The Study of the Use of Popular Novels to Improve Reading Interest and English Proficiency (original) (raw)
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Proceeding International Seminar HISKI 2023 “Human Value and Peace Through Literature” , 2024
Films resulting from literary adaptations are mass media that are very popular with the public, including students. Meanwhile, studying literature in Indonesia on average has not been a lesson that brings joy to students (student well being) and many students even don't like literature lessons. Literary ecranization deserves to be an alternative in order to create learning that can attract students to study literature. The aim of this research is to: (1) describe the potential for the expansion of Indonesian literature as a literary learning medium that leads to student well-being; (2) describe the response of the high school student community to the ecranization of literature as a medium for literary learning. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research uses qualitative data in the form of words, sentences, and discourse or images containing educational moral messages in films resulting from literary adaptations. Data collection is through documentation techniques, observation by watching films directly, and in-depth interviews with students and teachers. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive method which included data presentation, data reduction, and data verification/conclusion which was carried out in cyclical form. The results of this research are: (1) the ecranization of Indonesian literature in literature learning has great potential in attracting high school students to like literature lessons; (2) The high school student community is very enthusiastic about participating in learning with literary excrenation as a literary learning medium.
Literature as one of the fascinating lessons for junior high school students
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Literature is written work, especially those considered superior or lasting artistic merit. Literature is one of the important things in the world and life. An assist contention against teaching literature was that modern innovation and social hones within the tall in West had rendered—or were on the point of rendering—reading and composing pitifully obsolete. This research aims to explore the students' understanding of English literature according to the expert and one their knowledge and the necessary type of literature as well. Further, by implementing a descriptive qualitative method design which was aimed to give an original view of variable, indication, or condition. The college student also defined that literature as a guide. And some junior high school student said that literature is an artwork in the form of written phrases that contains the spirit, sighing, etc. They honestly claimed that learning English literature made them increase their knowledge about English lite...
Thrisa Ananda Putri1 , Rina Maryanti2*, 2022
Literacy is important for all people. Especially of student character among junior high schools. This study aims to provide an understanding of how important literacy is in an era that is completely digital. The method used in this study is the media pre-test and posttest. The result of this study are to see how interested junior high school students are in literacy, as well as provide solutions to the results of the pre-test and post test with various programs that the author does. The results of the pre-test and post-test will also determine how literacy affects the character building of junior high school students. The author hopes that this research can make students in particular, become more active in reading. Likewise, the author hopes that the importance of forming the character of junior high school students becomes a real action.
This research was aimed to find out how the condition of students’ interest in reading English novels in Faculty of Letters, Muslim Nusantara University Al-Washliyah. As a student majoring in English Literature, reading novels is one of the activities that must be carried out because most of the subjects given are closely related to centrality, one of which is an English-language novel. This research was conducted at the fifth semester students of the Faculty of Literature at Muslim Nusantara University Al-Washliyah. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The instruments used were observation and interviews. Based on the results of the study it was found that the condition of students’ interest of reading English novels in Faculty of Letters, Muslim Nusantara Al-Washliyah University is very poor. Keywords : Analysis, Reading, Novel
The Context of Languages and Pedagogical Aspects in Teen Lit Novels
Journal of Language and Literature
Teen-lit is one of the teenage novel genres. Teen-lit comes from the word teen and lit which means literature or written works. Teenlit novel means written works made by teenager telling stories revolved in teenagers' life. This research aims at knowing how many and what types of code mixing are found inside the novel, along with the pedagogic aspects in it. The subjects of the research are chick-lit teenlit genre entitled Aviredie by Alline, Grow up! by Sucia Ramadhani, Pertama kalinya! by Sitta Karina and Oppa and I by Orizuka and Lia Indra; and lad-lit teen lit genre entitled Hidden agenda by Jacob Julian, Marmut merah jambu by Raditya Dika, School of chemistry by Al Dhimas. The research method is qualitative method. The research results show that teen-lit mostly use more of outer code mixing in English as their speech rather than inner code mixing in their mother tongue (Indonesia), and mostly contains of social, cultural and moral paedagogic aspects. Educators especially English teacher can use this teen lit novels as one of the teaching materials.
Reading Improvement, 2013
The main purpose of this study is to define the effect of the juvenile fiction on secondary school students' reading skills. In the study; 6th grade students', reading juvenile fiction, attitudes to reading, reading speed, comprehension ability of what's read are examined. The group of students reading juvenile fiction is compared to the ones not reading in terms of reading skills. The research is designed with pre-test and post-test having experimental and control groups. The study is carried out at a secondary school in Kirsehir, Turkey. Achievement Test I which is developed by the researcher and Reading Attitude Scale developed by Ozbay and Uyar (2009) are used in order to define the accreditation of experimental and control group. Reliability analysis of Achievement Test is performed on an eighty students group with KR-20 and the reliability value is defined as 0,61. Moreover, Achievement Test II is developed as a post- test and KR- 20 value is defined as 0,67. The construct validity of the scale is provided by using EFA and CFA analysis on 200 secondary school students. For Cronbach Alpha ratio of Attitude Scale, the result is determined as 0,89. There are 24 students each of the experimental and control groups. Within the scope of the study, the students in the experimental group are made five juvenile fiction read. The acquired data is analyzed with independent t-test technique. Findings reveal that the reading attitudes and reading skill scores of the experimental group are meaningfully different in positive regard. There isn't any meaningful difference observed in the comprehension skills of the experimental and control group.
The 62nd TEFLIN International Conference, Bali, 14-16 September, 2015
Literature is limitless without any boundary. As the products of mankind, literature contributes many aspects of creativity, unspoken feelings, minds even the hidden events. Many common people, scholars, students have changed their mindset to appreciate more about many literary writings nowadays. To see this changes attract me as the English literature lecturer to reveal some benefits while people in common and finally students changes their habbits with reading than busy with the sophisticated gadgets. Literature can't be denied also give contribution to fulfill our passion about humanity. For example: novels as the source of literature masterpiece deliver many themes which represent human beings' problems in the long period till now. This writing tries to show the importance of mastering vocabularies through reading novels in English course for Senior High School Class 10-12 students since the curriculum in our country prefer teaching Structure or Grammar than giving practice in comprehending English through reading novels. There will be a great wish to see students in this level will have great skill in delivering, understanding, enriching vocabularies through reading novels. In the conclusion, the writer denotes through the concept of reading novels as one of the sub-topics in Reading skill will develop students' ability. There must be a strong willing and concept changes of the curriculum to improve the students quality. Both it can be from government as the decision maker, teacher as the direct guidance and mentor in the class and the students as the object of learning.
This study aims to determine the effects of the usage of graphic novels in the teaching of literature in school in Jitra, Kedah. The usage of the graphic novel in the syllabus is still new and needs to be monitored and studied in order to find out the impact it gives towards the learning of Literature in schools. There is a total of 67 respondents from Sekolah Menengah Sultan Abdul Halim, Jitra, Kedah, which were involved in this study. Sixty four of them are the students while the remaining three respondents are the teachers from the same school. The questionnaires were distributed in order to collect the data and interviews with the teachers were conducted there as well. The study reveals the lists of effects that are gained from the teaching of the graphic novel, and also the perception of the teachers towards the material as well. Based on the findings found by the researcher, several implications and recommendations are included in this study for the reference of future researc...
LIBRES, 2017
Background. In the modern competitive age, reading is the cornerstone for success in all academic disciplines. Objectives. The study sought to find out the literature reading habits and preferences of adolescent students, and the promotional tactics of authors to attract these students towards reading. Methods. The data was collected in the Delhi Public School, Srinagar in India, from students of 11th and 12th classes (grades), aged between 14-16 years. A questionnaire survey was administered to 150 students who were systematically sampled. Results. The study found that adolescents of both genders like reading (69% of girls; 65% of boys) on electronic media. Adolescents have varied tastes in reading. Fiction is the most preferred genre of literature read by respondents, followed by non-fiction. However, girls have a greater preference for fiction compared to boys. Similarly boys have a greater preference for non-fiction compared to girls. Among the various genres of fiction, crime/detective is the most read genre, followed by realistic teen fiction. Romance and poetry are more popular among girls, whereas crime/detective, horror, and realistic teen fiction are more popular among boys. For non-fiction, the respondents generally read self-help/personality development books, followed by personalities and historical literature. Boys prefer to read about personalities whereas self-help/personality development is the first preference of girls. To attract adolescents, authors include aggression and violence, romantic language, explicit content (sexuality), and slang/crude language amongst other tactics in their writings (literature).
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature and Education, ICLLE 2019, 22-23 August, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, 2019
This research is a qualitative research, which is research that is concerned with content assessment, to describe the role of parents in Ayah's novel by Andrea Hirata. Data collection techniques include the procedure of reading and understanding Andrea Hirata's Father's novel that has been provided, with the aim of gaining a clear understanding of the novel provided, recording and marking research objects found, and inventorying data related to the role of parents using table-shaped format. Data analysis techniques include the procedure of identifying data, classifying data that has been inventoried according to each problem with examples of table formats, describing data that has been classified according to their respective aspects based on the theory used in research, analyzing data, interpreting data, i.e. interpreting data results to obtain understanding in accordance with the research problem, and conclude the data obtained in the analysis of the previous stage. Based on data analysis in general, it can be concluded that there are 3 types of parental roles found in Andrea Hirata's Father's novel. in the field of education such as maturing, naming, mentoring, teaching skills, caring for and protecting children. The role of parents in the economic field such as supporting children, business development, budget planning and infrastructure procurement at home and at school. The role of parents in the social field is to invite children to work together, tolerance, respect for opinions, responsibilities, confide in and, observe the child's environment.