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Performance Evaluation of Commercial Banks in Nepal Using AHP
This paper explores the determinants of performance exposed by the financial ratios and determines the financial performance of commercial banks in Nepal through Analytical Hierarchy Process based on their financial characteristics. The financial parameters were derived by segregating 5 major criteria which were Liquidity, Efficiency, Profitability, Capital Adequacy and Assets Quality. These criteria were further classified into 21 hierarchical sub-criteria. The performance evaluation was done for 13 commercial banks for financial data from year 2008/09 to 2011/12. The paper emphasizes financial decision problems to have strong multi criteria character and establishes priorities for performance parameters of commercial banks among financial indicators identified and ranks banks according to those indicators. This study has added one more literature to demonstrate the utility of AHP based bank evaluation to Nepalese banking community in particular, which not only evaluates the performance of banks but also gives insights to focus in the area of improvement to a particular bank in comparison to others.
Analytic hierarchy process and bank ranking in Serbia
Rezime: UtvrĊivanje finansijskih pokazatelja primenom metoda horinzontalne i vertikalne analize, u svakoj godini posebno, kao i njihovo meĊusobno poreĊenje u odreĊenim vremenskim periodima, omogućava sagledavanje opšteg finansijskog stanja banaka tokom vremena i njihovog relativnog poloţaja u odnosu na okruţenje. S tim u vezi, u ovom radu analiziramo mogućnost upotrebe Analitiĉkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP) u rangiranju banaka u Srbiji. Za izgradnju AHP modela rangiranja korišćen je Superdecisions, softverski paket razvijen kao podrška procesu odluĉivanja. Ovakav pristup rangiranju omogućen je upotrebom finansijskih izveštaja i indikatora razliĉite strukture i sadrţine. Kljuĉne reĉi: bonitet, finansijske performanse, banke, rangiranje, AHP, evaluacija, prioritizacija. Summary: The determination of the financial identifiers by the implementation of the horizontal and vertical analysis, for each year separately, and then their mutual comparison for certain periods of time as well, enables the perception of the general financial situation of banks during a certain period of time and their relative position as compared with the others in the environment. Therefore, in this paper we are analysing the possibility for the use of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for ranking of banks in Serbia. For the construction of AHP model of ranking, Super-decisions, the software package developed as sustenance for decision making process, has been used. This kind of approach to ranking is enabled by the use of the financial reports and indicators of different structures and contents.
Performance Evaluation Of Turkish Banks Using Analytical Hierarchy Process And Topsis Methods
can be made. Suitable performance measures can ensure that managers adopt a long-term perspective and allocate the company's resources to the most effective activities. The aim of this study is to evaluate the financial performance model of Turkish Banks during 2002-2011 periods. Both Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methodologies are used for the outranking of banks. In this study, subjective and objective opinions of financial actors turn into quantitative form with AHP.
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model Evaluating the Performance of Vietnamese Commercial Banks
International Journal of Financial Research, 2017
The commercial banks (CBs) performance evaluating has been a necessary problem in currently integration trend and usually implemented by a committee of experts under criteria selected. Therefore, it is considered as a Multi - Criteria Decision - Making model (MCDM). Nowadays, there have been many researches proposing various standards and models to evaluate and rank CBs. But in Vietnam, the number of studies related to the Vietnamese banking evaluation model have still been limited. As a result, this study develops a multi-criteria decision model integrating Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Fuzzy the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (FTOPSIS). The proposed model has evaluated and ranked five Vietnamese commercial banks including CTG, VCB, BIDV, TCB and MB. The paper revealed their ranks. Besides, the results of the research show that the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model is suitable for applying it to the process evaluating bank p...
The aim of this study is to propose a fuzzy multi-criteria decision model to evaluate the performance of banks. Each performance evaluation model is a tool which encloses diverse information for decision makers after being performed. This specific application of these models contributes in responding the questions existing in decision makers’ minds. In this paper, the affecting criteria in two financial and non-financial levels were selected and investigated after library studies and using experts’ viewpoints. Standard questionnaires were designed and distributed among state-owned banks, partially private and private banks’ experts and high rank managers. 10 branches of each above mentioned banks were selected as a case study. The data was extracted from questionnaires and the variables were weighted using fuzzy AHP and ultimately the banks were ranked applying TOPSIS technique. Based on the findings, profitability in financial level and service quality in non-financial level have gained the greatest importance according to experts’ view points. In total ranking of management performance, private banks was placed at the first rank and partially private and private banks were ranked as the second and third, respectively. The results implied that having acceptable financial performance does not lead to having satisfactory non-financial performance spontaneously and in today’s competitive environment, managers need to observe both financial and non-financial performance in order to succeed.
Performance Evaluation and Ranking of Turkish Private Banks Using AHP and TOPSIS
Measuring performance and determining the key factors of performance have been an important research topic in different sector in recent years. The main goal of this study is to evaluate the performance ranks of the private banks in Turkey due to the fact that performances of private banks are important at the stage of economic growth. In this research, the private banks in Turkey ranked by TOPSIS method using weights of capital ratios obtained from AHP. The performance ranks of private banks sorted according to their TOPSIS scores for the period 2009-2013. In this study, capital ratios of Turkish private banks are placed in a hierarchical decision structure to establish pairwise comparisons between the model parameters which are based on the subjective judgment of a group of experts. , In order to find the performance order of the private banks in Turkey according to capital ratios, calculated criteria and sub-criteria weights for each banks by using AHP to use in TOPSIS method. Pe...
Fuzzy performance evaluation in Turkish Banking Sector using Analytic Hierarchy Process and TOPSIS
Expert Systems With Applications, 2009
The performance evaluation of banks has important results for creditors, investors and stakeholders since it determines banks' capabilities to compete in the sector and has a critical importance for the development of the sector. The aim of this study is to propose a fuzzy multi-criteria decision model to evaluate the performances of banks.The largest five commercial banks of Turkish Banking Sector are examined and these banks are evaluated in terms of several financial and non-financial indicators. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods are integrated in the proposed model. After the weights for a number of criteria are determined based on the opinions of experts using the FAHP method, these weights are input to the TOPSIS method to rank the banks. The results show that not only financial performance but also non-financial performance should be taken into account in a competitive environment. Crown
Financial performance evaluation of firms is one of the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. The aim of this study is to evaluate and rank banking firms which are traded in ISE with respect to overall financial performances. One of the promising methods VIKOR (Vise Kriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) which is a compromise ranking method used as a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques in this study. By the application of VIKOR banks are ranked with respect to their overall performances.
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 2016
Because of the Increasing competition between enterprises in the current competitive market, the importance of continuous performance evaluation in the marketplace has increased. It has become increasingly important for banks, because as a key component of the financial system, banks allocate funds from savers to borrowers in an efficient manner to support economic activities. Along with the increase of the number of private banks in Iran in recent years, competition among banks for banking activities has increased. On the other hand the presence of the private banks in the stock exchange market led to an increased sensitivity to the banks' financial performance by their shareholders. In this study, first we identified the criteria and their coefficients used for financial performance evaluation of private banks using fuzzy AHP method. After that, we evaluated financial performance of Iran private banks and ranked them using the information of the financial statements at the end of Solar Hijri year 1393 (March 2015) and TOPSIS method.
Performance Evaluation of Banking Organizations Using the New Proposed Integrated DEA-BSC Model
Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production, 2016
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric approach to estimate relative efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs). DEA is one of the best quantitative approaches and balanced scorecard (BSC) is one of the best qualitative methods to measure efficiency of an organization. Since simultaneous evaluation of network performance of the quad areas of BSC model is considered as a necessity and separate use of DEA and BSC is not effective and leads to miscalculation of performance, integrated DEA-BSC model is applied. Regarding to multi-objective nature of the proposed model, two techniques including goal programming and weighted average method are used to solve such problems. At the end of the study, based on data relating to indexes of quad areas of BSC model, the results of the mentioned methods are compared. Besides assessing validation of the proposed model, the overall efficiency and each of the different stages of BSC are obtained. So that, finding a model for decision makin...