hematoloji kongresi (original) (raw)

Hematoloji Kongresi 23-28 Eylül


Bu çalışmada hastanemizin hematoloji bölümün-de 2001 ile 2004 yılları arasında İmmun Trombositopenik Purpura (İTP) tanısı ile izlenen 143 olgu, klinik seyir ve tedavi sonuçları yönün-den geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Yaşları 15 ile 76 arasında (median yaş 37) değişen olguların 106'sı kadın (%74), 37' si erkek (%26) idi. Olgula-rın başlangıç trombosit değerleri 1000/mm3 ile 25000/mm3 arasında değişmekte idi. Tedavi uy-gulanan 143 olgunun tümüne başlangıç tedavisi olarak 1mg/kg/gün dozu ile prednizolon başlan-dı. Tedavi uygulanan olguların 67'si (%47) steroide cevap verdi ve tam düzelme sağlandı. Olguların 42' si (%29) steroide bağımlı ve 34' ü ise (%24) steroide yanıtsız idi. Steroide bağımlı veya yanıtsız olan olguların 50' sine ise splenektomi yapıldı ve splenektomi sonrası 35 vakada (%70) tam düzelme sağlandı. 15 olguda (%30) ise cevap alınamadı. Steroide bağımlı ve yanıtsız olan 10 olguda (%13) C14 Üre Nefes testi (+) bulundu. Helicobacter pylori eradikas...

Konferensiya maqola


«Maxsus va inklyuziv ta'lim: an'ana,tajriba va innovatsiyalar» mavzusida respublika anjumani tezislari to'plami ko'rsatish uchun biz bola bilan uzluksiz shug'ullanishimiz kerak.Bundan tashqari bolalarni surdopedagog mashg'ulotlariga borishlarini taminlashimiz kerak. Bundan tashqari kadrlarni ko'paytirishimiz, ularni ish faoliyatini yaxshilashimiz ham alohida ahamiyat kasb etadi. Chet el malakasini o'rganishimiz va o'zimizga moslashtirishimiz ham muhim sanaladi. Har bir surdopedagog o'zi ustida ko'proq ishlashi talab etiladi.

Congress on Human Studies

Analysis of Academic Studies on Inclusive Education in Turkey: A Systematic Review, 2022

In this research, scientific studies that have been conducted in Turkey on the subject of inclusiveness in education were examined by systematic review method. Google Scholar, DergiPark, and YÖK National Thesis Center databases were searched with the keywords determined. The keywords "inclusive education, rights-based education, disadvantage inclusive education, refugee inclusive education, gifted inclusive education, gifted inclusive education, inclusive education, gifted inclusive education, inclusion on education" were used in the searches. A total of 147 studies were reached, and the number was reduced to 72 with inclusion-exclusion criteria. Studies that were examined contained, 6 preschools, 20 primary schools, 15 secondary schools, 2 high schools, 2 primary-secondary schools, and 1 secondary-high school level. 25 of investigated studies contained general inclusion practices. It has been determined that the subject of inclusive education was not a subject which has been discussed much before 2017, the studies carried out afterward included similar studies including stakeholder views, and mostly focused on the mentally handicapped, immigrants, and a few gifted students. When it comes to inclusive education, in addition to the subjects studied in Turkey, it has been determined that there is no inclusiveness study on religious and ethnic minorities, individuals with different sexual orientations, individuals in the lower economic group who have difficulties in education accessibility, and even individuals with mental health problems.