Wake vortex algorithm scoring results (original) (raw)

NWRA AVOSS Wake Vortex Prediction Algorithm

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Aircraft Wake Vortex State-of-the-Art & Research Needs


This report has been compiled by the partners of the WakeNet3-Europe consortium with the support of several external experts. It describes the present international state-of-the-art in wake vortex research and application – focusing on recent developments in the various involved disciplines – and specifically evaluates research activities needed in order to provide operational benefits in line with ongoing SESAR developments, in response to ACARE goals and following Europe’s vision for aviation, Flightpath 2050.

Status of Onera Research on Wake Vortex in the Framework of National Activities and European Collaboration


This document provides a synthesis of recent experimental research studies conducted at ONERA, aiming at a better characterisation of aircraft wake vortex and its control. Thus, either generic, two-engine or four-engine transport aircraft-type models have been considered in existing complementary facilities from ONERA, being the most appropriate for scrutinizing different stages of wake evolution. Main results from several research programmes are discussed. They have been obtained both from National and European activities, although emphasis has been set on the 5 th Framework Programme project "C-Wake: Wake Vortex Characterisation and Control".

Atmospheric-wake vortex interactions


Lastly, the "WAKE" code has been updated, including new algorithms to improve accuracy and speed. In particular, the original primitive variable formulation has been replaced by a stream function-vorticity formulation, thereby eliminating previous numerical problems with regard to maintaining divergencefree flow.

Extended Abstract Real-Time Visualization of Wake-Vortex Simulation using Computational Steering and Beowulf Clusters

Parallel simulations are playing an increasingly important role in all areas of science and engineering. As the applications for these simulations expand, the demand for their flexibility and utility grows. Interactive computational steering is one way to increase the utility of these high-performance simulations, as they facilitate the process of scientific discovery by allowing the scientists to interact with their data. On yet another front, the rapidly increasing power of computers and hardware rendering systems has motivated the creation of visually rich and perceptually realistic virtual environment (VE) applications. The combination of the two provides one of the most realistic and powerful simulation tools available to the scientific community. The computational steering system we have developed is very general in nature and is based on a simple client/server model. It is designed to be extremely lightweight, highly portable (runs on all Win32 and Unix platforms), fast and simple to use (using C++ classes, templates and polymorphism) making it very easy to augment any existing C/C++ simulation code in a matter of hours. It deals with byte-ordering and bytealignment problems internally and also provides an easy way to handle user-defined classes and data structures. It is also multi-threaded in nature, supporting several clients simultaneously. It can also be incorportated with equal ease into parallel simulations running on Beowulf clusters. As a particular application of this computational steering system, this work aims at integrating a parallel wake-vortex simulation code with our Virtual Reality (VR) facility for visualization.

Atmospheric Impact on Wake Vortex Development

Wake turbulence is one of the main reasons for capacity problems at busy airports. Solutions for new aircraft staggering procedures are sought which relax the current separations but do not lower today's safety levels. It is hoped that wake vortex warning systems will contribute to such a solution. For setting up a wake vortex warning system, the knowledge of wake vortex behaviour under varying meteorological conditions achieves utmost significance. This paper will illustrate the impact of atmospheric parameters on the transport and decay of trailing wake vortices shed by commercial aircraft. Moreover, the architecture and design of a wake vortex prediction and monitoring system for busy airports will be outlined. Finally, two wake-vortex measurement and prediction campaigns will be described where the major components of that system have been tested successfully.