European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development , Validation and Roll Out Work Package 08 JRA 2-Co-Simulation based Assessment Methods Deliverable D 8 . 1 D-JRA 2 . 1 Simulator coupling and Smart Grid libraries (original) (raw)
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Smart grid lab research in Europe and beyond
International Journal of Energy Research, 2019
In this survey, the objective is to identify current trends in the smart grid research by exploring the work carried out in numerous smart grid labs worldwide. For this purpose, a large number of smart grid labs are identified, and a short description of their activities is given. Fifty-eight out of the 75 identified labs are located in Europe. Smart grid research is divided into categories, which represent popular topics of research in the field. The predominant category of research is identified to be generation and distributed energy resources (Gen & DER) with 91% of the labs conducting research in this field. Aggregated information is presented regarding the labs, providing a clear idea of the topics of research carried out. Connections between different topics of research are presented, which reveal synergies or collaboration gaps among various smart grid topics. Grid management and Gen & DER and energy storage and Gen & DER have been found to be popular combinations of topics with 55 labs active in both, respectively. In addition, we provide insights on the entities at which research is targeted and consider the evolution of publications produced by the labs on the different categories. An overall increase in publications was observed over the past 11 years in virtually all categories of smart grid research with the most published scientific papers in Gen & DER and electromobility. Collaborations between research institutes have been analyzed, pointing out existing joint research conducted and the huge potential to explore synergies between institutes further. Our work is useful in order to identify the smart grid areas where research is focusing on. This gives a clear picture of potential synergies between labs for knowledge sharing and enhancing their research efforts.
SmartGridLab: A Laboratory-Based Smart Grid Testbed
Abstract—The evolution of traditional electricity grid into a state-of-the-art Smart Grid will need innovation in a number of dimensions: seamless integration of renewable energy sources, management of intermittent power supplies, realtime demand response, energy pricing strategy etc. The grid configuration will change from the central broadcasting network into a more distributed and dynamic network with two-way energy transmission.
A Review of Recent Development in Smart Grid and Micro Grid Laboratories
IEEE, 2012
In recent decades, smart grid have become increasingly attractive to both energy producers and consumers. Amongst the main challenges for the successful realization of smart grid includes the integration of renewable energy resources, real time demand response and management of intermittent energy resources. Apart from smart grid, the development of micro-grids should take into consideration of issues such as the system performance, modeling, monitoring and controlling of the micro-grids. In particular, the recent advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) could facilitate the effective development of the future micro-grid system. This paper presents an overview of smart grids features and highlights the recent development of micro-grid laboratories in Europe, US and Japan.
Development and application of a smart grid test bench
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017
The current upward trend in large-scale integration of distributed energy resources (DER) in distribution networks has fueled interest in knowing their power quality issues (PQ), even in nearly realtime scale when possible. This trend involves researching new protection strategies that contribute to the reduction of supply interruptions times, which will ultimately result in greater energy efficiency. Based
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
The process of advancement and validation of smart grid technologies and systems calls for the availability of diverse expertise and resources. In response to this consideration, the Virtual Smart Grid Lab (VSGL) was developed as described in this paper. At the core of the VSGL is a novel communication platform for seamlessly connecting geographically distributed laboratories with distinct competences. The platform has the dual purpose of opening access to resources of remote partner laboratory sites and offering the capability to emulate, analyze, and test smart grid communication networks involved in linking the distributed laboratory resources. The VSGL implementation is validated through a use case, in which the resources of R&D laboratories in three European countries are connected to form an aggregated system of distributed energy resources. The operation of the latter was coordinated through an energy management system based on model predictive control (MPC). The VSGL was found to be very suitable to meet the communication-specific requirements of such type of study. In addition, for this particular case the effectiveness of the MPC subject to diverse implementations of communication links was substantiated. systems of DER not only depend on intelligent data management and smart controls, but also on fast, secure, and reliable communication [4][5]. At the same time, to overcome additional hurdles for the implementation of smart grid technology, the underlying infrastructure should be flexible and affordable. It may integrate existing means of communication techniques and facilities, such as generalpurpose networks [6] or power line communication [7][8]. Determining a most suitable solution, also in terms of applied protocols and standards [9], can be challenging both from an economical and an application-specific point of view. While in some cases the deployment of state-of-the-art wireless technologies may be desirable [10][11], other applications that require higher data rates and shorter delay times call for dedicated physical connections realized by coaxial cables or optical fibers. Furthermore, different types of data traffic constitute different requirements for the applied communication solution [12]. The availability of laboratory testbeds for the application-specific validation of smart grid communication can be very helpful in making decisions on technology choices. A further challenge is the development of concepts and use cases in the area of smart grids and decentralized energy management systems. A phase of dedicated simulation and testing prior to actual implementation helps to detect and prevent potential faults that can compromise services or security of supply. In this context, the integration of multi-energy concepts [13] as well as renewable and distributed energy resources [14][15][16] becomes more important. The rising complexity of such systems and challenges in corresponding research and development make
The integration of smart grid technologies in interconnected power system networks presents multiple challenges for the power industry and the scientific community. To address these challenges, researchers are creating new methods for the validation of: control, interoperability, reliability of Internet of Things systems, distributed energy resources, modern power equipment for applications covering power system stability, operation, control, and cybersecurity. Novel methods for laboratory testing of electrical power systems incorporate novel simulation techniques spanning real-time simulation, Power Hardware-in-the-Loop, Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop, Power System-in-the-Loop, and co-simulation technologies. These methods directly support the acceleration of electrical systems and power electronics component research by validating technological solutions in high-fidelity environments. In this paper, members of the Survey of Smart Grid International Research Facility Network task ...
National Laboratory of Smart Grids (LAB+i) at the National University of Colombia-Bogota Campus
This paper describes the design and implementation of the National Laboratory of Smart Grids in the University Campus (LAB+i) with the real-time integration of electricity, water and/or gas systems through six layers of Smart Grids that allow to make measurement of a process, local or remote communication in order to be integrated to the supervision and management system. Likewise in the following layers of the LAB+i, information management processes, decision making, modeling of systems and processes that enable the development of optimum efficiency and productivity applications are made. LAB+i is designed as a testing platform of technologies associated with Smart Grids, developing prototypes of measurement systems and communication drivers related to Smart Grids for Smart Cities. Finally, the research capacities, technology and innovation development are presented, which the LAB+i laboratory would allow to include the incorporation of local business pilot projects to be optimized, adaptive technology testing, evaluation of local environmental conditions and their requirements. Index Terms-Smart Grids, distributed resources, sustainability, information and communication technologies (ICTs), Common Information Model (CIM), demand management, energy efficiency, productivity, smart cities.
State of the Art Smart Grid Laboratories - A Survey about Software Use
In the course of over a year, we have researched, structured and formulated the software needs of smart grid laboratories. With the aim to identify central common needs and requirements to support a "next generation" of Smart Grid laboratories, we held international workshops, carried out exploratory feasibility studies, structured our ideas into formal use cases and carried out surveys. Intended as a State of the Art assessment, this report is among the first conceived in the project. The survey questionnaire was motivated by questions raised in the first RTLabOS workshop and our first structuring of the domain in the report "D1.1 Domain Study". It quickly came clear that establishing a "state of the art" in a field that is so broad and under such rapid development was a fool's errand; instead, this report offers a qualitative study of actual developments and focus areas in Smart Grid laboratories. The study can be viewed as a snapshot of the different characteristics exhibited by a selected range of smart grid laboratories with a focus on 'system testing'. With the small number of participants, the diversity of focus areas and resources, and the rapid development of the labs investigated, we focused on summarizing information combining "statistical" evidence from the survey with qualitative insight gained from interviews. In hindsight, most valuable, we find anecdotal evidence of the different scientific and commercial value propositions and development paths and that come with interpretations of the term "smart grid laboratory". Last, not least, I should mention all those who have made this survey possible by filling out the extensive questionnaire and responding to my questions: