The Analysis of Flood Disaster Risk at Wonoasri Village, Tempurejo Sub-district, Jember District (original) (raw)
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A disaster is an event which causes an interference in a life and and livelihoods in a society. The flood disaster potential happened at Wonoasri village was caused by geographical location from Wonoasri village which is in the form of lowland and many formed lands that are concave. Thus almost each year, those places are experiencing flood. The flood is caused by the overflowing river at Sananrejo, Curahnongko and Mayang River which result in the occurrence of clogging due to sedimentation in some watersheds (referred as DAS in Indonesia). The aimed of this studied was to analyse the flood disaster risk at Wonoasri Village, Tempurejo Sub-District, Jember District. To did that, this studied used quantitative method and descriptive-analysis. The analysis of disaster risk was gained through weighing and disaster risk analysis matrix as well as interview and observations. Samples used in this present studied were 110 respondents. They were Wonoasri people consisting of Curahlele and ...
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Environmental Health Risk Assessment in Flood Prone Area; Case Study in Wajo District\_Vol.3\_Issue.4\_Oct2018/IJSHR\_Abstract.003.html, 2018
Background: Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) is one of the appropriate methods used in the study of the impact or risk of flooding on public health in flood-prone areas. This article aims to analyze environmental health risks in flood-prone areas with a case study in Wajo District, South Sulawesi which is prone to flooding that occurs every year. Method: This type of research is observational with a descriptive approach that analyzes the environmental health risks in flood-prone areas in Wajo District, namely Tempe District and Sabbangparu District. The sample in this study were all people aged> 15 years in areas affected by flooding that occurred in Wajo District in the Tempe and Sabbangparu Districts as many as 398 people. Data were analyzed descriptively in the table with reference to EHRA standards. Discussion: Environmental health risk assessment in Wajo District showed that Wiringpalannae and Mattirotappareng villages is in a very high risk category, Salomenraleng and Salotengnga villages are in the high risk category, Laelo, Pallimae, Mallusesalo, Worongnge, Liu, Ugi, and Walannae are in the risk category moderate, and the Tadangpalie and Watalippue villages are in the less risky category. Recommendation: This research will become a literature and in the framework of determining the direction of health care policies and efforts to overcome environmental based diseases such in people living in areas affected by flooding in Wajo District.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Indonesia is a country prone to natural disasters that are influenced by natural factors and human factors. Natural disasters that commonly occur in Indonesia are floods, sea tides, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and drought. Among these disasters, floods are the most frequent natural disasters in various parts of Indonesia. During 2015 there was 1732 incidence of disasters in Indonesia, 92.67% of the disasters are landslides, tornado, and flood (Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency-BNPB, (2016). Refer to BNPB (2018), during 2017, 979 incidences of flood disaster occurred in Indonesia where 2.518.578 people were affected by the flood disaster. Considering that flood is a common disaster in Indonesia, people should have flood preparedness. This research was conducted at the estuary of Bone River Gorontalo Province. The Bone River is one of the longest rivers in Gorontalo Province that cross Bone Bolango Regency and Gorontalo City. There are many communities are living in river estuaries that belong to densely populated areas, so this research is very important to understand perception and adaptation strategy of society to flood disaster. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to the community and analyzed quantitatively. The results show that most respondents know that they live in flood-prone areas, floods can cause various impacts, and floods can be prevented and minimized. The research result is expected to be useful in the decision-making process for decreasing flood disaster risk at the estuary of Bone River Gorontalo Province.