Is the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Principles Capable of Improving Company Performance? (Study at Sharia Commercial Banks in Bandung City, Indonesia) (original) (raw)

Analysis of Company Performance using the Balanced Scorecard Method at PD. BPR Bank PasarBangli Regency

ABSTRACT: This study aims to measure and analyze the performance of PD. BPR Bank Pasar Bangli Regency uses the Balanced Scorecard method. This research was conducted in PD. BPR Bank Pasar Bangli Regency. The number of samples taken is a customer sample of 100 people and a sample of 44 employees, using probability sampling method, especially simple random sampling. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The company’s performance from a financial perspective shows very good category. The Company’s performance from a customer perspective has been very good. Company performance in terms of internal business process perspective PD. BPR Bank Pasar Bangli Regencyshowed a good performance. The company’s performance from a learning and growth perspective has shown very good results. Overall company performance using the Balanced Scorecard method shows very good category. This research is expected to be used as a reference for PD. BPR Bank Pasar Bangli Regencyto plan the right strategy in the future. KEYWORDS: perfomance, company performance, balanced scorecard

Sharia Corporate Governance and Reputation Effects on Customer Trust in Islamic Bank (Survey on BJB Syariah KCP Cimahi)

Review of Islamic Economics and Finance, 2019

The city of Cimahi is ranked the lowest in wealth and deposits compared to eight cities in West Java Province and this is what confirms that the level of public trust in Islamic banks is still low. Another factor that causes low customer confidence is that the Sharia Corporate Governance has not been maximized, as evidenced by IRTI's research results showing that GCG implementation has not been implemented well in Islamic banks in various countries and failure to apply sharia principles to 85%. Sharia Corporate Governance (SCG) is a combination of two theories, namely Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and the theory of Sharia Compliance. The implementation of SCG in Islamic banks is based on six principles, namely transparency, accountability, accountability, professionalism and fairness and implementation of compliance shariah. Sharia Corporate Governance (SCG) can also be referred to as a system, regulation, and process used to realize a compliance culture in managing Islamic banking risk as well as monitoring, regulating and encouraging its performance efficiently so as to generate sustainable added value for stakeholders in the long term in accordance with sharia principles. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of SCG and reputation on customer trust in Islamic banks. The population in this study is the customer of BJB Syariah KCP Cimahi. The sampling technique in this study was simple random sampling with a sample of 210 respondents. The method used in this research is explanatory method. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression method. The results of the research designation that the implementation of Sharia Corporate Governance and reputation simultaneously affect customer trust and this will have an impact on increasing the market share of Islamic banks.

Effect of Islamic corporate governance on customer trust: empirical study on Islamic bank

Asian Journal of Islamic Management (AJIM), 2020

This study aims to analyze the effect of Islamic corporate governance and shariah compliance on customer trust in Islamic bank. Methodology: The research method used is a quantitative method with random sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Findings: The results of the study show that (1) out of the five principles of GCG (transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness) only transparency has a positive effect on customer trust as indicated by a significance value of 0.047. (2) shariah compliance has a positive effect on customer trust, besides that shariah compliance is a very large indicator contributing to increase customer trust, indicated by a significance value of 0,000. Originality: As far as we are concerned, only a few publications examined the effect of Islamic corporate governance and shariah compliance on customer trust in Islamic bank.

Performance analysis of bank Bukopin Syariah Surabaya with the balance scorecard approach

Enrichment : Journal of Management

This study aims to determine the performance of Bank Syariah Bukopin with the Balanced Scorecard approach. This type of research used is descriptive quantitative. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, questionnaires and interviews. The sampling technique for customers uses a probability sample selection technique. The type of method used is purposive sampling. The research was conducted at Bank Bukopin Syariah by taking financial data from 2021 to 2022 to analyze a financial perspective and conduct interviews to analyze internal business process perspectives. Researchers also used questionnaires distributed to customers and employees in sampling to analyze customer perspectives and learning and growth. In this study the variable used was performance measurement with the balanced scorecard which included four aspects, namely financial perspective, customer perspective, growth perspective and learning perspective. Bukopin's Sharia bank performance, namely the...

1 Measuring the Banking Performance Based on Balanced Scorecard for Conventional (State) Banks in Indonesia


This study, we measured of banking performance based on four perspectives balanced scorecard namely job satisfaction, internal business process, customer satisfaction and financial, where each variable is affected by the five indicators as follows: (1) Job satisfaction is affected by indicator achievement, recognition, work It’s self, responsibility and advancement. (2) Internal business process is affected by the operating indicator of queuing systems, speed and responsiveness staff, staff skills and competence, customer complaints and self services technology. (3) Customer satisfaction is influenced by the indicator tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. (4) Perspective financial consists of capital adequacy ratio, productive asset quality, earnings, liquidity and sensitivity. Research result the performance of conventional bank as follows: Firstly, partially that job satisfaction, internal business process and customer satisfaction has a very strong relati...

Company Performance Measurement Concepts Balance Scorecard (BSC)

European Journal of Business and Management, 2020

This study aims to measure Company Performance with the concept of Balance Scorecard (Case Study of PT Hutama Karya Infrastruktur). The type of sampling chosen in this study is with unlimited subjects. The results showed that (1) IPRs have increased financial performance since the transformation from 2016 to 2018 in terms of profitability, namely the Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) ratio, based on the customer's perspective, it is known that customers are satisfied with IPR performance, based on the internal business perspective, is known that IPR has formulated various company policies, especially in terms of production and finance, from the perspective of learning and growth, it is known that employees are satisfied with the policies made by IPR and (2) based on the results of the SWOT analysis, it is known that PT Hutama Karya Infrastruktur needs to establish an aggressive business development strategy through business diversification, both horizontally and...

Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepercayaan Merek terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (Studi pada Nasabah Produk Penghimpun Dana Bank Bni Syariah Kantor Cabang Pekanbaru)


This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and brand trust on customer satisfaction in customers of Bank BNI Syariah funds product Pekanbaru Branch Office partially and simultaneously. This study uses questionnaires as a means of collecting data distributed to 100 customers of funds collecting products Bank BNI Syariah Pekanbaru Branch Office. Data from the questionnaire was further processed using descriptive analysis and statistical analysis using SPSS 17.0 by performing validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear analysis, coefficient of determination analysis, and hypothesis test consisting of t test (partial) and F test (Simultaneous).The results showed that the results of the first hypothesis testing is service quality to customer satisfaction showed t count (5,436) > t table (1,984), it means service quality significantly influence customer satisfaction. The result of second hypothesis testing is brand trust to custom...

Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Kualitas Produk dan Nilai Nasabah Terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Nasabah Bank Mandiri

Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 2009

The objectives of this study is to measure customer level of satisfaction and loyalty toward banking service in East Java. This study is categorized as survey research with descriptive analysis method by taking sample from population and using questionnaire as the main data-collecting instrument. The population in this research is all customers of Mandiri Bank in East Java. The respondents are chosen by using probability sampling and systematic random sampling techniques. The research sample is chosen randomly for the first data whereas the following is using certain interval. The results of analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) model are: (1) Service quality has positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. (2) Product quality has positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. (3) Value for customer has positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. (4) Customer satisfaction has positive, significant influence to customer loyalty. (5) Service quality has negative, significant influence on customer loyalty. (6) Product quality has negative, significant influence on customer loyalty. Value for customer has positive, significant influence on customer loyalty. (8) Theoretical finding leading to the theory developed is service quality has negative, significant influence on customer loyalty. But significant influence on customer satisfaction. And product quality has negative, significant influence on customer loyalty. But positive, significant influence on customer loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction.

Designing the Balanced Scorecard Weighton Syariah Bank Branchesthrough Performance Measurement(An Empirical Study on Bank Syariah Mandiri)


The objective of the study is to design the appropriate weight for each balanced scorecard perspectiv s (financial, customer, internal-business process, and learning and growth). To achjve that objective, this study is trying to analyze the relationships between balanced scorecard perspectives with organizational and managerial performance. There ore this study has two hypotheses, first the BSC usage is positively associated with or anizational performance . Secondly, the BSC usage is positively associated with managerial performance. In order to test the hypotheses, this study used the Structural Equation Model by AMOS 4.0. This study analyze managers in Bank Syariah Mandiri as the respondents. There were 51 respondents from all of Indonesia were used in this study which are consists of branch managers, operational managers and marketing managers, and questionnaires Were sent by amail. Using Structural Equation Model (SEM), the results of study indicated that each perspective has d...