Science and technology Museum of Patras University and department of cultural education in primary education, prefecture of Achaia, Greece: an example of cooperation and knowledge dissemination (original) (raw)

Museum educational activities in the context of disseminating modern scientific knowledge

Revista Amazonia Investiga

The purpose of the study is to analyse the content and focus of the educational activities of museums on the dissemination of modern scientific knowledge and ideas of scientific education. Scientific education is increasingly acquiring interdisciplinary and integrative content as a synthesis of natural, technical, and humanitarian knowledge in formal, non-formal, and informal education, or in conditions of their complementary integration. The authors conducted an online survey of 42 respondents (teachers of Ukrainian secondary schools, teachers of universities, and museum workers) who answered 10 questions of the questionnaire about the organization, drafting, and implementation of museum educational (museum pedagogical) programmes to communicate with pupils and students in the museum environment with the opportunity to express their own attitude to the suggested problems. The survey results proved that teachers of secondary schools and teachers of higher education institutions have...



This article examines the potentiality of the dissemination of natural sciences not in the usual science museum environment, but in the archaeological museum. The aim is to highlight the existing interfaces between the fields of archaeology and the natural sciences in the setting of a Greek archaeological museum so that its exhibition space can serve as a field for non-formal education for dissemination of natural sciences as well. Starting with the investigation of the necessity of such a choice, which follows the international trend of interdis-ciplinary interpretation of museum collections and dialogues between permanent collections and temporary exhibitions of different disciplines, it identifies the following four interfaces: a) archaeometry, b) conservation, c) ancient Greek science and d) ancient Greek technology and art. Finally, it examines the feasibility of designing a 'science educational islet', a museum structure mainly addressed at school groups that embodies the relationship between natural sciences and archaeology as a result of both didactic and museographic transposition simultaneously.

Dialogues in Cultural heritage,Cultural networks and innovative practices.A. Koufou, P. Georgopoulou, G. Manolopoulou, I. Papadopoulou, D. Koliopoulos, : towards a dynamic cooperation between museum and education through three Greek case studies,6th YOCOCU Conference 22-26 May 2018 - Matera, Italy

Published by YOCOCU CNR – IBAM (Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali) , 2018

YOCOCU has become in the last decade a networking and meeting platform where senior and young researchers, professionals and students, all animated by the common goal to preserve and promote cultural heritage, share their experiences, show and discuss their investigation methods, offer their input in research in the different fields of cultural heritage, from the conservation to management. The 2018 YOCOCU conference at Matera (Italy) has been conceived as a forum to promote dialogues and partnerships between scientists, conservators and managers, on one hand, and civic and community non-governmental organizations, on the other. The common ground which museology and education have reached, based on the theory of constructivism, has recently given a new perspective on the cultural education. The use and reuse of cultural heritage in education as a crucial cognitive tool highlighted the need to update the ways in which educators cooperate with the professionals of the museum and also the ways in which young students perceive the cultural heritage. In other words in a highly demanding world, museums and educators have to find new, more challenging paths in order to satisfy their young audience. The following paragraphs aim to highlight the effectiveness of the projects and to set a good practice on the cooperation of cultural and educational institutes. Key Words –, education, culture, synergy, comics

MuseumEdu 3. Museums and Education: Research approaches. Third issue of the international journal MusemEdu

Onlime, open access, peer-reviewed international journal MuseumEdu ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE THIRD ISSUE Museumedu 3 Dear friends and colleagues, Hello, and welcome to the third issue of the MuseumEdu Journal, a publication of the Museum Education and Research Laboratory at the University of Thessaly, Greece, available at: Museumedu 3. Museums and Education: Research approaches, was edited by Niki Nikonanou, Irene Nakou and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos and was published in June 2016. It is available at: More information in the attached file. The MuseumEdu Editors Irene Nakou Niki Nikonanou Panagiotis Kanellopoulos

Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and Learning


The project proposal is connected to the promotion of initiatives, starting in primary school, for using ICT, the open educational resources and digital resources of cultural heritage for the improvement science learning. The Project aim is to promote a new ways of learning and teaching through innovative method, using technologies and open digital resources that can be non-formal content for design curricula. It also proposed a new way for schools and museums cooperation; Teachers of primary school partners are involved in the project through the learning experience with students of their classes.

Museum education in Greece: histories, ideas and the realities behind the words we use

ICOM Education 29 Museum education I Médiation culturelle – éducation muséale I Educación museal – mediación cultural, 2020

In this paper, we explore the different terms and notions used to describe museum pedagogy and learning in Greece. We choose the term “museum pedagogy” to refer to the scientific discipline and the learning theories of the educational role of the museum, while we use the term “museum learning” to refer to everyday practice in museums such as museum learning programmes. Some of our research questions are: which are the origins and the histories of the terms “museum education”, “museum learning”, “museum pedagogy” and how are they used in Greece? Are there differences? In the end, are the words significant and meaningful and what are the realities behind them? In an attempt to answer this last question, we present the methods we are trying to follow in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete while designing museum learning programmes. The first part sketches a short history of museum pedagogy and learning in the country, describing the origins of terms and practices. In Greece, the term “museum” is often identified with the archaeological museum, which applies mainly to institutions that preserve and exhibit works from ancient Hellenic civilisations. Archaeological museums are the largest group of museums in Greece, followed by folk museums. The recent studies have shown that museum pedagogy and learning in Greece has deeper roots than we have believed so far. The genealogy of museum pedagogy and learning is divided into three periods, which appear to be successive in time and are characterised by three approaches: the political-ideological (pre-revolutionary period-1900), aesthetics (1900-1978) and finally the educational approach (1978-present). Until the 1990s, national, state and public museums in Greece were more object-centered and considered as institutions that delivered formal education around national Greek narratives. Behind the words, one of the realities is that the museums have become more accessible in recent years, elaborating their role as learning institutions in Greece. In the second part, we present the main structure of the museum learning programmes, designed and implemented in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Crete as an example of best practice of reality in the field of museum learning in Greece. It focuses on school groups, even though we use the same strategies for other groups. Our methods are slow looking and artful thinking and we propose four main steps for a successful museum learning programme, full of holistic and multimodal experiences: 1) preparation for the visit with the leader of the group (e.g. teacher, professor) for the visit, 2) the preparation of the group before the visit, 3) the visit to the museum for the implementation of the museum learning programme and finally 4) the processing of the visit after the museum visit in the classroom. The visit in the museum is structured in four phases: a phase with activities to relax, break the ice and get-to-know-each-other, a phase of introduction to the subject, a phase of reflection on the subject and a phase of creative evaluation and emotional discharge. Through these steps we want visitors to feel welcome, included, interested but also engaged and active in their everyday life, inspired by taking part in the programmes. Some people in Greece still believe that museum pedagogy and learning refer only to children. Consequently, museums need to challenge this attitude and be more mindful and critical. Collaboration and the creation of synergies between the museum staff and audiences are at the heart of museum learning. After all, the core to museum learning, education, museum pedagogy or whatever we call our profession, is the desire to inform, create, inspire cultural action.

Museum of Education: challenges and successes in a Greek University Museum

University museums can perform as fundamental social agents while contributing to research and education. As such, it is important to explore and build on three key elements: effective student engagement, digital projects, and financial sustainability. This paper highlights the Museum's overarching goal to critically assess the integration of technology in order to enhance the visitor's experience without overshadowing the exhibits. Additionally, it presents the Museum's strategic plan which includes volunteering, sponsorships and partnerships. Finally, we elaborate on how the problem of restricted funds is addressed, what scientific expertise the Museum offers and how we invest in audience development.

Role of university museums and collections in disseminating scientific culture

Resimo Partindo da definiçâo de museus cientificos corno os contextos materials onde os artefactos cientîficos e tecnológicos sâo preservados e onde a cultura cientifica é elaborada e disseminada, discutem-se entâo os diferentes meios de que dispôem os museus de história da ciência e os museus de ciência para cumprir a sua missâo. Devido à sua origem, os museus universitarios possuem pontos em comum corn estes dois tipos de museus e também têm um papel a desempenhar, quer na investigaçâo quer na inovaçâo em museologia e em museogratia das ciências. Sobretudo, constituent locais onde a cultura cientifica é disseminada. Abstract Starting from the definition of scientific museums as the material context where scientific and technological artefacts are preserved and scientific culture is elaborated and disseminated, the different ways in which museums of history of science and science museums accomplish their task will be addressed. University museums, due to their origins, have feature...

Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and Learning (2017)


The project proposal is connected to the promotion of initiatives, starting in primary school, for using ICT, the open educational resources and digital resources of cultural heritage for the improvement science learning. The Project aim is to promote a new ways of learning and teaching through innovative method, using technologies and open digital resources that can be non-formal content for design curricula. It also proposed a new way for schools and museums cooperation; Teachers of primary school partners are involved in the project through the learning experience with students of their classes.