SOCIAL RECOGNITION ON A GLOBAL SCALE: Opportunities and Limits of Media Reflection (original) (raw)
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In recent years, the dynamics of suburban development in Slovakia has influenced rural areas within the reach of cities. Projects aimed to condense and expand original rural structures along with new forms of housing create space for a higher quality of life, appreciated for healthier environment due to the surrounding nature and optimal social relationships and home-based ties. The successful fulfillment of these benefits does not consist only of building new attractive family houses, but mainly of the equilibrium of the complexity, quality and vitality indexes of the surrounding urban environment. It seems to be the countryside that provides the space and opportunities for the application of these parameters. What is, however, the reality of the suburban areas of Bratislava? The dynamic growth of settlements, combined with the commercialization of the territory disturbs the atmosphere and the identity of the rural environment. New development projects often do not follow declared ...
Contemplations Over the Book Panorama of the Stage Fates of Five Actresses
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Sv. Cyril a Metod a ich reflexia v krajine Slovenska
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2020
Methodius and Their Reflection in the Landscape of Slovakia. The formation of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition in our history has an impact on the cultural landscape. The aim of the paper is a spatial identification of the cult of Sts. Cyril and Methodius as well as the study of its impact on the landscape of Slovakia. The first step is to identify tangible and intangible features, or, more precisely, cultural landscape elements. In Slovakia, we register in connection with Sts. Cyril and Methodius more than 120 sacral objects (churches, chapels, exterior sculptures). These, together with profane objects (schools, medical facilities) and intangible elements (e.g. street names, squares, organized events), are involved in the transformation of cultural, or, more precisely, religious landscape. The largest number of sacral objects arose after 1989, in the process of modern sacralisation of the landscape, which is typical of countries with renewed religious freedom.
Prispevok je zameraný na možnosti identifikacie a zistenia konkretnychproblemových oblasti socialnej atmosfery v triede, v ktorej je potrebna intervencia zo stranyskolskeho psychologa, koordinatora prevencie. Obsahuje popis ziskavania informacii nazaklade Skaly socialnej atmosfery triedy a jej vyhodnotenie s navrhmi pre upravu tematickehoplanu zohľadňujuceho výsledky dotaznika, cim by malo dojsť k odstraneniu problemovv oblasti socialnej atmosfery triedy.
Three Slovak Art Films and Their Attempt to Reach Cinematic Audiences
Slovenske divadlo /The Slovak Theatre
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