Komunikasi Antar Budaya di Kalangan Mahasiswa ( Studi tentang Komunikasi Antar Budaya di Kalangan Mahasiswa Etnis Batak dengan Mahasiswa etnis Jawa di Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (original) (raw)
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Culture greatly affects communication as well as communication which is certainly very influential on culture. These two things can not be separated, because everyone who communicates will be influenced by the culture that is the basis of his life. Intecultutal communication is a communication process that involved many people and comes from different cultural backgrounds. This research was conducted to determine the language style, processes and ways of adaptation carried out by immigrants from Sundanese ethnic who moved to Merauke. This refers to the process of adaptation the speech code which is characterized or becomes an answer for those nomands living in a new culture. This study uses speech code theory which examines the ability of foreigners to adjust the atmosphere through language style when together with a foreigner's environtment (Griffin Em, 2006: 454). This research method uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological study approach. The results of this study are evident that they (the informants) carry out several speech code adaptation processes as their way of survival, namely carrying out the honeymoon and assimilation adaptation processes that lead them to form and not construct communication patterns that have been implemented in Merauke until now.
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The background of this research is to find out how non-Javanese students at the University of Muhammadiyah Magelang overcame the obstacles of intercultural communication that had been experienced during college. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze perceptions, adaptation processes, and how to establish intercultural communication relationships non-Javanese students. While the research method uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The results showed that the non-Javanese students at first considered the language of Javanese as a complicated, foreign language, even ridiculous. However, over time non-Javanese students assessed the Javanese communication as unique, polite, refined in a slow and more careful and multilevel tone. The process of adaptation starts from the awareness of the importance of adapting, followed by learning, and finally learning by practicing. In developing a thigh intercultural communication relations, it prioritizes positive thi...
Komunikasi Antarbudaya dan Fenomena Culture Shock Mahasiswa Etnis Non-Jawa di IAIN Salatiga
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Intercultural intersections born from the meeting of various ethnic cultures will cause culture shock on the culprit. Student entrants will experience culture shock or cultural problematika differences in food culture, language, even religious rituals, although the problem was the average can be anticipated. This paper discusses the perceptions and prejudices of non-Javanese ethnic students on Javanese culture. This phenomenological research used the research subjects of IAIN Salatiga students from non-Javanese ethnicity. Non-Javanese ethnic categories are flexible. Non-Javanese flexibility can be based on birth place, life span of childhood, or more clearly students either biologically or culturally from non-Javanese regions. Various attitudes, indeed born of each of their individual. Perceptions and prejudices in the culture they came across are quite diverse as well. Some have the perception or prejudice that the Javanese are halu-refined and polite, some also assume or suspect that the Javanese have never been straightforward. This is because they see that their culture is more valuable than the culture they go to. ABSTRAK Persinggungan antarbudaya yang lahir dari pertemuan berbagai budaya etnis akan menimbulkan culture shock pada pelakunya. Mahasiswa pendatang akan mengalami culture shock atau problematika budaya perbedaan budaya makanan, bahasa, bahkan ritual keagamaan, walaupun problem itu rata-rata dapat diantisipasinya. Tulisan ini menjelaskan persepsi dan prasangka mahasiswa etnis non-Jawa terhadap budaya Jawa. Penelitian fenomenologis ini menggunakan subyek penelitian mahasiswa IAIN Salatiga yang berasal dari etnis non-Jawa. Kategori etnis non-Jawa bersifat fleksibel. Fleksibilitas non-Jawa bisa berdasarkan pada tempat kelahiran, kurun waktu kehidupan masa kanak-kanak, atau yang lebih jelas adalah mahasiswa baik secara biologis maupun secara kultural berasal dari daerah non Jawa. Berbagai sikap, memang lahir dari setiap individu mereka. Persepsi dan prasangka pada budaya yang mereka datangi cukup beragam pula. Ada yang memiliki persepsi atau prasangka bahwa orang Jawa halu-halus dan sopan, ada juga yang menganggap atau berprasangka bahwa orang Jawa tidak pernah berterus terang. Hal ini lahir karena mereka memandang bahwa budaya dirinya lebih bernilai ketimbang budaya yang mereka datangi.
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Pola Komunikasi Antarbudaya Batak dan Jawa di Yogyakarta
Jurnal ASPIKOM, 2012
This type of research is qualitative research, using the descriptive approach, which seeks to describe a social phenomenon. In other words, this study aims to describe the nature of something that is taking place at the time of the study. This research uses data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, observation and literature study. The results of this research is there are different cultural patterns between the Batak ethnic students in UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta with the indigenous people of Yogyakarta. The Batak ethnic students in UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta has a Low Context cultural patterns and masculinity, while the indigenous people of Yogyakarta has a High Context cultural patterns and Femininity. Communcation patern that exists between the Batak ethnic students in UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta with the indigenous people of Yogyakarta has entered a stage of dynamic intercultural communication having been through an interactive stage and transactional. Intercultural communic...
Komunikasi Antar Budaya pada Etnis Gayo dengan Etnis Jawa
JURNAL SIMBOLIKA: Research and Learning in Communication Study, 2018
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Komunikasi Lintas Budaya Mahasiswa Internship Indonesia di Luar Negeri
Abstract. This research was conducted based on the phenomenon of Indonesian internship students experiencing cross-cultural communication in other countries as a place to do internships abroad to gain experience. This study aims to the motives of Indonesian internship students abroad and determine the meaning of cross-cultural communication experiences. This qualitative research uses phenomenological methods and the research paradigm used is constructivism paradigm which is then reviewed using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observation, literature study and documentation. In the research subject, the authors chose seven Communication Science Faculty Bandung Islamic University abroad students who had been internship students abroad. The results of this study illustrate that there are different motives that Indonesian Internship students have in doing internships abroad as a way to achieve the desired future and the meaning of c...
Crosscultural communication can occur in any communication context no matter the place and time. Communication and mutual understanding in multicultural society is the key of harmony, which each of ethnic group doesn't feel superior nor inferior over other culture especially foreign culture with Indonesian culture. The purpose of this research is to know the communication pattern conducted by foreign student from Palestine in dealing with communication in University of Surakarta and it's surrounding. This research is a qualitative with descriptive approach. The data technique collection through deep interview and observation. The sample taken by using purposive sampling of four informants. The result of the research shows that intercultural communication that occurred between local student and foreign students. Based on the research, intercultural understanding, intercultural knowledge, intercultural sensitivity, intercultural consciousness and intercultural competence are needed. Those five elements are able to support foreign students from Palestine to adapt in a new environment especially in dealing with communication with local students.
Perilaku Komunikasi Gegar Budaya Pada Mahasiswa Asal Indonesia Yang Studi DI Jerman
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Pola Komunikasi Antarbudaya Dalam Mengurangi Konflik Antar Etnik Pada Mahasiswa
JISIP : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2017
Interculture communication happens among people with different culture. Communication process could possibly cause positive and negative effect. One of them is causing inter-ethnic conflict to students. The research purpose is finding out pattern and factors of interculture communication in reducing conflicts among students. The research is qualitative research. Data collection done by researcher is interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis method is descriptive method, where it describes data collected. Research found that interculture communication pattern used by students in reducing inter-ethnic conflict is direct communication or linear communication which done face to face, and indirect communication or secondary communication, is a message delivering method using media such as phone and internet. While factors influenced interculture communication pattern in reducing inter-ethnic conflict are language, culture, and mindset. Avoiding interculture conflict is giving real information without any addition, good communication by adjusting themselves, respect each other and communicating well using National language.