Development and Characterization of Intraspecific Hybrids Derived from Cucumis (original) (raw)
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Development and characterization of intraspecific hybrids derived from Cucumis melo L
Bangladesh Journal of Botany
An intraspecific hybridization programme among Cucumis species involving eight genetically diverse parents of C. melo L. varietal group viz., IC-0599709, Punjab Sunehri, Pusa Madhuras, Kashi Madhu (C. melo L.), AHK-119 (C. melo var. callosus), AHLM-2 (C. melo var. utilissimus), AHS-82 (C. melo var. momordica) and Arya-1 (C. melo var. chate) were undertaken. Among the dessertic F1 hybrids, IC-0599709 × Punjab Sunehri resulted best with respect to first fruit harvest (73.33 days), fruit weight (938.00 g), fruit diameter (11.90 cm), flesh thickness (3.07 cm), total soluble solids (9.73%) and flesh colour (salmon orange). F2 population of AHK-119 × Kashi Madhu produced maximum number of marketable fruits per plant (11.2) weighing 350.00 g in 86.1 days. It was also found to be tolerant to high temperature. The F2 population of AHK-119 × Kashi Madhu were found to be tolerant to high temperature. The existing variability among the parents, intra-specific crosses and segregating generations...
The Pharma Innovation Journal, 2021
Sixteen intervarietal hybrids of Mangalore melon (Cucumis melo var. acidulous) were developed and evaluated at college of horticulture, Sirsi (Karnataka) to study the genetic variability and correlation present among the hybrids. Results revealed that significant genetic variability present among hybrids for almost all traits. A high range of variation, high PCV, GCV and high heritability observed for all the traits studied. However, high heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for average fruit weight, vine length, days to first harvest, fruit diameter and fruit length it indicates less environmental influence, broader genetic base and also it depicts presence of additive gene action. Rest of the traits showed high heritability with low to moderate genetic advance indicates presence of dominant gene action. Further correlation study reveals that at genotypic level, fruit yield per plant had a highly significant and positive correlation with vine length, number of primary branches, number of fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit width, fruit diameter, average fruit weight, flesh thickness and seed cavity length and at phenotypic level, fruit yield per plant had a highly significant and positive correlation with vine length, number of primary branches, number of fruits per vine, fruit length, fruit diameter, average fruit weight, flesh thickness and seed cavity length.
Biological Forum – An International Journal, 2022
The success of most crop improvement program largely depends on the understanding of relationship among characters and magnitude of this relation help to breeder to determine the selection criteria for breeding program. An investigation was carried out to assess the character association and path analysis for sixteen quantitative traits in F 2 segregating generation of Haramadhu × MS-78 cross. Association studies revealed that, six out of sixteen traits exhibited highly significant positive correlation with fruit yield per vine. However, the traits average fruit weight (0.721), number of fruits per vine (0.569), fruit length (0.340), fruit width (0.272), fruit shape index (0.231) and TSS (0.142) were found to possess significant association in desirable direction with fruit yield per vine at phenotypic level. Path analysis studies revealed that average fruit weight exhibited the highest positive direct effect (0.756) on fruit yield per vine followed by number of fruits per vine (0.609), fruit shape index (0.292), fruit width (0.135), sex ratio (0.011), TSS (0.019) and seed cavity width (0.009) showed true relationship by establishing significant positive association and direct effect on fruit yield per vine.
HortFlora Research Spectrum, Vol. 2(1) : 50-55 (2013)
Twenty cucumber hybrids were evaluated for growth, yield and fruit quality traits in Allahabad agroclimic conditions. The study revealed that the hybrid Garima Super recorded highest vine length (249.17 cm), number of branches per vine (11.42), number of male flowers (206.33) and female flowers (29.17) per vine, number of fruits per vine (13.83), fruit weight (168.33 g), fruit length (168.33 cm), fruit diameter (4.03 cm), fruit yield (2.24 kg/ vine and 36.24 t ha-1), TSS (5.50 °Brix), vitamin C content (7.28 mg/100 g) and organoleptic scores for various fruit quality traits while, the lowest days to appearance first male flower (31.92) and female flower (35.83), node number at which first male flower (3.42) and female flower (4.83) appeared and days to first fruit harvest (44.83) were observed in same hybrid. Hybrid Garima Super was found superior based on the overall performance of different cucumber hybrids for growth, yield, quality characters and economic returns for cultivation of cucumber under Allahabad conditions.
Evaluation of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) parents and hybrids for growth, yield and quality traits
An experiment was conducted vegetable block, college of horticulture, Anantharajupet, Dr. YSR Horticultural University during three seasons viz., summer, kharif and rabi in 2019-2020 to study fifteen hybrids developed from the six parents of muskmelon (AM Sel-1, AM Sel-2, AM Sel-3, AM Sel-4, AM Sel-5, AM Sel-6 with two standard checks for twenty-six characters. Results indicated that four crosses C10 (AM Sel-3× AM Sel-4), C11 (AM Sel-3× AM Sel-5), C14 (AM Sel-4× AM Sel-6) and C15 (AM Sel-5× AM Sel-6) recorded superior mean performance regarding most characters. The cross C10 (AM Sel-3× AM Sel-4) recorded minimum days taken to appearance of first female flower, minimum days to taken to 50 per cent flowering, highest average fruit weight and low downy mildew incidence. The cross C11 (AM Sel-3× AM Sel-5) recorded highest number of fruits per plant, highest pericarp thickness, lowest acidity and highest ascorbic acid. The cross C14 (AM Sel-5× AM Sel-6) recorded significant differences viz., number of primary branches per plant, days taken to appearance of first female flower, days taken to appearance of first female flower, node at which the first female flower appearance, days taken to 50 percent flowering, days taken to first fruit harvest, number of fruits per plant, yield per plant, fruit weight and total sugars. C15 (AM Sel-5× AM Sel-6) recorded minimum node at which the first male and female flower appeared, highest yield per plant, highest fruit length, highest fruit diameter, highest days shelf life and low downy mildew incidence.
Comparative Performance of Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) Hybrids at Farmers’ Field in District Kapurthala
The performance of 10 muskmelon hybrids was studied by using an experimental design RCBD at three locations in the district. The results revealed that the fruit diameter was maximum in Farm Glory and Sharda Chand (52.0 cm) followed by Sunny (51.2 cm) and Inthanon (48.5 cm), in case of fruit length, Sunny had maximum value (18.9 cm) followed by Sharda Chand (17.6 cm). Highest fruit weight (1900g) was observed in Sharda Chand followed by Sunny (1870g), Inthanon (1733.3g) whereas, lowest fruit weight (653.3 g) was found in Bobby followed by Kesar (741 g) and MH 27 (783 g). The data revealed that fresh seed weight of different cultivars ranged between 42.7g (Muskan) to 119.7g (Kesar) per fruit. Lowest values of cavity length and breadth were observed with bobby (8.1 cm and 5.9 cm), respectively. The overall seed cavity of Bobby was at par with Muskan, MH 27 and Kesar, which was mainly due to smaller fruit size of these hybrids, as compared to all other hybrids. It was pertinent to note that maximum fruit lesh was found in Sharda Chand (3.2 cm). TSS varied between 9.6o brix to 15.70 brix amongst different muskmelon hybrids. Maximum shelf life was observed for Inthanon and Sunny compared to other cultivars. Higher fruit yield was obtained in Farm Glory (304.2 q/ha) compared to Kesar (171.7 q/ha) followed by Sharda Chand, Sunny and Inthanon (250 to 270.8 q/ha) and Muskan, Golden Glory and Madhu yielded between (218.3 to 245.8 q/ha). Four muskmelon hybrids namely MH 27, Farm Glory, Golden Glory and Kesar possessed typical lavour and lesh colour which were most desirable in muskmelon. Out of 10 hybrids, only MH 27 possessed suture on fruit, whereas, other were having profuse netting (Farm Glory, Inthanon, Golden Glory and Sunny), scattered netting (Muskan, Madhu and Kesar) and minimum netting (Sharda Chand). Two hybrids namely Inthanon and Sunny possessed more shelf life (16.0 and 14.5 d) after harvest and were more suitable for transportation to distant markets compared to other muskmelon hybrids.
Combining Ability Studies on Cucumber and Snapmelon Hybrids
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2017
The present investigation entitled "Heterosis, Combining Ability and Stability in Interspecific Hybrids of Cucumis", was conducted during Kharif, 2014 at three different locations (Horticulture Farm,
Self-pollination for five selected cucumber indeterminate inbred lines was carried out for two generations, during summer and autumn season of 2016, to confirm their purity as parents in a hybrid breeding program. Complete diallel cross among the five inbred lines were conducted during summer season of 2017 to produce all possible hybrids combinations. The twenty-five genotypes (Five parents, their 10 F1 hybrids and 10 F1 reciprocals) were grown and evaluated under greenhouse conditions in three sowing dates (mid of each months February, March and May respectively) for two successive years (2018 and 2019) in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Mean performance, heterosis % and Potence ratio were estimated, for characteristics of vegetative, flowering and fruit quality, yield and its components. The results clarified that there were significant and high significant differences between genotypes of the study in all studied traits. The best parents for vegetative ...