing. The approach of this research is explanatory research with collecting data by survey method. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 112 respondents Family Head coconut farmers. Data analysis method used is descriptive and financial feasibility analysis NPV; NBCR, and IRR. These results indicate: (1) the potential for coconut crop production in North Buton, tend to decrease due to old age of the plant, (2) the characteristics of coconut farmers on average are in the productive a...

Utilization of Coconut Fiber as a Poor Households Empowerment Base (A Case in Bongomeme District of Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia

Modern Applied Science, 2019

Poor households have not utilized coconut fiber that is very potential to improve their welfare. This study analyzed the root causes of poor households not yet utilizing the potential of coconut fiber craft as a source of livelihood. The potential of crafts that can be developed from coconut fiber and the strategy of building institutional, commercial business groups of poor households are based on the manufacture of coconut fiber crafts to be competitive and sustainable. The researchers collected data through observation, in-depth interviews, focused group discussion, and literature review. The results show that lack of knowledge is at the root of the leading cause of poor households not utilizing coconut fiber as their livelihood. The other causes are lack of skills, low education, weak access to information, lack of collective awareness, and a false understanding that coconut fiber handicraft products are not sold in the market. Even though the facts show that if processed into handicraft products, coconut fiber can be used by poor households to improve their welfare so that they can be economically empowered. Various strategies can be carried out to build the institutional economic business groups of poor households based on the manufacture of coconut fiber crafts, namely critical awareness, strengthening the capacity of poor households, both through skills training, on the job training, and in-service training. Besides, comparative studies of entrepreneurship can also be carried out, opening up access to information, opening access to micro-business financing, and building networks of poor households to the outside world.

Linking the Coconut Farmers in the Philippines to Better Market Opportunities through Community-based Participatory Action Research


This research aimed to empower eight selected coconut farmers by building an economically sustainable and resilient community. Specificall , it focused on: 1. Improve coconut farmers' economic conditions through value-added coconut products; 2. Link them with other stakeholders for producing and commercializing coconut products; 3. Design the sustainability plan in partnership with the stakeholders. The researcher employed each content, which is (1) Needs and Support Assessment. (2) the capacity-building activities on Training on Developing Entrepreneurial skills among Coconut Farmers of Burias, Training on "Bukayo" Making, Business Model Canvas, and One-on-One Consultation, Entrepreneurial Mind Setting and Intro to Business Planning and Seminar-workshop in Marketing. (3) Innovative Marketing Strategies; establish a presence on the online platform, specifically digital marketing, by creating a Facebook page that serves as a platform in which their coconut food products bring a better income for coconut farmers. The Coconut 2.0 research initiated by the researcher positively affected the quality of coconut farmers' lives, thus building a sustainable and resilient community of coconut farmers. A memorandum of agreement was bound between the stakeholders and coconut farmers based on the sustainability plan. These documents were presented to the coconut farmers during the turning-over activity of the research.

Development Strategy of The Virgin Coconut Oil Industry and Coconut Farmers Partnership System in Padang Pariaman Regency


Coconut is a superior commodity in Padang Pariaman Regency, which is spread in almost all districts. The area of the plantation of coconut is 40755 ha, with the level of productivity of 1,363 tons/ha are cultivated by 97094 farming families. The purpose of this study is to formulate a VCO industry development strategy and a partnership system for coconut farmers in Padang Pariaman area, that designed with a system approach through the integration of the coconut farming sub-system and coconut processing sub-system to maximize the profits from the coconut farming business and ensure the fulfillment of capacity VCO production. Determination of the VCO industry development strategy using SWOT analysis techniques. The strategy that can develop is a growth strategy through horizontal integration, namely establishing a partnership between the VCO industry and coconut farmers as suppliers of raw materials to ensure smooth production. The coconut farmer's partnership was designed through...

Empowering the Household Business Through Improving the Quality of the Product in Pintusona Samosir Sub-District


This Community Service Program has been implemented well. Partners of this activity are Artiar Bakkery, Pintusona Village and Martauli Elisabet Household Business in Pinsona Village, Pangururan District, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. The purpose of this PKM is to solve several problems faced by partners. In this service activity the implementation team tries to create a creative and innovative idea to provide added value to the cassava chip household business through improving product quality, namely by providing counseling and training on the application of science and technology. One of them is by changing the way of production by using modern equipment so that production capacity increases. Marketing of cassava chips with safe and attractive packaging so as to increase the selling price and expand the marketing area through online marketing. With this PKM activity it can improve partners' lives financially and partner products can be accepted in the market so that ...

Strategy for Business Development Patchouli Farmers in Meranti Tengah Village, Pintupohan Meranti District, Toba Samosir Regency

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development, 2019

This research aims to determine the strategy of business development of patchouli oil farmers in improving economic welfare and to analyze obstacles or barriers in running the cultivation and production of patchouli oil in central Meranti The district of Pintu Pohan Meranti Toba Samosir Regency. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach because the research intends to understand what phenomena experienced by the subject of research. The method of determining the area of the research use Purposive technique or deliberate with consideration of Central Meranti is one of the villages that the majority of its citizens still hang the livelihood as a patchouli oil farmer. Data collection methods are obtained from primary data and secondary data where primary data is obtained through interviews with informants as well as direct observations of the field, and secondary data is obtained from the relevant agencies. The Data obtained is then analyzed using SWOT analysis. The results show that there are only 2 families that still maintain patchouli oil farming efforts with patterns and strategies to develop this business in a simple way. Patchouli marketing is also done by selling directly due to price fluctuations that happen very often. In addition, the limited information such as the writing and socialization of a patchouli is still very limited from the government to the farmers so that more and more farmers are switching commodities.

Entrepreneurship Workshop in Kampung Nelayan’s Community, Medan Belawan District

ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2022

Approximately 600 families inhabit the Kampung Nelayan of Medan Belawan District; most of them work as fishermen. The people of Kampung Nelayan have limited facilities and relatively low knowledge of entrepreneurship which caused an inability to maximize the potential of marine natural resources and mangrove forest resources. Entrepreneurship workshop activities are carried out to equip the public to have a good knowledge of entrepreneurship, which is expected to generate and increase the spirit of entrepreneurship in utilizing and managing the potential of natural resources into high selling value products. The activities were carried out using a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest approach. The results of the pretest and post-test were used to measure changes in participants knowledge. The results of the outreach activities showed that there was a change in participants entrepreneurial knowledge, marked by an increase in the average number of pretest and post-test scores...