Cheese Production in Kars under Russian Rule / Kars'ta Peynir Üretimi 1878-1918 (original) (raw)
Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences
XIX кылымдын 60-жылдарынан баштап Кыргызстандын учурдагы аймактары Россия империясынын курамына каратылган. Ошондуктан Кыргызстандын ветеринария тармагынын XIX кылымдын акырындагы жана XX кылымдын башындагы абалы Россия империясынын ветеринария тармагынын өнүгүү тарыхы менен тыгыз байланыштуу. Бул макаланын максаты – Түркстандын Жети-Суу областынын Пишпек жана Пржевальский уездериндеги ветеринария тармагынын 1868 1917-жылдардагы абалын Россия империясынын ветеринариясынын калыптануусунун жана өнүгүүсүнүн биринчи этабына салыштырып иликтөө болуп саналат. Изилдөөлөрдүн жыйынтыгында төмөндөгүдөй маалыматтар алынды: XIX кылымдын 70-жылдарына чейин Түркстанда эле эмес, Россиянын Европалык бөлүгүндө дагы “ветеринардык врач” термини көпчүлүк калкка белгисиз болгон. 1879-жылы Түркстан аймагына бодонун көк көйнөгү (чума, Morbillivirus infectious disease, pestis bovum) жугуштуу ылаӊы жайылып, Россия өкмөтү ылаңды жоюу боюнча практикалык чараларды кабыл алып, каражат бөлүп, ветеринардык адисте...
Kafkaslarda Rus-Osmanlı Mücadelesi, 1826
Rusya'nın modernleşmeye başlayarak büyüme devrine girdiği XVIII. yüzyıl Osmanlı devletinin çözülme süreciyle aynı zaman dilimine denk geldiğinden iki devlet arasında ilerleyen süreçte meydana gelen siyasî ve askerî mücadeleler çoğunlukla Osmanlı devletinin aleyhine sonuçlanınca bilhassa sınırlardaki yerleşimler, devletlerin birbirleriyle barış sürecinde oldukları dönemlerde bile savaşları aratmayacak sıkıntılara/mücadelelere sahne olmuşlardır. Anahtar kelimeler: Osmanlı Devleti, Rusya, Kafkasya, Kars, Sınır. Aygün, Necmettin, Russo-Ottoman Struggle in Caucasia and Infringements of Frontier Surroundings Kars, CTAD, 3/6, Fall 2007, 90-116.
Pirotski zbornik
The "Težak" magazine, published by the Serbian Agricultural Society from 1869 to 1941, was a scientific, professional and popular science literature considering the field of agriculture, housekeeping and culinary art, where authors used to publish their field data collection based papers and where one part of entire articles included Pirot region as well. Creating a theoretical basis for the important segment of intangible heritage of Pirot region - the gastroheritology, one part of the research represents a review of already published material, which's very important part are articles of the aforementioned magazine. Between 1880. and 1940, nine different-approach articles were published, all of them representing an important theoretical aspect in traditional agriculture and local food culture research. Agricultural production circumstances in Pirot region after liberation from the Turks are depicted in the articles as well as pasturing and the kachkavalj producing pra...
Новейшая история России, 2022
This article examines problems of selling Russian sugar in Persia towards the end of the Russian Empire’s existence during the first decades of the 20th century. The article clarifies Russian sugar exporters’ achievements and what problems they faced promoting their products on the Persian market. The source base made it possible to establish the dynamics of export indicators, the specifics of the price situation, and consumers’ demands in Persia for this period. The author examines the peculiarities of the sale of Russian sugar in the northern and southern regions of the country and the competitive advantages of the two rival powers, Russia and France. Special attention is paid to the issue of sugar sales in Persia during World War I: problems faced by sugar exporters and the project to introduce a sugar monopoly in Persia. The analysis leads to conclusions about the dynamic development of Russian sugar exports to Persia. Thanks to the simultaneous efforts by the Russian government and Russian business circles, the Russian Empire was able to monopolize the North Persian sugar market and achieve certain gains in the markets of southern Persia. A decisive role in this matter was played by the government’s initiative, thanks to which a regular sea connection with the ports of the Persian Gulf was established, as well as the opportunity to sell Russian sugar at competitive prices. It is also important that government measures were carried out in parallel with the growing activity of Russian entrepreneurs, who were engaged in the production and export of sugar to the large Middle East market. В статье анализируется проблема продажи российского сахара в Персии в позднеимперский период. Выясняется, каких результатов добились российские сахарные экспортеры и с какими проблемами они сталкивались при продвижении своей продукции на персидском рынке. Источниковую базу исследования составили материалы дореволюционной еженедельной газеты «Вестник сахарной промышленности», архивные документы и публицистические работы, позволившие установить динамику экспортных показателей, особенности ценовой конъюнктуры и специфику потребительских запросов в Персии в период 1900-1917 гг. Автор рассматривает отдельно особенности реализации русского сахара в северных и южных районах страны, выясняет конкурентные преимущества двух соперничавших здесь держав - России и Франции. Особое внимание уделяется вопросу продажи сахара в Персии в годы Первой мировой войны: проблемам, с которыми столкнулись сахарные экспортеры, и содержанию проекта по введению сахарной монополии в Персии. Проведенный анализ позволил прийти к выводу о динамичном развитии русского сахарного экспорта в Персию. Благодаря усилиям со стороны как правительственных, так и предпринимательских кругов, Российская империя смогла монополизировать северо-персидский сахарный рынок и добиться определенных результатов в освоении рынков южной Персии. Решающую роль в данном вопросе сыграла правительственная инициатива, благодаря которой было установлено регулярное морское сообщение с портами Персидского залива, а также достигнута возможность продавать русский сахар по конкурентным ценам. Важно при этом отметить и то, что правительственные мероприятия проводились параллельно со все возраставшей активностью российских предпринимателей, осуществлявших производство и вывоз сахара на крупный средневосточный рынок.
KURDISH ISSUE AND TURKISH POLITICS (late XX - beginning of XXI cc) (in Russian)
KURDISH ISSUE AND TURKISH POLITICS (from late XX c. to beginning of XXI c) (in Russian), 2007
At the end of the XX century the problem of functional re-thinking of ethnic contradictions took much of attention in the scientific and political life in many countries. The general factors that have determined and shaped the specific ethno-national development of many Eastern countries are usually considered as diversity and combination of various social structures - from tribal to mature forms of market relations avoiding discourse of ethnic processes led by non-state actors in contrdiction to the state actor activities towards integration and "nation building", establishment of modern political institutions, shaping political elites. We should not discount also those external factors and actors, whose role has increased with the intensification of international relations. Being a typical example of a Nation-state, Turkey purposefully pursued a policy of implementing a national and at the same time specific ideology, where, in fact, the "nation-state" as a community is the highest value, almost a sacred symbol in a common set of values. The Turkish national doctrine still postulates of Kemalism view of a nation as an entire existence of the state have turned into a kind of dogma and in many ways have become a stumbling block and the cause of the confrontation between the Turks and the Kurds appealing to their national rights. Since the beginning of the 80s, after the last military coup d'Etat Turkey found itself in the epicenter of an intractable conflict, with guerilla war as a clean manifestation of it, led by armed Kurdish rebels mostly assosiated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party ( PKK, Partiya Karkaren Kurdistan). It is sufficient to say that already in the mid-nineties in the east of the country, where historically Kurds lived compactly turned the conflict inter-ethnic in nature, into a real civil war, which the Turkish authorities persistently called an "anti-terrorist operation." The PKK at this backgound for those Kurds living in the country's southeastern region has become the main force of rising Kurdish nationalism. The last decade of the twentieth century has become very stormy with events related to one or another form of political actions of the Kurds of Turkey (or more precisely, the most politically active part of them), whose demands ranged from complete independence from Turkey in the eastern regions of the country to the recognition of cultural rights. Turkey has become a target of criticism by European democracies, which drew the attention of the world community to the violation of human rights in this country. In view of Turkey's intention to join EC, these "remarks" insisted on revision of the whole range of relations with the Kurds in the country. From the point of view of the such democratic concepts recognized in EC and USA, the situation with the Kurds inTurkey seemed strange and sometimes difficult to be explained. The Kurdish question has a long history and is expressed primarily in determining the political status of the people for their own statehood. Within the chronological framework that is included in the title of this book, Kurdish nationalism in Turkey has reached the highest point of its rise. Soon after the 1980 coup d'état, the "Kurdish issue" became the most painful problem in the country's internal life. The restriction of civil liberties, as well as the continuation of the policy of a complete ban on any manifestation of Kurdish identity (language, proper names, names of settlements), combined with poverty of the southeast of the country provoked armed resistance let by the Kurdish rebels , which has become a destabilizing factor in the country's political life at the end of the twentieth century. Despite the dramatic nature of events, during this period for the first time in the history of Turkey, signs of a more or less realistic approach to solving the Kurdish issue have appeared.
Россия Империясининг Туркистондаги аграр сиёсатининг моҳияти ва асосий йўналишлари
Society and innovations, 2022
This article examines how agriculture played a leading role in the economy of Central Asia. The Russian Empire was extremely interested in full control over water use and land use in the agrarian Turkestan region. And also, in increasing the timely payment of taxes from the agricultural sector. First of all, attention was paid to the system of land ownership and land use. The agrarian issue was considered a priority, not only economically, but also politically. It was very important for the tsarist government to establish its influence over the population in order to supervise the order of land ownership, given that the lands were the main source of food for the local population.