Regression Modelling Based on Characteristics of Anemia in Female Adolescent (original) (raw)
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Anemia in adolescent girls is still a problem in Indonesia. The impact of anemia is quite significant for adolescent health. This study aims to analyze related factors of anemia among adolescent girls, and the effect of anemia on the quality of life. The study was conducted in the Soreang District, West Java, Indonesia. This cross-sectional study involved 286 female students (15–19 years). A 24-h recall questionnaire was used to collect the nutrient intake. We use the WHOQOL-BREF to analyze the quality of life. The study assessed height, weight, body mass index (BMI), mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), and a capillary blood sample to determine hemoglobin levels. Bivariate and multiple logistic regression tests were measured to find the factors most influencing anemia. The prevalence of anemia was 14.3%. Related factors of anemia in this study were: duration of blood show per menses, iron consumption, weight, height, and MUAC. From bivariate analyses, anemia influenced the social re...
Global Journal of Health Science, 2021
Introduction: Anemia is the most common and inflexible nutritional problem affecting about 2 billion of the world’s population with a significant impact on human health and social and economic development. Information about anemia prevalence and associated factors among adolescent girls in Indonesia is still limited. Objective: This study aimed to examine determinant factors related to anemia among adolescent girls. Methode: This is an analytic study with a cross-sectional design, located in three regencies in Central Java Indonesia. This is a school-based survey in several senior high schools in three regencies that have a higher number of stunting cases, as a related indicator of Anemia. A total of 388 adolescent girls have participated in this study. Anemic status was assessed using HB quick-check. Independent variables such as breakfast habit, father’s height, allowance per day, etc. were collected by a structured questionnaire. Data analysis is carried out by univariate, bivari...
Relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia in adolescent women
Jurnal Aisyah : jurnal ilmu kesehatan, 2023
Anemia is the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen to other tissues is low (Onyeabo et al., 2017). The prevalence of adolescents in Lampung Province is 10.9% which is below the national prevalence (13.6%). The number of adolescents at SMPN 28 Bandar Lampung who had more Anemia was 64 students with HB <12 gr%, while SMPN 26 had fewer Anemia students with 26 students with HB <12 gr%. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia in adolescents in Public Junior High School 28 Bandar Lampung in 2021. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional approach. Research subjects were young women at SMPN 28 Bandar Lampung, with a sample of 93 respondents. The object of research is nutritional status and the incidence of anemia. The research was carried out at SMPN 28 Bandar Lampung. Data collection was carried out using observation sheets. Data analysis was carried out univariately and bivariately (gamma test). The results of the study revealed that 71 respondents with normal nutritional status (76.3%), Respondents with no incidence of anemia were 53 (57.0%). There is a relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia in adolescents at SMP Negeri 28 Bandar Lampung in 2021 (p-value = 0.000). It is suggested that health workers can provide counseling about balanced nutrition or PUGS through schools and how to choose healthy food and health knowledge regarding adolescent reproductive health needs to be given as early as possible
Determinants of Anemia among Early Adolescent Girls in Kendari City
Amerta Nutrition
Background: Adolescent girls' anemia is a public health challenge. Anemia has an impact on cognitive abilities to reduce intelligence and results in adolescent achievement is down.Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of anemia in early adolescent girls in Kendari City.Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 97 students. Data on parental characteristics, breakfast habits, nutritional status, menstrual status, and history of infectious diseases were collected by interview using a questionnaire. Data on nutrient intake (iron, protein, vitamin C) obtained through the 2x24 hour recall method then compared to the Indonesian standard (AKG). Hemoglobin level was measured using the EasyTouch heamoglobin meter device. Data analysis was done by chi-square analysis and multiple logistic regression analysis.Results: The results showed 28.9% of adolescent girls had anemia. The results of chi-square analysis obtained that there was a r...
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, 2023
Background: Anaemia among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) poses substantial public health concerns, particularly in LMICs, due to its adverse effects during pregnancy and childbirth. Understanding its determinants is pivotal for devising strategies to combat this condition. This study investigates the prevalence of anaemia and its associations with anthropometric indices, dietary habits, and menstruation status among female adolescents in Karanganyar, a rural subdistrict in Indonesia. Methods: In this population-based cross-sectional study, a multi-stage sampling method was employed to represent all female high-school students in Karanganyar. Participants underwent capillary haemoglobin testing, anthropometric measurements, and completed dietary intake and menstruation status assessments. Anaemia was defined as Hb < 12.0 g/dL. Logistic regressions were performed to assess the associations between anthropometric indices, dietary intake, menstruation status, and the prevalence of anaemia. Results: Approximately 49 % of female adolescents in Karanganyar had anemia. Both BMI and Mid-Upper-Arm-Circumference exhibited inverse associations with anaemia [AOR(95%CI): 0.87(0.79-0.95) and 0.89 (0.81-0.99)]. Compared to individuals with BMI-forage -Z-Score (BAZ) >-2 SD, those with BAZ < − 2 SD had more than double the odds of anaemia [2.43 (0.94-6.29)]. Consumption of fruits [0.32(0.10-0.98)] and vegetables [0.30(0.11-0.78)] were negatively associated with anaemia. No association was observed between menstruation status (length, duration, pads/day) and anaemia. Discussion: High prevalence of anaemia among female adolescents in Karanganyar, and potentially other rural areas in Indonesia, underscores the need for targeted interventions. Being underweight rapidly increases the risk of anaemia, emphasizing the importance of nutritional improvements. Consuming iron-rich fruits and vegetables may prevent anaemia. Menstruation status did not appear to be a determinant of anaemia.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
This study aims to determine wheter there is a relationship between nutritional status and duration of menstruation on the incidence of anemia at State Senior High School 6 Merangin, Nalo Tantan District, Merangin Regency, Jambi Province in 2021. Indepdent variabel (Mentrual duration and nutritional status) and dependent variables (anemia ini adolescent girls) were taken or collected at the same time (Notoatmodjo, 2012). The sample in this study were some of the young women in State Senior High School 6 Merangin Regency, totaling 62 respondents. The sampling technique used is Systematic Random Sampling. Samples were selected based on intervals. Test Analysis using the Spearman correlation test. Based on the table above, the results of statistically significant relationship (p>0,05) between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia. The pvalue based on the above results is 655, which means that there is no correlation between nutritional status and HB levels. There is a relationship between the length of menstruation with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls. Judging from the results, the p-value is 0,023, which means that the length of menstruation and anemia is correlated. This means that there is no relationship between nutritional status and the incidence of anemia and there is a relationship between the length of menstruation and the incidence of anemia.
The prevalence of anemia in developing countries about 27% and 6% in developed countries. It is not certain the prevalence of anemia among adolescents in Indonesia, on the other hand, the knowledge about anemia among adolescents aged between 15-24 years were quite low. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of socio demographic characteristics and risks behavior among adolescent with adolescent knowledge about anaemia in Indonesia using the data Indonesian Youth Reproductive Health Survey (IYRHS) 2012. Secondary data from IYRHS 2012 analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Socio demographic variables and adolescent risk behaviors such as smoking, using substances/drug, and premarital sex behavior analyzed with adolescent knowledge about anemia. A total of 19,399 male respondents and 8,419 female respondents in the survey, there were 66 % aged between 1519 years and about 34 % were aged between 20-24 years. The main predictor of lack of anemia knowledge among ado...
Background : Fulfillment of nutrition is very important so that growth and development take place perfectly . Adolescent girls are among the vulnerable groups suffering from anemia because teenage girls experience menstruation each month which causes iron loss. Objective : To determine the relationship of nutritional status with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls at Junior high school in Yogyakarta. Research Methods : The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between nutritional status and anemia in adolecents. Population in this research are 235 students. To measure the health status used HB, measurement of body weight using a bathroom scales and microteise . The sample used in this study was 70 people using purposive random sampling in junior high school. Univarat data analysis and bivariate analysis using chi square . Results : The test results with Chi Square test resulted in a calculated Chi Square value of 1.322 with a significance value of...
Factors Affecting Anemia Status in Adolescent Girls
Journal of Health Education, 2021
According to Riskesdas 2018, the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls is very high, at 84.5%. Data from the City of Mataram Health Department in 2017 Puskesmas Selaparang the highest prevalence was 50.43%. Based on the Hb level screening conducted by the Selaparang Health Center, the highest number of anemia in SMAN 9 Mataram was 63 students. The impact of anemia in adolescents, namely decreased reproductive health, decreased learning rates, a height that has not been achieved maximally decreased motor development, and inhibited brain intelligence. Anemia during adolescence will be very influential during pregnancy, childbirth, prematurity, and low birth weight. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parents' income factors, maternal education, tea-drinking habits, knowledge, attitudes, iron supplement intake, menstrual conditions, and the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls at SMAN 9 Mataram in 2018. This research is a quantitative study wit...