A B S T R A C T Relationship between the population of mustard aphid, (Kaltenbach) and weather parameters on different cultivars of Indian mustard ( L.) Lipaphis erysimi Brassica juncea (original) (raw)

Population dynamics of mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) In relation to weather parameters

Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2019

Mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) is a most serious pest, considered as a limiting factor in the cultivation of mustard crop causing 35-96% reduction in yield depending upon weather conditions. Studies were conducted on the population dynamics of mustard aphid on mustard (Brassica juncea L.) variety Varuna in relation to weather parameters (Temperature and Relative humidity) in rabi cropping season during 2015-16 at experimental field of Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh). The natural appearance of mustard aphid was observed from 3 standard week and lasted up to 11 standard week. The study revealed that population of mustard aphid reaches its peak in 7 standard week showing significant positive correlation with maximum temperature and negative correlation with relative humidity.

Seasonal and temporal variation in population of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) on different species of rapeseed-mustard in relation to weather parameters

Field experiments were conducted in order to study the seasonal and temporal variation in population of mustard Aphid, Lipaphis erysimi at Norman E. Borlaug Centre of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (India) during Rabi season of 2016-17. Brassica spp. including B. rapa (BSH-1), B. rapa (YST-151), B. carinata (CCN-06-1), B. nigra (PBR-I), B. juncea (Varuna), B. napus (GSC-6) and E. sativa (T-27) were sown on five dates starting from October 3 to December 3, 2016, at fifteen days interval. Early sown crops had significantly lowest numbers of aphids as compared to late sown crops (after 2 nd week of October) which had high numbers of aphids. Early sown crops had significantly lowest numbers of aphids as compared to late sown crops (after 2 nd week of october) which had high numbers of aphids. it was found that increase in the relative humidity favours aphid multiplication while increase in temperature and rainfall had negative impact on the multiplication of the aphid. Introduction Rapeseed-mustard is a major oilseed crop grown in India next to soybean in terms of production and ranked first in terms of oil yield among all oilseed crops sown during the Rabi season in India. It is grown on an area of about 6.4 m ha with a production of 8.02 mt and productivity is 1262 kg/ha. In India, Brassica juncea, among Brassica species shares about 90% in area. Even after availability of good production technology mustard crop is unable to give potential yield in the country. This is because Brassica crops suffer heavy loss in yield due to various biotic and abiotic factors. Among the biotic constraints, insect-pests are one of the most important biotic factors in reducing the crop yield. About 50 insect species have been found infesting rapeseed-mustard in India. Out of many insect pests, Lipaphis erysimi is considered important which causes considerable yield losses. The ecological approach to the pest management suggests using pesticides only when and where necessary. Therefore, for ensuring an effective and economical management of this serious pest, the present studies were undertaken for studying its population dynamics of mustard aphid, L. erysimi (Kalt.) on Brassica spp. with respect to sowing dates. These studies will provide an opportunity to face the pest challenge by manipulating sowing time, varietals selection, correct timing of pesticidal application besides other management practices.

Population Dynamics of Mustard Aphid in relation to Humid Thermal Ratio and Growing Degree Days

To determine the relative role of weather variables and accumulated heat units on mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) population, field experiment was conducted at research farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) during the rabi season (October-April) of 2006-07. The study revealed that throughout the ascending phase of the aphid population right up to its observed peak, the maximum temperature showed downward trend till peak aphid population reached. During the descending phase of the aphid population, weather parameters were not found to be congenial. The maximum temperature started increasing after 27 th January and later remained around 25 C. Initially when aphid population started building up, HTR ranged from 2 to 3. The population started increasing gradually from 2 nd 0 week of December, reached peak population around last week of January in both of the varieties in 15 th October sowing. In 30 th 1 October sowing aphid population started building up from 1 week of January and reached peak population around 1 week of February. It was observed that HTR as well as the aphid population increased, but as aphid population reached its peak the HTR values reduced. In both early (15 th October) and late sown (30 st October) crop the aphid population had a significant negative correlation with growing degree days (GDD), but positively correlated with humid thermal ratio (HTR). As the growth and development of insects mainly depends upon the accumulated amount of heat, GDD and HTR computation could be used for prediction of aphid population build up

Forewarning model development for mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.) at Bharatpur and Hisar


The weekly aphid population on timely sown mustard crop and daily weather parameters recorded at ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed–Mustard Research, Bharatpur and Hisar stations, during rabi seasons of 2003-04 to 2013-14 were used to develop forewarning model for aphid. In most of the cases, the appearance of population and its peak activity occurred during 51 standard meteorological week (SMW) and 8 SMW. The study revealed that the thermal time or growing degree days (GDD) consistently explained the aphid multiplication significantly in all seasons. The impact of other weather parameters on pest population was observed to be significant only in some seasons. The aphid population increased exponentially with increase in GDD. Further, the exponential coefficient varied among the varieties. The population build up was compared with the model predicted values in three common species (Brassica juncea, B. rapa ssp. sarson and B. napus) grown at two stations. The results revealed that the pred...

Mustard aphid infestation in India: development of forewarning models

Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India, 2014

Aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) infestation on mustard (Brassica juncea L.) account for considerable yield losses in India. Experimental data from six north Indian locations were used to study the role of weather on the incidence and development of mustard aphid. Temperature was found to regulate the aphid appearance and population build-up. In warm humid climate, time to attain peak population was relatively shorter than in cool climates. Aphids appeared mostly when the accumulated thermal time ranged between 810-847 degrees cd. Functional relations proposed in the present investigation between aphid incidence and peak population, using previous weeks weather and pest data for majority of the locations, could be used for taking any prophylactic/control measures.


Significance of statements: This study showed that Temperature and humidity like abiotic factors play key role to control mustard aphid population and Biotic factors like Coccinella Septempunctata and Syrphid fly like predators helpful for decline the aphid population. Abstract To determine the populations build up of mustard aphid and their natural enemies in relation to biotic and abiotic factors. Field experiment was conducted C.S.A. University of Agriculture and technology Kanpur during the rabi season (October-March) of 2013-14 and 2014-15 respectively. The maximum aphid population 270.18 aphids /10 shoot was recorded in the first week of February and at the fourth week of March. Synchronization in the appearance of mustard aphid predators Coccinella spp. and Syrphid larvae was population maximum 11.25 beetles/ 10 shoot and 5.90 larvae/10 shoot, respectively in fourth week of February that was one of the main reasons for the low multiplication of aphid population in 2013-14. During Rabi 2014-15 Maximum aphid population was recorded third week of February 385.12aphids/10 shoots with its predators population Coccinella spp. and Syrphid larvae 10.15 beetles/10 shoot and 4.80 larvae/10 shoot, respectively. Simple correlation studies to evaluate the instantaneous effects of the meteorological variables revealed that of the abiotic factors (Temperature, relative humidity and rainfall), the temperature had the biggest role in the buildup of the mustard aphid population. The appearance of Coccinella spp. and the larvae of Syrphid flies were positively correlated with temperature, while there was negative correlation with the incidence of mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi. There was positive correlation between the population of aphid and relative humidity.

Correlation between the Seasonal Incidence of Aphids and Coccinellids on the Indian Mustard in Different Varieties and Sowing Dates

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change

Ecological engineering plays an important role in Integrated Pest Management. Considering this, a field experiment was conducted at the Students’ Instructional Farm (SIF), Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur during the rabi season of 2020-21. The severity of the mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) in mustard (Brussica juncea L.) crop and its period of occurrence were not uniform in two successive crop seasons. The highest aphid intensities of 120.8 aphids per plant, 138.0 aphids per plant, 148.7 aphids per plant, and 176.1 aphids per plant were recorded on mustard varieties Varuna, Varuna, Azad Mahak, and Ashirwad, respectively, during mid-February (6th MSW) when the mustard was planted on 13th November, 23rd November, 25th November, and 10th December 2020. A negative correlation was established between the average temperature (r = -0.3599) and the actual intensity of aphids, as well as the weekly increase of aphids (r = -0.5838). On the other h...

Modeling of aphid complex and its associated natural enemies in rapeseed-mustard in relation to climatic factors

Journal of Agrometeorology

Effect of climatic factors on population build-up of aphid complex of rapeseed-mustard viz. mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus), and green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and associated natural enemies (coccinellids, syrphids and a parasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae M’Intosh) was studied at Experimental Farm of CSK HPKV Palampur over a period of three years. Correlation coefficients indicated that the temperature favoured build-up of aphid population and their natural enemies while rainfall exerted negative impact. The population of coccinellids was negatively correlated with the population of L. erysimi and M. persicae while, positive correlation with B. brassicae was observed. On the other hand, population of syrphids was found to be positively correlated with aphid population. Predictive model using stepup regression analysis revealed that a weak relation in aphid population was attributed by weather parameters particular...