Evaluation of Group Intervention for Mothers/Caretakers of Kindergarten Children with Externalizing Behavioral Problems (original) (raw)

Caracterização de programas de intervenção com crianças e/ou adolescentes

Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

O estudo teve por objetivo apresentar uma análise descritiva de resumos de pesquisas que avaliaram os efeitos de intervenções para prevenir e/ou remediar problemas de comportamento em crianças e/ou adolescentes. Foram analisados 192 resumos de artigos publicados entre os anos de 1986 e junho de 2006, indexados nas bases de dados Index-Psi/Periódicos, Lilacs, PsycInfo, Scielo e Medline. As categorias de análise dos estudos focalizaram bibliografia, método e resultados. A análise dos resultados indicou que a maioria dos estudos envolveu intervenções com grupos e famílias e amostras com mais de trinta participantes. O delineamento caracterizou-se pelo experimental e quase experimental, combinando observação e relato verbal ou apenas o relato para coleta de dados. A análise dos resultados das intervenções sugere que os programas possibilitaram, principalmente, redução dos problemas de comportamento dos filhos e melhora das práticas parentais. Este artigo discute contribuições para a área e lacunas no conhecimento.

Aprender a Convivir. Un programa para la mejora de la competencia social del alumnado de Educación Infantil y Primaria

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 2013

Behavior problems are often observed in classrooms. The age at which problems appear is increasingly younger, and there are no interventions that ensure a reduction in such behavior problems among school age children. Research and previous evidence show the importance of social competence in this kind of prevention. Working with preschool and primary students must be the main objective, because social competence is a protective factor against behavior problems. In response to these social and educational problems, American and European countries have begun to include universal prevention programs in their curriculum, to ensure the learning of social competence at school.

Multimodal analysis of estimated and observed social competence in preschoolers with/without behavior problems / Análise Multimodal da Competência Social Estimada e Observada de Pré-Escolares com/sem Comportamentos Problemáticos

Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto)

ABSTRACT. As social skills concur with behavior problems, the combination of these aspects can produce differences in the social competence. This study assessed similarities and differences in preschoolers’ social competence, considering the: (1) groups - one with social skills and three with behavior problems (internalizing, externalizing and mixed), (2) types of evaluation - mothers and teachers’ estimation and direct observation in structured situations and (3) structured situations as demands for five classes of social skills. The child’s performance in each situation was evaluated by judges and estimated by mother and teacher. It was verified: (a) similarities in the social competence estimated by mothers, teachers and in the observed performance; (b) only teachers differentiated the groups (better social competence to skilled group and lower to the internalizing and mixed groups); (c) assertiveness’ demands differentiated more the groups. They are discussed methodological questions and clinical and educational potential of the structured situations to social skills promotion. Keywords: social competence; behavior disorders; estimation; observation methods; preschoolers. RESUMO. Como habilidades sociais competem com comportamentos problemáticos, a combinação desses aspectos pode levar a diferenças na competência social. Este estudo avaliou diferenças e semelhanças na competência social de pré-escolares em função de: (1) grupos: um com habilidades sociais e três com comportamentos problemáticos (internalizantes; externalizantes e mistos); (2) tipos de avaliação – estimativa de mães e professoras e observação direta em situação estruturada e (3) situações estruturadas como demandas para cinco classes de habilidades sociais. O desempenho das crianças em cada situação foi avaliado por juízes e estimado pelas mães e professoras. Verificou-se: similaridade na competência social estimada por mães, professoras e no desempenho observado; somente professoras diferenciaram os grupos (maior competência social para o grupo com habilidades sociais e menor para os grupos internalizantes e mistos); demandas de assertividade diferenciaram os grupos. Foram discutidas questões metodológicas e o potencial clínico e educacional das situações estruturadas para promoção de habilidades sociais. Palavras-chave: competência social, distúrbios de comportamento, estimativa, métodos de observação, pré-escolares.

O Desenvolvimento Da Comunicação De Expressão De Pré-Escolares Como Resultado De Um Jardim De Infância e a Interação Familiar

Criar Educação, 2016

In this article we speak about the actual problem of interaction of preschool educational institution and a family which is directed on the solution of the development of speech communication between adults and children problems. As far as a child gets the first experience of social behavior in his/her family, it first of all depends on what the child will grow up and what the place in society he/she will take. The conditions, tasks, contents and forms of an interaction of teachers with parents for an effective realization of problems of speech and social development of the child are revealed.


Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, 2020

Children's behavior problems can be internalizing or externalizing, with the latter being most commonly mentioned by parents and teachers as a nuisance factor. The aim is to compare assessments on indicators of behavior problems and prosocial resources in schoolchildren, based on the report of mothers and teachers, considering sex and level of school education as variables. In the present study, 100 teachers, 200 students and 200 mothers participated. For data collection, a characterization questionnaire and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-(SDQ) were used. Mothers and teachers found significant statistical differences in the assessment of prosocial resources and behavior problems in all scales and in the total SDQ score. Mothers surpassed teachers in the identification of problems for boys, of more prosocial resources for girls, and of more emotional symptoms in the early years of schooling. The simultaneous assessment of prosocial resources and problems leads to preventive practices. Problemas de comportamiento y recurso prosocial en la evaluación de madres y profesoras RESUMEN Los problemas de comportamiento de los niños pueden ser internalizantes o externalizantes, los últimos, más comúnmente mencionados por los padres y profesores como factor de incómodo. Se tiene como objetivo comparar la evaluación de indicadores de problemas de comportamiento y de recurso prosocial de escolares, a partir de relato de madres y profesoras, considerando como variables el sexo y la escolaridad. Participaron del estudio 100 profesoras, 200 alumnos y 200 madres. Para la recolecta de datos se utilizó un cuestionario de caracterización y el Cuestionario de Capacidades y Dificultades-(SDQ). Se evidenció diferencias estadísticas significativas en la evaluación de los recursos adaptativos y problemas de comportamiento, por madres y profesoras, en todas las escalas y escore total del SDQ. Las madres identificaron más problemas que las profesoras, para los niños, más recursos de socialización para niñas, y más síntomas emocionales en los curos iniciales de escolarización. La evaluación simultánea de recursos adaptativos y problemas favorece prácticas preventivas. Palabras clave: Psicología infantil; familia; escuela. Problemas de comportamento e recurso pró-social na avaliação de mães e professoras RESUMO Os problemas de comportamento das crianças podem ser internalizantes ou externalizantes, sendo os últimos mais comumente mencionados pelos pais e professores como fator de incômodo. Tem-se como objetivo comparar a avaliação de indicadores de problemas de comportamento e de recurso pró-social de escolares, a partir do relato de mães e professoras, considerando como variáveis o sexo e a escolaridade. Participaram do estudo 100 professoras, 200 alunos e 200 mães. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se um questionário de caracterização e o Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades-(SDQ). Verificaram-se diferenças estatísticas significativas na avaliação dos recursos adaptativos e problemas de comportamento, por mães e professoras, em todas as escalas e escore total do SDQ. As mães identificaram mais problemas que as professoras, para os meninos, mais recursos de socialização para meninas, e mais sintomas emocionais nos anos iniciais de escolarização. A avaliação simultânea de recursos adaptativos e problemas favorece práticas preventivas. Palavras-chave: Psicologia da criança; família; escola.

Educational Social Skills and Repertoire of Children Differentiated by Behavior and Sex Habilidades Sociais Educativas e Repertório de Crianças Diferenciadas Por Comportamento e Sexo

Paideia, 2020

Our study sought to compare mothers' behavioral repertoire (educational social skills and negative practices) and maternal anxiety and depression indicators with children's behaviors (behavior problems and social skills), by assessing the variables "sex" (boys and girls) and "occurrence of behavior problems". The sample consisted of 20 children with behavior problems (clinical group), 20 without behavior problems (non-clinical group), their mothers and teachers. Reporting instruments were used with teachers and mothers and comparative analyzes were conducted between groups. The results indicated that the clinical group had higher rates of behavior problems and maternal depressive symptoms, whereas the non-clinical group showed more child social and educational social skills. Sex did not differ between groups. We concluded that maternal educational practices are more influenced by children's behaviors than by their sex. Resumo: Este estudo objetivou comparar repertório comportamental de mães (habilidades sociais educativas e práticas negativas), indicadores de ansiedade e depressão maternos e comportamentos de crianças (problemas de comportamento e habilidades sociais), controlando as variáveis sexo (meninos e meninas) e ocorrência de problemas de comportamento. A amostra foi composta por 20 crianças com problemas de comportamento (grupo clínico), 20 sem problemas de comportamento (grupo não clínico), suas mães e professores. Foram utilizados instrumentos de relato com professores e mães e conduzidas análises comparativas entre os grupos. Os resultados indicaram que o grupo clínico apresentou maiores taxas em problemas de comportamento e sintomas de depressão materna, enquanto o grupo não clínico apresentou mais habilidades sociais infantis e habilidades sociais educativas. O sexo não diferenciou os grupos. Conclui-se que as práticas educativas maternas são mais influenciadas pelos comportamentos das crianças do que pelo sexo delas. Palavras-chave: habilidades sociais, distúrbios do comportamento, ansiedade, depressão, sexo Habilidades Sociales Educativas y Repertorio de Niños Diferenciados por Comportamiento y Sexo Resumen: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar el repertorio conductual de madres (habilidades sociales educativas y prácticas negativas), los indicadores de ansiedad y depresión maternos y los comportamientos de los niños (problemas del comportamiento y habilidades sociales) diferenciados por las variables sexo (niños y niñas) y la aparición de problemas del comportamiento. La muestra consistió en 20 niños con problemas del comportamiento (grupo clínico), 20 niños sin problemas del comportamiento (grupo no clínico), sus madres y maestros. Se utilizaron instrumentos de informe con maestros y madres y se realizaron análisis comparativos entre grupos. Los resultados indicaron que el grupo clínico tenía tasas más altas de problemas del comportamiento y síntomas de depresión materna, mientras que el grupo no clínico tenía más habilidades sociales infantiles y habilidades sociales educativas. El sexo no se diferenció en los grupos. Se concluye que las prácticas educativas maternas están más influenciadas por los comportamientos de los niños que por el sexo de los mismos.

Practices : Impact on Child Behavior


The family, as a promoting and facilitating nucleus of human development, performs two fundamental tasks: to assure the continuity of the human being and to enable the balance between growth and individualization and the socialization of each member. The present study is causal-comparative and the main objectives are to uncover parental reactions to positive child emotions and how parents react to the different emotional responses of their children comparing multiproblematic and non-multiproblemátic families. The sample constituted 65 subjects; 32 of which belonged to families flagged by NCPAC (National Comission of Protection of Adolescents and Children), and 33 belonging to non-flagged families. The instruments used were a sociodemographic questionnaire, an emotional management questionnaire (QCEP-PMelo, Moreira & Soares, 2004) and a questionnaire on parental practices (PPQCarolina Webster-Stratton 2005). The main results indicate that multiproblematic families have higher values ...

Quantity of Group Childcare, Behavior Problems and Pro-Social Behaviors: A Study With Portuguese Preschoolers

Data from a national sample of Portuguese preschool centers were used to examine the relationship between age of start and number of hours in child care and levels of externalizing and prosocial behaviors with peers. Participants were both parents and teachers of 543children (mean age =4.5 years, 50.6% girls). Children started child care between 3 and 64 months and were attending child care 1–9 hr per day. The child care centers’ classrooms had adult–child ratios between 5 and 8.7 and group sizes between 15 and 26 children. Externalizing and prosocial behavior with peers was assessed with the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale–Short Form completed by the 3 adult informants. Control variables included family sociodemographics and education level, maternal parenting style assessed with the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire, and maternal stress assessed with the Parenting Experiences questionnaire. Practice or Policy: Both the number of hours per week in child care and a nearlier start of center-based child care had modest but significant associations with dimensional scores from teachers’ reports of externalizing behavior but not with mothers’ or fathers’ reports, suggesting that externalizing behavior with peers could be regarded as context specific to peer relationships in group child care. There was no evidence that the quantity of exposure to child care per se could be a substantial risk factor for severe levels of externalizing behavior. Prosocial behavior with peers was not significantly associated with the number of hours in child care or with the age of entry into group child care.

Predictors of social skills and behavioral problems in children

Preditores de habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento em crianças RESUMO Habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento são influenciados por múltiplas variáveis. Objetivou-se comparar grupos de crianças diferenciados por déficits de habi-lidades sociais e problemas de comportamento quanto aos aspectos sociodemográficos, práticas educativas, recursos do ambiente familiar e indicadores de depressão materna, verificando o valor preditivo dessas variáveis. Participaram 151 mães de crianças e os dados foram comparados e tratados por regressões logísticas binárias. Nos modelos de regressão constataram-se as influências: a) para habilidades sociais das práticas positivas e negativas – problemas de comportamento e renda familiar; e b) para pro-blemas de comportamento das práticas negativas – habilidades sociais infantis, tempo de educação materna, estado civil e sexo da criança. Nas comparações, os recursos do ambiente e depressão materna diferenciaram os grupos. A avaliação simultânea das variáveis evidenciou intersecções e diferenciações dos construtos. ABSTRACT Social skills and behavioral problems are influenced by multiple variables. Objective was to compare groups of children distinguished by social skill deficits and behavioral problems, according to sociodemographic variables, educational practices, family environment resources, and indicators of maternal depression, verifying the predictive value of those variables. Participants were 151 mothers of children, and data were compared and treated by binary logistic regression. On the regression models, the following influences were observed: a) in case of social skills related to the positive and negative educational practices – behavioral problems and low income; b) in case of behavioral problems related to the negative practices – child social skills, mother's schooling, mother's marital state and child's gender. In comparisons, environmental resources and maternal depression differentiated the groups. Simultaneous evaluation of the variables emphasizes intersections and differences of the constructs.

A intersetorialidade no campo da saúde mental infantojuvenil: proposta de atuação da terapia ocupacional no contexto escolar

Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, 2019

Introduction: Child and adolescent mental health care is based on some care guidelines, including the permanent construction of the network and intersectoriality. It is pointed out that intersectoral actions between the fields of education and health are extremely important so that childcare and adolescents to occur in a meaningful and integral way. Objective: Identify the main demands regarding child development and mental health in the school context and to describe the possibilities of occupational therapy interventions in intersectoral practices in mental health with a focus on promotion and prevention. Method: This is an experience report related to a university extension project developed in a Child Education Unit. The activities developed in the project involved different actions, These are presented in two stages-the first one focused on the identification and mapping of difficulties and demands in the field of child development and mental health, and the second step refers to the actions carried out in this context, such as the insertion in classrooms and follow-up of the activities developed, the orientation and instrumentalization of teachers after insertion, and the reflection group for school staff and family members. Results: The interventions performed as positive were evaluated in order to contribute to the potentiation of the different contexts, being considered an important action of prevention and promotion of the development and the mental health of the children. Conclusion: Actions of this nature contribute to the development of children and adolescents, as they are fundamental in guaranteeing comprehensive and effective care.