Reconciliation in wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus (original) (raw)

Aggression and Reconciliation in Cebus capucinus

International Journal of Primatology, 2002

Most data relating to aggressive and conciliatory behaviors are from Old World primates. We recorded agonistic interactions and post-conflict behaviors in a group of 12 white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus). After a conflict, we followed the aggressee as the focal individual during a 10-min postconflict period. We also conducted matched-control observations on the same individual. Conflicts involving physical contact were significantly bidirectional, and conflicts without physical contact were preferably unidirectional. Reconciliation was not be demonstrated at the group level. However, reconciliation occurred in kin and non-kin male/female dyads: their conciliatory tendencies were 48.1% and 21.2%, respectively. White-faced capuchins reconciled mainly during the first minutes after the end of the conflict. In kin and non-kin male/female dyads, selective attraction occurred, and aggressors were more likely to initiate affiliative contacts than aggressees. Hold-bottom and mount while emitting loud vocalizations were the most characteristic behaviors of reconciliation. Possible links may exist between aggressive and conciliatory patterns and other social variables.

Analysis of Post-agonism Reconciliation in a Captive Group of the Wedge-Capped Capuchin Monkey, Cebus olivaceus: a Pilot Study

Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, 2016

Agonism was often associated to an increase in inter-individual distances in social individuals; however, many evidences indicate that individuals affiliate after a dispute ( “reconciliate”). The post-agonism behavior of individuals in a captive troop of the wedge-capped capuchin monkey was described and conciliatory tendency (CT) was estimated by using the PC-MC (Post-Conflict – Matched Control) method; here PA-MC (Post-Agonism – Matched-Control). Males initiated more agonistic interactions toward females than to other males while females avoided initiating them toward males. Interestingly, females were more prone to initiate reconciliation than males, both toward males (CT: 0.20-0.42) and toward other females (CT: 0.24-0.25). Overall, the CT in the group ranged from 0.127 to 0.198. We compared our results with those from other capuchins and propose that reconciliation may not be fundamental in maintaining social cohesion in Cebidae; nonetheless, due to our small sample, this is a...

Explaining Variation in Affiliative Relationships among Male White‐Faced Capuchins (Cebus capucinus)

Folia Primatologica, 2003

Relationships among coresident male white-faced capuchins are highly variable, ranging from affiliative to aggressive. In this paper I examine the affiliative relationships of all adult and subadult males residing in four social groups in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. Relationships among males in two study groups were neutral and tolerant, while in the remaining two groups males were highly affiliative. Male-male dyadic affiliative interactions were examined to determine which variables (group size, sex ratio, age relationship, relationship duration, and rank distance) influence the quality of male relationships within the study groups. Group size explained much of the variation, with males in small groups being more affiliative. However, the duration and history of the relationship among coresident males appears to be the most important variable in understanding male-male relationships within social groups.

Kin-biased social behaviour in wild adult female white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus

Animal Behaviour, 2008

Studies of kin bias in the distribution of social behaviour in group-living matrifocal species generally underline the importance of bonds among female kin. However, few studies examine either how kin bias may be affected by variation in the availability of kin or the relevance of paternal kin. In this study, we used genetic and behavioural data to analyse correlates of coalition formation, proximity, grooming and dominance relations among female white-faced capuchins over a 10-year period during which the number of adult females in the group varied from 6 to 10. Females sided with the most closely related of two opponents when joining coalitions. Both dominance rank and kinship influenced proximity and grooming patterns. In particular, when group size was small, mean relatedness high and interdyadic variation in relatedness low, rank distance was a better predictor of proximity and grooming than was kinship distance. However, when group size was large, mean relatedness lower and interdyadic variation in relatedness higher, females significantly biased their grooming and spatial proximity towards kin. Dominance rank was not so tightly associated with relatedness as in provisioned female-bonded cercopithecines; females did not follow the 'youngest sister ascendancy rule'. Full sisters, maternal half sisters and motheredaughter dyads associated at statistically indistinguishable rates, and all associated significantly more often than paternal half sisters. Paternal half sisters did not associate more often than distantly related femaleefemale dyads (r < 0.125). These and similar results call into question the general importance of paternal kin ties in wild primates.

Integration of new males into four social groups of tufted capuchins (Cebus apella)

International journal of …, 2001

We examined how aggressive, affiliative, and sexual behavior function to integrate male capuchins (Cebus apella) into a new social group. Nine males were exchanged among four social groups. We performed instantaneous scans and all-occurrence sampling during baseline, introduction, and follow-up periods. The study included three different introduction situations: 1) males familiar to one another were introduced to a group with no other adult male, 2) males unfamiliar to one another were introduced to a group with no other adult male, and 3) males familiar to one another were introduced to a group with an existing elderly, resident male. Severe aggression occurred in situations 2 and 3, but the introductions were peaceful in situation 1. In all cases proceptive females were among the first individuals to affiliate with the males, and males did not appear to compete for access to proceptive females. Following their period of proceptivity, the females that had cycled remained preferred social partners for the males. Immature animals also quickly affiliated with the new males, and the males tolerated the attention from immatures. Affiliative relationships between the males and nonproceptive females developed slowly, and while male-female aggression was mild, aggression among adult males ( familiar and unfamiliar) had the potential to be severe.

The mother-offspring relationship as a template in social development: Reconciliation in captive brown capuchins (Cebus apella)

Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2003

Mother-offspring (MO) relationship quality was investigated to determine its influence on the development of reconciliation-affiliation between opponents shortly after a fight-because it influences what distressed youngsters learn about calming down. Data were longitudinal and cross-sectional observational samples of 38 MO pairs of monkeys across 24 months. An MO relationship quality index (RQI) classified each pair as secure or insecure. Reconciliation emerged in infancy. Secure youngsters had an appeasing conciliatory style, and insecure youngsters had an agitated conciliatory style. Conclusions are that reconciliation develops from the attachment behavior system and MO RQI is related to the particular conciliatory style youngsters develop by affecting how aroused they are by conflict and the subsequent socializing they seek to calm down.

Postconflict Behaviour in Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella)

Folia Primatologica, 2009

Postconflict affiliation has been mostly studied in Old World primates, and we still lack comparative research to understand completely the functional value of reconciliation. Cebus species display great variability in social characteristics, thereby providing a great opportunity for comparative studies. We recorded 190 agonistic interactions and subsequent postconflict behaviour in a captive group of brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Only 26.8% of these conflicts were reconciled. Reconciliation was more likely to occur between opponents that supported each other more frequently and that spent more time together. Postconflict anxiety was mostly determined by conflict intensity, and none of the variables thought to measure relationship quality had a significant effect on postconflict stress.

Inter-group conflicts involving adult female and male bearded capuchins, Sapajus libidinosus (Primates: Cebidae), in the context of provisioned resources: resource defense or sexual selection?

Zoologia (Curitiba)

Intergroup conflicts are energetically more costly than intra-group disputes, and thus typically occur in contexts in which the energetic returns are relatively high. In anthropogenic environments, provisioned resources tend to be rich in energy and highly agglomerated. While females are expected to defend provisioned resources, the adult males, in turn, are expected to defend the females. Based on this premise, the present study focused on an urban forest in the city of Goiânia (Goiás, Brazil), which is inhabited by two groups of bearded capuchins. Behavioral data were collected using instantaneous scan sampling and all-events records to document intergroup conflicts and define their context. We used a backward logistic regression and stepwise linear regression to analyze the participation of the individuals in the conflicts. Conflicts were more frequent in the context of provisioning, although the number of neither females nor males involved in the conflict varied significantly between contexts. The females did avoid participating in conflicts involving adult males, however, to minimize the risk of being attacked by them. The adult males participated more in the presence of other adult males, which is partly consistent with the hypothesis of the defense of reproductive partners. The conflicts were not more intense in the context of provisioned resources, which contrasted with expectations. The hierarchical relationship between the two study groups, and the fact that the groups were derived from the same social unit, may have contributed to a reduction in the intensity of the conflicts.