The Use of Adapted Educational Resources in the Teaching of Science and Biology in Classes that Include Visually Impaired Students (original) (raw)

Developing an inclusive curriculum for visually disabled students


Full bibliographic details must be given when referring to, or quoting from full items including the author's name, the title of the work, publication details where relevant (place, publisher, date), pagination, and for theses or dissertations the awarding institution, the degree type awarded, and the date of the award. Developing an inclusive curriculum for visually disabled students v Editors' note This is a guide with a difference! As author Ifan Shepherd was researching this booklet, he became convinced that he wanted to produce a longer guide than would fit in the series so that he could address a wider range of issues. We were delighted with this suggestion and agreed to publish it as a web document, while also producing this shorter stand-alone version in hard copy. To allow you to cross-reference between the two guides, we have retained the numbering of the extended web guide in the printed version. Hence there are some sections which do not appear in this guide. To whet your appetite to go and look at the extended version, we have included the headings of the extra sections in italics in the contents page of this guide. The extended version may be read online or as a downloadable document by going to < gdn/icp/>. We should, however, emphasise that this printed version has an integrity of its own and there is no need to cross-reference to the extended version to understand the issues discussed here.

Dialoguing teaching for visual impairment from the perspective of inclusive special education

Revista de Gestão e Secretariado (Management and Administrative Professional Review)

This work provides an opportunity to reflect on the process of inclusion and accessibility of visually impaired students in Basic Education. That said, a bibliographical research was carried out in the scientific and academic literature, through several databases, outlining theoretical and methodological contributions of the literature towards inclusive education. The results obtained from the study allow us to infer that the inclusion of visually impaired children in Basic Education with regard to regular school is still a subject little explored in the literature. as well as, it needs new discussions so that the theme can be developed, providing new perspectives on the adaptation and accessibility of these children. Furthermore, the study points out that students' cognitive and motor development are improved as the teaching and learning process is articulated with a multidisciplinary and multidimensional team.

Inclusive Education and Challenges of Providing Classroom Support to Students with Blindness in a General Education Classroom at a School in Botswana


. The research investigated classroom support provision and the challenges of providing support to students who are blind in a general education classroom at an inclusive secondary school in Botswana. Interviews, observation and questionnaires were used to collect the data. The challenges of providing classroom assistance to students who are blind in general education Biology classrooms are as diverse as the students themselves. The teaching methods some teachers use do not cater for all the students in an inclusive classroom. The main factors leading to this include lack of adequate preparation and shortage of both human and material resources. The class enrolments pose a challenge because the classrooms are over enrolled. The study recommends that special education Biology teachers be increased at the school and more learning support workers equally be hired. Teacher capacity building should also be considered as well as the acquisition of more access technology.

A Systematic Review on Inclusive Education of Students with Visual Impairment

Education Sciences, 2020

This was a systematic review on the inclusive education of students with visual impairment. This study focused on two of the most addressed topics: the perceptions of general education teachers and challenges faced by students with visual impairment in accessing academic subjects. It synthesized the findings of 18 peer-reviewed articles published in English from 1980 to 2020. General education teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of students with visual impairment were both positive and negative and were influenced by teacher-, student-, and environment-related factors. Feeling unprepared, one of the main teacher-related factors, seemed to have a great effect. In terms of access to academic subjects, the most discussed subjects were Mathematics, Science, and Physical Education. Although students with visual impairment seemed to be studying at or above their grade level, their exclusion from participation in classroom activities was apparent. Unfortunately, these challenges lead to short-and long-term consequences. Key elements in increasing accessibility to subjects were: general education teachers possessing a generic set of effective pedagogical strategies, effective teaching-learning tools, and external support. The importance of teacher training and a holistic support system were emphasized.

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments in Inclusive Classrooms : A Case Study of One Secondary School in Tanzania


This study aimed at investigating the way general teachers teach students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms and the challenges facing them. The intention was specifically to find out the ways general teachers adapt their teaching to make sure that inclusion of students with visual impairments is appreciated and realized. Furthermore, it intended to uncover the challenges these general teachers face when teaching students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms. This study was conducted at one of the secondary school located in southern part of the country. It employed qualitative case study design using four (4) general teachers teaching in classes having students with visual impairments. Data collection was done using semi-structured interviews and participant-observation methods. The findings revealed that general teachers have little knowledge about inclusive education and how it should be practiced not only for students with visual impairments but for all students with special needs. The knowledge about inclusion and teaching in inclusive classrooms is highly needed among general teachers to practice inclusive teaching for students with visual impairments in a professional manner. Preparation of teaching resources, like audio and tactile materials, reading braille writings, and instructing students with visual impairments the proper ways of using their visual devices, is said to be the role of a special needs teacher. However, it is also advisable for a general teacher to have some of this knowledge in order to counteract the challenges associated with teaching students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms. Furthermore, findings showed that, general teachers were not using the little knowledge of teaching in inclusive classrooms they have, due to many challenges surrounding the whole inclusive teaching in secondary schools like scarcity of both general and special needs teachers and lack of commitment among them, scarcity of resource and rigid curriculum. Building from the findings, it is recommended that, the Government should improve the situation of inclusive teaching, such as training teachers in the area of special education to help them conduct their teaching properly. The government should also allocate enough funds to inclusive schools to ensure availability of teaching and learning facilities that will help facilitate teaching students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms. Finally, due to the fact that, there are few studies conducted on the area the current study has ventured on, it is recommended that, further studies should be carried out. VI Acknowledgement Many institutions and individuals have contributed very much to the successful completion of this study. Although it is not possible to mention all of them here, their direct and indirect


Certain concepts in language (available in text books) are difficult for visually impaired learners. Post NCF2005, and RTE (no child out of school) inclusive education is one of the India's educational goals. Teaching therefore needs to be sensitive to the needs of various kinds of learners. The attempt made in this paper is to analyse two or three units from a tenth grade NCERT text book, to identify concepts which are problematic for visually impaired students. The paper will end with solutions for teachers of inclusive classrooms. Introduction Inclusive education brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all students. After NCF (2005) and RTE (no child outside the group) inclusive education is one of the India's educational goals. However, NCF (2005) fails to address some of the concerns of disabled students. In this paper we attempt to provide an understanding of inclusive education in the light of sighted and visually impaired learners. This paper begins with an attempt to identify, and classify areas of difficulty for visually impaired when they read and understand visual concepts from lessons in the English textbooks; to give suggestions; to create awareness among teachers; and thereby to provide solutions for teachers in an inclusive classroom.

Teaching and learning sciences for blind and visually impaired students

Suitable adaptations to the curriculum make it possible for the blind and visually impaired to srudy sciences at all academic levels. This article defends a multi-sensorial approach to teaching science, which uses all the possible senses to capture information from the environment and interrelate the data to produce meaningful learning. There is a clear importance in collaboration between the differenr specialists involved in initial r.r.h., education to ultimately improve how science is taught to blind children who are integrated into ordinary classes (the inclusive classroom). Highlighted is the role of analogies in learning and teaching when they help .hildr..r to ¡elate the new with what they already know through sensory channels other than sight.

Science Teachers on Inclusion of Students With Visual Impairments (Swvi) In Science Laboratories Policy implementation and efforts of NGOs working for Children with Special Needs

disability and impairments , 2020

Policy implementation and efforts of NGOs working for Children with Special Needs have fostered their integration in mainstream education system; but their real inclusion is still a dream to be fulfilled. Teachers' play important role not only in shaping attitudes,beliefs and habits of students and but also in creating social environment of classroom.Therefore, it becomes extremely important for teachers to have positive attitude towards inclusion of Student with Special Needs in mainstream schools. Present paper explores attitude of science teachers, teaching in Government, Private and special schools, towards inclusion of Students with Visual Impairment (SwVI) in science laboratory. Paper presents comparative account of teachers' willingness and concerns related to inclusion of SwVI in Science laboratories. Data was collected using researcher-developed attitude inventory from three strata of teachers. Random-stratified sampling technique was used for selection of 60 science teachers 20 teachers from each stratum were randomly selected. Analysis of data shows that teachers willingness to include SwVI in science laboratories but they have certain concerns like finances, safety, arrangement and management of resources,time management, etc. which make them reluctant in accepting SwVI open heartedly.

Beyond Sight: A Systematic Review of the Challenges and Coping Mechanisms in Inclusive Education for Visually Impaired Students

Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (CJMS), 2024

Significant progress has been made on inclusive education for the visually impaired but achieving its smooth implementation remains a distant goal. This is the finding of the systematic review that examines the enormous difficulties that visually impaired students encounter in inclusive education environments in different locations. This paper argues that learners may experience challenges but more often, the visually impaired are the most vulnerable and often left behind, encountering multifaceted barriers that will hamper their ability to move freely and affect their quality of life. The systematic search method was employed to determine the challenges, responsiveness, and coping mechanisms employed by the visually impaired and this study involved a systematic review of qualitative. Three search engines used were– Elicit, Research Rabbit, and Semantic Scholar- resulting in reviewing 40 articles from a keyword search. Despite the different locale of the studies, the challenges encountered by the visually impaired students were almost the same. It is however worth noting that visually impaired individuals have been coping with the challenges they face in inclusive education.

The Effects of Academic Teaching-Learning Method on Visually Impaired Learners of Secondary Level in Inclusive Setting Article

The Dhaka University Studies Journal, 2009

Inclusion is really about practical changes that we can make; so that children with diverse backgrounds and abilities, as well as all other children, can succeed in our claſsrooms and school. These changes will not merely benefit the children we often single out as children with special needs, but all children and their parents, all teacher, and school administrator, and everyone from the community who work with the school. The objectives of the study are to identify the problems of inclusive classroom teaching ſearning methods for the visually impaired learner and to furniſh some suggeſtions for the improvement of the inclusive classroom for visually impaired children. This article focuses on the way Inclusive Education is currently practiced and some improvisation for effective inclusion.