Doutora em Antropologia Social pelo PPGAS/UFSC. Profa. da Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da UFMA, Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Educação, Cultura e Infância GECI/UFMA/CNPq e pesquisadora do CRIAS/ UFPB (original) (raw)

Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul - Ufrgs Instituto De Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Sociologia


This study named “Racionalização, Cultura e Turismo em meio rural na Serra Gaúcha” ( Racionalization, culture and tourism in the countryside of Serra Gaúcha) is a study of transformations that happen in countryside men’s in the small countryside rural villages in cities where, in Serra Gaúcha, since the 90’s, tourism routes were developed for the country side. Its main attraction was cultural and patrimonial legacy of Italian immigration, left after the European immigration process by the end of the XIX century. This research’s main hypothesis is to prove there was a change in traditional thinking a rational thought, according to weberian paradigm of occidental society development. Such transformation is in the basis of capitalist development and would have as causes the proximity with highly industrialized urban centers , indexes of advanced societies, where cultural changes are equaly accelerated, religious secularization, country side economy pluriativity , and the influence of m...

Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul Instituto De Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Antropologia Social


This work has as its subject the social acknowledgment of the difference in Brazil related to afro-descendent population. The problematization of such question is made from the analysis of the public policies of land regularization of quilombolas territories and the patrimonialization of cultural goods related to this social segment, aiming to understand how works the acknowledgment of afro-descendents difference in these social processes and to think about the participation of anthropologists in these situations. This way, we aim to explore the subtleties of this phenomenon, its impacts over the groups that are its objects and the reactions it causes on the public realm. The research universe in this work is composed by the territorial acknowledgment processes in the lasting community at quilombo Família Silva, in Porto Alegre, and the cultural acknowledgment of Cerro dos Porongos, in Pinheiro Machado, both counties at Rio Grande do Sul State. The comparative analysis of the proces...

Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul Faculdade De Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Ciências Sociais Doutorado


Having as main objective the seizure, a comprehensive perspective, the multiple relationships that are caught in the day-today of a public institution of emergency, the paper discusses the reasons for the extensive use of the emergency door for entry into the system health. It examined the one hand, the approach based on the required system management, recognizing the effort to ensure the universality and comprehensiveness of care, and other motivations that support the strategies of the user to ensure your attendance. The study recognizes that the practice causes disarray in the ambience of emergency, making emerge attitudes that reinforce aspects of hierarchy and power relations, which are oblique to the methods and organizational routines that lead the institution in its mission.