Seven prostate cancer susceptibility loci identified by a multi-stage genome-wide association study (original) (raw)

Author contribution RAE and DFE designed the study, and are joint PIs on the GWAS. RAE is PI of the UKGPCS and project managed the overall study. ZKJ, RAE, DFE and AA wrote the paper, ZKJ coordinated and managed the Stage 3 and the PRACTICAL Stage 4 genotyping. ZKJ, DAL, MT, EJS, NM coordinated sample collation for Stage 3 and the PRACTICAL Stage 4 set genotyped in the UK. AA and DFE performed the statistical analyses; SB collated the dataset. GGG, JH, DRE, and GS are PIs of the Australian studies; and MS manages the molecular work. JS is PI of the Tampere study; TW collected clinical data, performed sample selection, and collated data. TLT coordinated sample collection. MW is the PI of the CPCS1 and 2 studies, PK, BGE, MAR, ATH and SEB have collected samples data and contributed to genotyping of this study. FCH, DN and JD are joint PIs of ProtecT; AL is study coordinator and MD the data base manager. AC assisted with sample selection, retrieval and processing. DA and JV are PIs of the ATBC Study, and were responsible for the original collection of the ATBC DNA samples. SC was responsible for assembly and genotyping. SIB is the PI of the PLCO study, AG is the PI for St. Louis screening centre for PLCO, and MY oversaw the genotyping for PLCO. HB is PI of the ESTHER study; DR, CS contributed to design and data collection; HM is study coordinator. CC and JL of the Poland study coordinated sample collection. CC and DWgenotyped the samples. CM and WV are PIs of the Ulm study. AER identified and collected clinical material/processed samples/undertook genotyping/ collated data for Ulm. TD is PI of the Hannover Prostate Cancer Study; AM and JS coordinated sample collation, provided molecular advice and conducted molecular work. JLD is PI of the Tasprac study: JRM led the Tasmanian genotyping and collated data; BP provided molecular advice assistance with collating data. PK coordinated data collection and management for the HPFS. TØ and KDS are PIs of the Aarhus study. MB coordinated sample collection and registration of clinical data. KDS led the sample genotyping. TK is PI of the EPIC-Oxford cohort and collected clinical material. RT collated data. SMG and MJT are PIs of the ACS CPS-II study, WRD is the data manager for this study. BEH and LL are PIs of the MEC; CH and FS are CI. YJL and HWZ are joint PIs of CHSH; YJL is study coordinator and HWZ participates and closely supervised the CHSH study. JLS is PI of the Fred Hutchinson study and EAO is PI of the NHGRI genotyping for PROGRESS; LMF and JSK coordinated data collation. SAI is PI of the USC study, EMJ is PI of the NCCC study; MCS and RC led the genotyping of both studies. SNT and DS are PIs of the Mayo clinic study; SKD coordinated data collation. JYP is PI of the Moffitt study, TAS and HYL are contributors to this study. JAC, ABS are PIs of the molecular genetics arm of the ProsCan study, and with JB and FL co-ordinated all risk factor data and genetic data collection for prostate cancer cases from Proscan, the Brisbane Retrospective Study, the Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource Brisbane node, and controls from two Queensland control sets. SC, JA and RAG are PIs of the Proscan study and were responsible for the original platform study initiation, conceptualisation and collection of the Proscan study cases. 60 , Vanio Mitev 45 , The UK Genetic Prostate Cancer Study Collaborators/British Association of Urological Surgeons' Section of Oncology 61 , The UK ProtecT Study Collaborators 61 , The PRACTICAL Consortium 61 ,