On-ground re-calibration of the GOME-2 satellite spectrometer series (original) (raw)

In-flight calibration methods used for the Ørsted mission

The rsted vector magnetometer CSC, for Compact Spherical Coil is a uxgate magnetometer designed to be a highly stable, linear instrument Nielsen et al.1995; Nielsen et al.1997. But as all uxgate magnetometers it is not an absolute instrument, and hence it has to be calibrated. The instrument has been calibrated before launch pre-ight calibration, Merayo et al.1995; Risbo and Olsen1996; Risbo et al.1999, but the calibration parameters are routinely checked by in-ight calibration. In this note we will focus on the methods used and the results obtained with in-ight calibration.

The Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2011

The Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) is a new international program to assure the comparability of satellite measurements taken at different times and locations by different instruments operated by different satellite agencies. Sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization and the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites, GSICS will intercalibrate the instruments of the international constellation of operational low-earth-orbiting (LEO) and geostationary earth-orbiting (GEO) environmental satellites and tie these to common reference standards. The intercomparability of the observations will result in more accurate measurements for assimilation in numerical weather prediction models, construction of more reliable climate data records, and progress toward achieving the societal goals of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems. GSICS includes globally coordinated activities for prelaunch instrument characterization, onboard routine calibration, se...

In-Flight Calibration of GOME-2 LEVEL1 Data Using the Ozone Monitoring Instrument

We propose to use Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) level-1 measurement data, calibration experience and calibration algorithms to verify and validate the calibration and the accuracy of the GOME-2 in-flight measurement data and level-1 radiance and irradiance data products. Areas of attention include the radiometric calibration (radiance and irradiance, including the irradiance goniometry calibration), the spectral calibration, the spectral stray light calibration, especially below 300 nm, line of sight and field of view calibrations of GOME-2. This paper briefly describes the status of the OMI calibration as well as the algorithms and methods that can be employed to verify and validate the accuracy of the GOME-2 in-flight calibration.

Calibration After 5 Years in Orbit


M. Martín-Neira (1), R. Oliva (2), I. Corbella (3), F. Torres (3), N. Duffo (3), I. Durán (3), J. Kainulainen (4), J. 6 Closa (5), A. Zurita (5), F. Cabot (6), A. Khazaal (6), E. Anterrieu (7), J. Barbosa (8), G. Lopes (8), J. Tenerelli 7 (9), R. Díez-García (10), J. Fauste (2), F. Martín-Porqueras (11), V. González-Gambau (12), A. Turiel (12), S. 8 Delwart (13), R. Crapolicchio (13), M. Suess (1) 9

The GOME-2 instrument on the Metop series of satellites: instrument design, calibration, and level 1 data processing – an overview

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions, 2015

The Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 (GOME-2) flies on the Metop series of satellites, the space component of the EUMETSAT Polar System. In this paper we will provide an overview of the instrument design, the on-ground calibration and characterisation activities, in-flight calibration, and level 0 to 1 data processing. The quality of the level 1 data is presented and points of specific relevance to users are highlighted. Long-term level 1 data consistency is also discussed and plans for future work are outlined. The information contained in this paper summarises a large number of technical reports and related documents containing information that is not currently available in the published literature. These reports and documents are however made available on the EUMETSAT web pages (<a href="http://www.eumetsat.int"target="\_blank">http://www.eumetsat.int</a>) and readers requiring more details than can be provided in this overview paper will find a...

Calibration aspects of the JEM-EUSO mission

Experimental Astronomy, 2015

The JEM-EUSO telescope is, after calibration, a very accurate instrument which yields the number of received photons from the number of measured photo-electrons. Hence, calibration is a crucial part of the instrument and its use. The focal surface (FS) of the JEM-EUSO telescope will consist of about 5000 photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs), which have to be well calibrated to reach the required accuracy in reconstructing the air-shower parameters. The optics system consists of 3 plastic Fresnel (double-sided) lenses of 2.5 m diameter. The aim of the calibration system is to measure the efficiencies (transmittances) of the optics and absolute efficiencies of the entire focal surface detector. The system consists of 3 main components: (i) Pre-flight calibration devices on ground, where the efficiency and gain of the PMTs will be measured absolutely and also the transmittance of the optics will be. (ii) Onboard relative calibration system applying two methods: a) operating during the day when the JEM-EUSO lid is closed with small light sources on board. b) operating during the night, together with data taking: the monitoring of the Contribution to the special issue 'JEM-EUSO' of Experimental Astronomy

Absolute calibration of remote sensing instruments


Source-based and detector-based methods for the absolute radiometric calibration of a broadband field radiometer are described. Using such a radiometer, calibrated by both methods, the calibration of the integrating sphere used in the preflight calibration of the Thematic Mapper was redetermined. The results are presented. The in-flight calibration of space remote sensing instruments is discussed. A method which uses the

‘Calibration concept for the airborne prism experiment

The development of the Airborne PRISM Experiment (APEX) is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) in view of an appropriate data simulator for future spaceborne hyperspectral instruments of the Agency. The terminology and conceptual design of the calibration and validation steps required for the APEX system are defined in this paper. The calibration concept for the APEX instrument is based on a standardized laboratory procedure in which spectral response, geometric response, as well as radiometric gain and offset values are determined. Additionally, in-flight calibration using sensor-internal means and vicarious calibration approaches will improve the reliability of the calibrated image data. All calibration-related parameters as well as the image data are kept and administered by the APEX Processing and Archiving Facility (PAF). A processing chain is defined which allows an efficient preparation of all the calibration parameters and fully reproducible processing of the acquired data from raw format to calibrated radiances. The validation concept for the imagery and its processing is based on sensor simulation, standard quality control procedures, and in-flight validation campaigns. The combination of all these efforts results in a consistent characterization of the APEX instrument performance and a reliable quality definition of the final image data products. page 2 Résumé Le développement du projet "Airborne PRISM Experiment (APEX)" est menée par l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) dans le cadre de simulations de ses futurs instruments satellitaire hyperspectrals. Cette article développe la terminologie ainsi que le modèle conceptuel des étapes de calibration et de validation nécessaires au système APEX. Le processus de calibration de l'appareil APEX suit une procédure de laboratoire standardisée où les réponses spectrales et géométriques ainsi que le gain et les biais radiométriques sont détérminés. En outre, la calibration en vol , s'appuyant sur des procédés à base de capteurs internes et de calibration vicariaux, permettent d'améliorer la qualité de l'image obtenue. L'ensemble des paramètres définis et l'image son administrés par une gestionnaire de données dédié dans la "Apex Processing and Archiving Facility (PAF)". Une chaîne de traitement est définie afin de garantir une préparation efficace des paramètres de calibration et de permettre une reproduction exacte du traitement, des données brutes jusqu'au radiances calibrées. Le modèle de validation s'applique non seulement à l'image mais aussi au traitement lui-même. Il se base sur la simulation de l'instrument, des processus standards de contrôle qualité, et de missions de validation en vol. La combinaison de tous ces points offre à l'appareil APEX des performances garantissant la qualité des images fournies.