Innovating Airglow: Facilitating the Aeronomy Ecosystem (original) (raw)

Optical measurements of winds in the lower thermosphere

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1988

Saskatoon (60.5 ø N invariant) around the spring equlnox of 1985 with WAMDII coupled to an all-sky lens. With dopplergrams averaged over $ to 30 mln, no evidence was found for persistent ldghly 1ocallzed winds on either of the two nigl•ts studied, one viewing only aurora and one viewing only alrglow. Tl•e nocturnal variation was determlned for both nights using average horizontal wind for the whole all-sky image. The pattern for the auroral case shows winds paraUel to the aurora orientation in the evening but substantial crosswinds near mldnlght. High latitude general circulation models seem to represent tl•is case better than local auroral generation models. Tl•e alrglow case showed eastward winds in the morning sector. INTItODUCTION ature (phase and visibility) called dopplergrams [Shepherd et al., 1984]. WAMDII, the wide-angle Michelson Doppler Measurements of the Doppler shift of the O I 0-nm imaging interferometer, has a field of view of 8 ø, which spectral line by ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers have provided much of the current knowledge of neutral winds in the middle thermosphere. The winds of the lower thermosphere are not nearly as well understood as the "red line winds," and so far only one major study of "green line winds," winds inferred from Fabry-Perot measurements of the O I 557-nm emission, has been reported [Coyyet et al., 1955]. Coyyet et al. [1955] point out that the Fabry-Perot green line measurements are hampered by inconsistencies in the wind vector seen in different parts of the sky, suggesting that the wind field in the 557-nm airglow layer at 97 km as well as in the aurora at 100-180 km is highly localized. Nevertheless, they find some regularity in the green line wind pattern over the course of some nights. These patterns need to be explored further ff we are to understand this region or the coupling of the upper with the lower atmosphere. Allsky images of the wind field via the 557-nm emission line can help to distinguish between background (hundreds of kilometers scale size) and local (tens of kilometers) winds, and hence provide significant information on lower thcrmosphere dynamics. One imaging interferometer that has been used is the makes it compatible with an all-sky lens. The dopplergrams taken through such a lens at 557 nm at Saskatoon provide the means to investigate the degree of fine structure in the wind field, and on further analysis, to determine the average horizontal wind field as a function of local time in the lower thermosphere in the vicinity of the auroral oval. We find that the all-sky dopplergrams for the 557-nm emission are consistent with a uniform wind field over the station, for spatial resolutions of 10-100 km and temporal resolutions of 3-30 n-•. WAMDII is intended for flight as a shuttle attached payload, where it will be used mainly in a limb-viewing mode. These data not only help evaluate the capability for flight measurements, but provide useful ground-based data and suggest ways in which WAMDII can be best used on the ground and in space.

100 Years of Progress in Atmospheric Observing Systems

Meteorological Monographs, 2018

Although atmospheric observing systems were already an important part of meteorology before the American Meteorological Society was established in 1919, the past 100 years have seen a steady increase in their numbers and types. Examples of how observing systems were developed and how they have enabled major scientific discoveries are presented. These examples include observing systems associated with the boundary layer, the upper air, clouds and precipitation, and solar and terrestrial radiation. Widely used specialized observing systems such as radar, lidar, and research aircraft are discussed, and examples of applications to weather forecasting and climate are given. Examples drawn from specific types of chemical measurements, such as ozone and carbon dioxide, are included. Sources of information on observing systems, including other chapters of this monograph, are also discussed. The past 100 years has been characterized by synergism between societal needs for weather observation...

Alis, a state-of-the-art optical observation network for the exploration of polar atmospheric processes

Advances in Space Research, 2000

An optical group at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Kiruna, Sweden has been developing the ALIS (Aurora1 Large Imaging System) multi-station optical observing network which makes it possible to obtain composite monochromatic 2-D images over a fairly wide field-of-view (FOV), and more interestingly, a CT (Computed Tomography) image set for the retrieval of 3-D structure of aurora by adjusting vergence angles of cameras to a common volume. National Institute of Polar Research, Japan is collaborating in observation and analysis. At the moment, the network has 6 stations separated from each other by about 50 km. Each station houses a monochromatic CCD (Charge Coupled Device) imaging system mounted on the steerable azimuth/elevation drive along with a house keeping unit and supervising computer linked to the control center via a telephone Iine. Altitude profiles of luminosity for stable arc and aurora vortex at 557.7nm and recently at 427&m are analysed by the algebraic reconstruction technique and compared with sophisticated numerical modelling of aurora1 emission rate. Conjunctions with satellites and radars are now intensively explored towards comprehensive understanding of the formation and electrodynamics of aurora. Imaging of polar stratospheric clouds is also attempted in relation to arctic environmental studies. 0 2000 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

WINDII - The wind imaging interferometer on the UARS spacecraft

31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1993

This joint project, sponsored by the Canadian Space Agency and the French Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, in collaboration with NASA, has the responsibility of measuring the global wind pattern at the top of the altitude range covered by UARS. WINDII measures wind, temperature and emission rate over the altitude range 80 to 300 km by using the visible region airglow emission from these altitudes as a target. A sequence of phase-stepped images is processed to derive the wind velocity for two orthogonal view directions, yielding the vector horizontal wind. The results of validation are described, and preliminary results an daytime upper atmospheric winds, atomic oxygen distribution at night and noctilucent clouds are presented.

CIAO: the CNR-IMAA advanced observatory for atmospheric research

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2011

Long-term observations of aerosol and clouds are of crucial importance to understand the weather climate system. At the Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IMAA) an advanced atmospheric observatory, named CIAO, is operative. CIAO (CNR-IMAA Atmospheric Observatory) main scientific objective is the long term measurement for the climatology of aerosol and cloud properties. Its equipment addresses the state-of-the-art for the ground-based remote sensing of aerosol, water vapour and clouds including active and passive sensors, like lidars, ceilometers, radiometers, and a radar. This paper describes the CIAO infrastructure, its scientific activities as well as the observation strategy. The observation strategy is mainly organized in order to provide quality assured measurements for satellite validation and model evaluation and to fully exploit the synergy and integration of the active and passive sensors for the improvement of atmospheric profiling. Data quality is ensured both by the application of protocols and dedicated quality assurance programs mainly related to the projects and networks in which the infrastructure is involved. The paper also introduces examples of observations performed at CIAO and of the synergies and integration algorithms (using Raman lidar and microwave profiler data) developed and implemented at the observatory for the optimization and improvement of water vapour profiling. CIAO database represents an optimal basis to study the synergy between different sensors and to investigate aerosol-clouds interactions, and can give a significant contribution to the validation programs of the incoming new generation satellite missions.

First measurement of horizontal wind and temperature in the lower thermosphere (105-140 km) with a Na Lidar at Andes Lidar Observatory

Geophysical Research Letters

We report the first measurement of nighttime atmospheric temperature and horizontal wind profiles in the lower thermosphere up to 140 km with the Na lidar at Andes Lidar Observatory in Cerro Pachón, Chile (30.25 ∘ S, 70.74 ∘ W), when enhanced thermospheric Na was observed. Temperature and horizontal wind were derived up to 140 km using various resolutions, with the lowest resolution of about 2.7 hr and 15 km above 130 km. Thus, the measurements span 60 km in vertical, more than double the traditional 25 km. On the night of 17 April 2015, the horizontal wind magnitude in the thermosphere exceeds 150 ms −1 , consistent with past rocket measurements. The meridional wind shows a clear transition from the diurnal-tide-dominant mesopause to the semidiurnal-tide-dominant lower thermosphere. A lidar with a 100 times the power aperture product will be able to measure wind and temperature above 160 km and cover longer time span, providing key measurements for the study of atmosphere-space interactions in this region.

The Stratospheric Wind Interferometer for Transport studies


The Stratospheric Wind Interferometer For Transport studies (SWIFT) is an instrument intended to measure winds to an accuracy of 5 m s-1 or better in the stratosphere, during both day and night, as well as ozone concentrations. It is based on WINDII, the WIND Imaging Interferometer on the UARS satellite, but there are a number of important differences. WINDII operated in the visible region, with widely-spaced airglow emission lines, a field-widened Michelson intefferometer that uses glass combinations to provide thermal stability, and a CCD detector. SWIFT uses the thermal emission from an ozone line near 8.9 gm, a region in which the choice of refractive materials is very limited. Through a careful search for a suitable line several were found of appropriate strength that were adequately isolated, but only with a combination of etalon filters. Fortunately, HgCdTe array detectors are available so the detector is not a problem. By measuring both winds and ozone concentration it is possible to measure ozone fluxes. SWIFT will study ozone transport, transport across the subtropical mixing barrier, equatorial dynamics and data assimilation. The latter is an important tool for the execution of the scientific objectives.

Global-scale atmosphere monitoring by in-service aircraft – current achievements and future prospects of the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS

Tellus B, 2015

The European Research Infrastructure IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System) operates a global-scale monitoring system for atmospheric trace gases, aerosols and clouds utilising the existing global civil aircraft. This new monitoring infrastructure builds on the heritage of the former research projects MOZAIC (Measurement of Ozone and Water Vapour on Airbus In-service Aircraft) and CARIBIC (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container). CARIBIC continues within IAGOS and acts as an important airborne measurement reference standard within the wider IAGOS fleet. IAGOS is a major contributor to the in-situ component of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), the successor to the Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security Á Atmospheric Service, and is providing data for users in science, weather services and atmospherically relevant policy. IAGOS is unique in collecting regular in-situ observations of reactive gases, greenhouse gases and aerosol concentrations in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere (UTLS) at high spatial resolution. It also provides routine vertical profiles of these species in the troposphere over continental sites or regions, many of which are undersampled by other networks or sampling studies, particularly in Africa, Southeast Asia and South America. In combination with MOZAIC and CARIBIC, IAGOS has provided long-term observations of atmospheric chemical composition in the UTLS since 1994. The longest time series are 20 yr of temperature, H 2 O and O 3 , and 9Á15 yr of aerosols, CO, NO y , CO 2 , CH 4 , N 2 O, SF 6 , Hg, acetone, Â30 HFCs and Â20 non-methane hydrocarbons. Among the scientific highlights which have emerged from these data sets are observations of extreme concentrations of O 3 and CO over the Pacific basin that have never or rarely been recorded over the Atlantic region for the past 12 yr; detailed information on the temporal and regional distributions