The Development of Learning Module Environmentally Friendly Technologies Based Creative the Problem Solving (original) (raw)

Development of problem-solving based test instruments to foster the students creative thinking skills on environmental conservation

Jurnal Pijar Mipa

This study aims to obtain data on the feasibility of problem-solving-based test instruments to foster the creative thinking skills of junior high school students on environmental conservation. The method used in this study is Research & Development (R&D) with development procedures according to Sugiyono. This study was conducted in 5 stages: potentials and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, and design revision. The instrument used in this development research is a question validation sheet of material experts, evaluation experts, and expert practitioners. The results showed that based on the assessments of content experts, evaluation experts, and practitioners, scores of 88.4%, 88.6%, and 89.9% were obtained, which were classified in the "Very Feasible" category, respectively. In conclusion, the overall validation of the problem-solving-based test instrument received a score of 88.9%, which belongs to the "Very Feasible" category, so th...

Development of Problem Based Learning Based E-modules in the form of Flipbooks on Environmentally Friendly Technology Materials As an Independent Learning Material for Students Especially Online Learning

Jurnal pendidikan sains Indonesia, 2022

Problem solving skills are important to have in the 21st century. In the online learning period, students are required to be able to learn independently from home. However, in fact the motivation of students' learning has decreased. To facilitate students' self-learning during online learning, improving learning motivation and problem solving skills, teachers need to provide interesting learning materials. Therefore, this research aims to develop self-learning materials in the form of problem based learning e-module flipbooks on Environmentally Friendly Technology materials. This research is research and development with Lee &Owens development model namely analysis, design, development and evaluation. The data collected in the form of qualitative data in the form of comments and suggestions validators and quantitative data in the form of validation scores of material experts, media and readability. The data collection instruments used are material expert validation test sheets, media experts, teachers and readability tests. Data analysis techniques are descriptive analysis. The results showed that the e-module flipbook developed has a succession of feasibility percentages from the validation tests of material experts, media experts and teachers, namely 84.03, 84.62 and 95.00%. Meanwhile, the percentage of readability tests to students was 87.81%. Teachers and students showed a response that the developed flipbook was interesting and suitable for self-learning during the pandemic. It can be concluded that, the e-module flipbook developed falls into the category of very valid (worth using) and excellent. It is expected to test the effectiveness of flipbooks to learning and develop flipbooks for other materials.

Analysis of Students Creative Thinking Ability in Environmental Problem Solving

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

21st century is a period that requires the transformation of life including education in it. Changes that occur include increased interaction between individuals globally, the flood of open information, computing technology that reaches all types of work that can be done anywhere and anytime and the occurrence of cultural integration across borders and even countries. This situation requires individuals to have the resilience to adapt and survive in this century. The quality of teachers in education plays an important role in building various skills of students to face life's demands. Creative thinking skills are one of the competencies needed in this century. Fostering creativity in learning activities is very important to strengthen student resilience in the future. This study aims to provide an overview of students' creative thinking skills on environmental problems. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods. This article begins with the results of an assessment...

Experience of Environmental Education Products Designing


As education advances in digital epoch, the education process becomes adaptive and more and more individual to meet the demands of individual learners. Sustainable development, environmental protection, environmental management and environmental safety are now among the most popular areas of education in order to fulfil the demand in ecological mind formation as an essential soft skill. The article describes the experience of implementation of the results of two Erasmus + projects in 2015-2019 (Trans-Regional Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Usage of Water Resources / Treasure Water» and «Enhancing Competences in Sustainable Waste Management in Universities of Russia and Kazakhstan / EduEnvi) in the network interaction of several universities of Russia and Kazakhstan. The Projects aimed to create the most accessible educational products aimed at obtaining a new competence (EduEnvi), necessary for professional activity and vocational education (Treasure Water) using the capabi...

Effects of Green Skills Module in Design and Technology Subjects on The Student’s Knowledge in Primary School

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Green skills are practical approaches that will help preserve and conserve the environment. This study aims to investigate the effect of using the Green Skills Module (Gs) in Design and Technology (DnT) subjects in the primary school. This is a quantitative study that used Quasi Experimental method of pre-and post-test. The study used cluster sampling to select 62 students in an elementary school. 32 students in the treatment group used the Gs Module while 30 pupils in the control group did not use the Gs Module during a study period of nine weeks. The data were collected through pre-and posttest and analysed using t-test and SPANOVA. The results of the t-test show that there was no significant difference in pre-knowledge test on green skills for treatment groups and control groups, indicating the level of students' knowledge before using the module was at the same level, t=(-1.083) p>0.785. The findings of SPANOVA show significant differences in p<0.05 to knowledge after using Gs Module. Thus, green skills can be integrated into skills-based subjects such as DnT in providing knowledge on green skills.

Developing of Module Challenge Based Learning in Environmental Material to Empower the Critical Thinking Ability

Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA , 2017

This research aimed to compile a product development, knowing the feasibility and knowing the effectiveness of challenge-based learning (CBL) modules in an environmental material to empower the critical thinking ability. The research was a research & development model of Borg & Gall. Validation the product was done by material expert, expert of development and design module, expert of device and evaluation of learning , a linguist and practitioner of learning of Biology. Subject of the research was a student of grade X MIA Islamic State Senior High School Karanganyar. This research results are: (1) module in the form of product module for teachers and students CBL based on environmental material was developed based on CBL syntax and indicators of Fascione's critical thinking that visualized in the objective, material, activities , and evaluation items; (2) appropriateness of module for teachers and student based on CBL environment material according to the validation results of qualified as good until very good; (3) Modules based CBL environmental material is effective to improve the ability of student critical thinking.

The Effectiveness of Science Learning Tools Based on Education Sustainable Development (ESD) to Improve Problem-Solving Skills

IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research, 2021

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of practicing problem-solving skills from ESD-based science learning tools. This research is development research with the ADDIE development model and a one-group pre-test post-test design. Data collection methods using validation and tests. Learning tools in all aspects are stated to be very valid so that they can be implemented. The pre-test average score was 52.96 and the post-test score was 79.84 with an N-gain score of 0.67 in the moderate category. This shows that students can be improve in problem-solving skills with ESD-based learning. Students can improved problem-solving skills in the Lapindo mud phenomenon by integrating the liquid pressure material (Archimedes Law and Bernoulli's Law) with the ESD concept (social, ecological, and economic). In terms of ecology, Lapindo mudflow can be overcome by applying Bernoulli's Law. In the economic sector, the overflowing Lapindo mud can be used as a building material. This is s...

Designing Chemistry Learning Media to Train Ecopreneurship

Journal La Edusci

The purpose of this research is to get the draft chemistry learning media design developed to support ecopreneurship. Ecopreneurship at FMIPA UNESA is broken down into eco-innovation (new ideas), eco opportunities, and eco commitment. Design of this research is giving the assignment to research objectives. The model development research with stages, SMK learning in class, students doing assignments, arrange learning media design, assessing game design, and data analysis. The assignment is compiling a plan for developing instructional media that can be applied in chemistry learning in SMK. That assignment was assessed by 3 experts and the score was averaged. The assessment has been fulfilled if all media plans have met the fulfillment criteria. The innovation of chemistry media was also assessed and has met the innovation when obtaining an average of at least 4 with a maximum scale of 5. This research was conducted at the Department of Chemistry FMIPA UNESA in the odd semester of the...

The Effect of Problem Based Learning Models with Question Cards on Environmental Pollution Materials on Problem Solving Ability, Scientific Attitudes, and Student Learning Outcomes

Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia

Problem solving ability (PSA) is one of the skills that is the focus of the 21st century, besides that scientific attitudes and learning outcomes are also important components that must be possessed by students. This research aims to determine the effect of problem based learing (PBL) with question cards on environmental pollution on PSA, scientific attitudes, and student learning outcomes. The type of research used a quasi-experimental study using a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling used a cluster random sampling technique. Data collection used PSA description questions, scientific attitude questionnaires, and multiple-choice test to measure the learning outcomes. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis, multivariate analysis of variance (Manova) test, and N-gain test. The average results of students in the experimental class were higher than those in the control class. The multivariate analysis of variance test results obtained a Sig. 0.000, ...

Effect of the Problem Based Learning and Double Loop Problem Solving Learning Models on Problem Solving Ability in Term of Creative Thinking on Environmental Pollution Material

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), 2022

This type of research is quasi-experimental research that aims to 1) Determine the influence of problem-based learning (PBL) and Double Loop Problem Solving (DLPS) learning models on improving students' problem-solving ability. 2) Knowing the difference in the problem-solving ability of students with high creative and low creative thinking abilities. 3) Knowing the interaction of PBL and DLPS models with the ability to think creatively about problem solving. The population used in this study was grade VII students of state junior high schools in Lamongan Regency for the 2021/2022 academic year. The samples in this study consisted of 4 classes. The experimental class uses 1 PBL model for as many as two classes, and the experimental class 2 DLPS models for as many as two classes. Data collection using problem-solving ability test instruments and creative thinking test instruments. Hypothesis testing of the study using a two-way anava test with the study's results 1) There was no influence of the PBL and DLPS learning models on improving students' problem-solving ability. 2) there are differences in the problem-solving ability of students with high and low creative thinking abilities. 3) there is no interaction of the PBL and DLPS models with the ability to think creatively about students' problem-solving abilities.