Construction of Banjar Women Beauty in Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia (original) (raw)

Theorizing Beauty Regimes: Indonesian Women Performing their Gender Ideology and Resistance through Makeup

Humaniora Vol 34, No. 2, 2022

This article is about how Indonesian women talk about their beauty practices. They are aware how their beauty routines are often seen as banal and shallow but simultaneously essential to their gendered beings. However, this article argues that women are able to subvert the deprecating narratives of their beauty regimes into empowering ones while maintaining the same practices. Through their practices, they seem to conform to the beauty requirement in society. However, through their discourse, they present their beauty regimes with perspectives that put their free will and agency at the centre of their beauty regimes. The research used a sample of twenty-two Indonesian women aged from the mid-twenties to mid-sixties, to ask about beauty routines. Their answers are analyzed by using feminist discourse analysis to seek possibilities of subversion and empowerment. Another theoretical approach used in this research is the politics of everyday lives. The problematization of everyday practices allows for the deconstruction of ideology that perpetuates gendered norms of beauty. This research is significant because it provides a blueprint for further research on gender politics in the 21 st century that focuses on everyday practices.

The History of Beauty Discourse in Indonesia

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Recent Language, Literature, and Local Culture Studies, BASA, 20-21 September 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Beauty is an interesting object to discuss. Beauty would always associate to women but beauty also part of human culture. Beauty discourse that created from power and industry have so many effects in human's life and society. This study aims to describe the history of beauty discourse that exists in Indonesia This study is conducted through Michel Foucault's archaeology method in order to disclose the various system and ideas, as well as to examine the origin and development on the beauty discourse in Indonesia. The results of this study are a description of the history of beauty discourse that exists and emerged in Indonesia. Those discourses of beauty are sorted into four periods: (1) the era of the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom, (2) pre-independence era, (3) postindependence era, and (4) reformation era. The discourse of beauty that emerged during the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom and pre-independence until postindependence was closely related to those who were in power. Meanwhile, the discourse of beauty that existed during the reformation period was more related to those who were dominant in the beauty industry. Currently the Korean beauty discourse is the dominant one. It emerged and developed along with the growth of Korean popular culture in Indonesia.

Discourse on the shifting of local beauty: Concepts in an Easternization era

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

The desire to be beautiful among Indonesian women today is influenced by the construction of beauty from outside of the culture. The popular culture of parts of East Asia has entered Indonesia and the Eastern concept of beauty has brought in a different paradigm compared to the local beauty of the Indonesian people. This study is a descriptive qualitative study involving discourse analysis that examines the shift in the construction of beauty held by Indonesian women in the decades 1990-2000 and 2001-2010 through the cosmetic advertisements that appeared on television. Through this research, the shift in the concept of beauty and the discourse hidden behind the present construction of beauty will be revealed. The results found that in the early 1990s, Indonesian women were still oriented towards the reality of the condition that Indonesian women’s skin is tanned. This shifted to the concept of fair skin being preferred using traditional ethnic materials in Indonesia. From the 2000s ...

Color Identity in the Beauty of Indonesian Women Who Construct Beauty Product Labels in the Cultural Industry Era

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023

The development of the media that has accelerated the spread of new ideologies in the discourse of beauty has caused instability in the construction of beauty, especially for Indonesian women. Color is one of the most attractive beauty ideologies for women and has become the identity and measure of a women's beauty. This article discusses beauty construction represented through local brand cosmetic advertisements from the 1990s to the beginning of 2010. This study is descriptive qualitative research with a cultural studies approach. In the cultural industry, capitalism always makes reproducing of the construction of beauty in cosmetic advertisements. So that is why the structure of beauty changes. The changes can notbe apart from the intervention of patriarchs and capitalists who offer various kinds of beauty concepts in their products. The label of 'color' is the main factor being sold as the principle concept to make women beautiful and to make 'color' as a beauty identity and identity of Indonesian cosmetic brands local

Cycles of Beauty Culture: Ethnography of Beauty Clinics Commodification


Skin care is not a completely new in beauty treatments. Previously there have been other types of cultural industry which also adopted the medical science, such as cosmetic and beauty salon industries. But, skin care beauty clinic successfully introduces the services of beauty treatments which are considered the healthiest. This paper is a summary of the research on how beauty clinic quickly became a part of everyday life of its consumers. The research focused on Natasha Skin Care, a most popular beauty clinic in Indonesia at the moment. According to Richard Johnson, the process of a culture industry reaches the society through a communication that in form a pattern cyclic communications. The stages in the pattern are interconnected but slipped, each stage is affecting others but are not specified in an uncertain manner; between the producer of culture industry with its consumers. This study is a multidiscipline research using three methods of interpretation namely ethnography, disc...

Intertwining Beauty and Piety: Cosmetics, Beauty Treatments, and Ḥalāl Lifestyle in Urban Indonesia


This article discusses the intertwinement of beauty and piety among middle-class Muslim women in urban Indonesia through the use of cosmetics and beauty treatments within the broader trends of ḥalāl lifestyle. It uses an anthropological approach with case studies in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, and Serang, the capital city of Banten Province. Jakarta and Serang were chosen because Jakarta is a picture-perfect example of an older area characterized by the abundance of middle-class Muslims and the vehemence of ḥalāl lifestyle, while Serang represents a newer area in this regard. Moreover, this article explores the understanding and practices of religious rituals, as well as the responses of urban middle-class Muslim women towards commodified goods and services, consumerism behavior, and communal piety. We argue that the use of cosmetics and beauty treatments has become one of the most glaring public expressions that has concurrently influenced the way urban middle-class Mus...

The Rising of Postfeminism in Beauty Styling by Beauty Influencers in Indonesia

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020), 2020

This iresearch iexamines imanifestation iof ipostfeminism iin ibeauty istyling iby ibeauty iinfluencers iin iIndonesia iusing icyberfeminism iapproach. iResults iindicate ithat ibeauty iinfluencers iutilize itheir ibody iand ibeauty ito iwork, iwork iand ishare itips. iBeing ibeauty iis ia ibargaining ipower ifor iwomen. iWomen ias isubjects, iwith itheir iawareness iof imaking itheir ibody iand ibeauty ias ieconomic icapital iand isocial icapital ito iprovide ipositive iinfluence ion ifellow iwomen iby iappearing ion ithe idigital iarena, inamely iInstagram. iThis istudy ishowed iwomen ireconcile iwith itheir iroles iand istatus. iEvery iwoman ihas iher iown ilife iexperience ithat icannot ibe igeneralized. iThe iimplications iof ithis iresearch iare iexpected ito icontribute iinformation iand ienrich ithe irepertoire iof isocial iscience, iespecially isociology ialso ifor ithe idevelopment iof iresearch ion iwomen's ibodies, imedia, iand ibeauty.

Perception of “Beautiful” Indonesian Women in The Eka Kurniawan’s Novel “Beauty is a Wound”

International Journal of English Learning and Applied Linguistics (IJELAL)

Literature is a manifestation of the existence of life in society. Literature as a means of cultural and social representation that describes gender relations. One of the literary criticisms, there is a view called feminism, namely the women's movement caused by the awareness that women have the same rights as men. This article aims to discuss or analyze perceptions or views about the expression 'beautiful' for Indonesian women in the novel "Beauty is a wound" by Eka Kurniawan. The writer concludes that this research is included in the field of literary criticism, therefore in this study the writer uses a qualitative method with descriptive analysis, namely this research is case study research. This study is based on the theory of feminism analysis, in which from time to time the concept of women's beauty changes, from being purely sexual to political. The results of the analysis show that the term "beautiful" in the main character Dewi Ayu is ref...

Traditional body care of women in Madura Island

Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik

Most of Indonesian family systems adhere to the patriarchy system, in which the husband has the authority to make decision. It is also the case in Prenduan Village in Sumenep region in Madura Island. This research aimed to know how the body care in Prenduan women in Madura, and how the women’s view upon their body cares. It is interesting to see the point of view of women in Madura, whether they do it for themselves, or forthe husbands. This is a qualitative research. We used in-depth interviews and observation to gather the data. We find that body care of Prenduan women in Sumenep, Madura Island has the purpose to make the husband happy and satisfied. For teenage girls, the purpose is for their health, and to prepare them so that they can function well in their family when they get married. They consider using traditional potion is better than those of modern medication made of chemical materials. The focus of the body care practice is the position of a woman as a partner, who is i...