Noah's Flood (original) (raw)
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A Proposed Model For The Drying And Related Stages Of Noah's Flood
Origin Research Journal, 2022
Inferences from geoscientific data presented in this paper aim to stimulate new discussion on which strata may represent the drying stage of the Flood, and thus the end of the Flood Year. I focus on some worldwide data that do not appear to have been covered by existing YEC papers. Evidences based on coal include change in the dominant type of coal flora between Paleozoic and post-Paleozoic strata, the contrasting nature and setting of Paleozoic and post-Paleozoic coals, the global coal gap in the early Triassic, palynofacies, and presence of coal macerals such as fusinite. Some YEC views on the formation of coal are also mentioned. Additional evidence is provided by fluvial styles, and lithological and geochemical data. Successive evidences can be correlated with the Bible's account of the drying stage of the Flood Year, when the exit from Noah's Ark took place. It is concluded that the end of the Flood Year can be correlated with the Triassic period. After key geological evidence for the drying period is provided, a stage-by-stage biblical young Earth history stage model is proposed to provide the larger context. Changes in coal flora type and their tectonic settings are used to develop a consistent model. Stages succinctly described are early Flood Year topographic destruction, followed by successive stages of marine transgression, receding waters and then drying stage, followed by continental drift.
Quaternary lakebed deposits have been recorded in different parts across Arabia, which are now drained by the eastward flowing drainage networks from Al Sarawat Mountains. The analyses of digital elevation model (DEM), satellite images, and geological maps show that the lakebed deposits are mainly contained within a great arch depression occupying the trough between Al Sarawat Mountains in the west and the escarpment of Tuwaiq in the east and Hadarmawt plateau in Yemen from the south to Wadi Sirhan depression near the Syrian-Jordanian border in the north. The basins within this mega-depression have been interconnected by tributary flows which was consequent in the northward direction. The conspicuous ridge of Tuwaiq, which extends northward for about 800 km and rises for approximately 200 m above its western floor, has been breached by numerous subsequent deep incised canyons and funnel-shaped cuts carved at different elevations. The formation of several wadi canyons and funnel cuts along the entire extent of Tuwaiq clearly suggests that the breaching of this conspicuous escarpment was sudden and rapid, as the northern outlet of this mega-lake was insufficient to discharge the water. The overflow arms have developed extensive alluvial fans on the Arabian coast; the fan of Wadi Al Batin covered approximately 60,000 km 2 in South Iraq, Kuwait, and northeastern parts of Saudi Arabia. The age dating of the Quaternary deposits in different localities suggests the occurrence of this event between 13,000 and 8,500 years before present; however, the discrepancies could be related to technical issues or the scouring of older bed deposits and its entrainment in the younger deposits of this great flood.
Are Mud cracks the Origin of Polygonal Faults? (Review paper
Polygonal faults are a global phenomenon found in different parts of the world. This paper aims to review polygonal faults and mud crack studies in general. Most polygonal faults studies are based on 2D/3D seismic data using different mapping methods (time coherent slice and horizon flattening of high-resolution 3D seismic data, powerful fault-imaging seismic attributes, such as coherence and curvature). The orientation of the polygonal faults is isotropic, indicating a non-tectonic origin. The development of polygonal faults may be triggered by over-pressurized pore fluid which is restricted in the fine-grained sediments of bathyal facies when the sediments are compacted by the burden above. The polygonal faults are developed to balance the volumetric contraction and restricted extension. Outcropping polygonal faults show that de-watering and development of polygonal faults commenced shortly after burial. Mud cracks, on the other hand are caused by persistent desiccation and contraction of muddy sediments. These cracks form networks of interconnected tension fractures arranged in remarkable polygonal patterns. Because tensile stress due to drying declines downwards through the sediment, mud cracks have generally been theorized to nucleate near the surface, propagate downwards, and terminate at depth. Polygonal Faults may hence have originated from mud cracks. Earlier generations of mud cracks rupture the set of desiccated layers altogether, forming polygonal patterns that are similar throughout the mud sequence and polygonal faults.
Facies-controlled shrinkage-crack assemblages in Middle Proterozoic mudstones from Montana, USA
Sedimentology, 1990
Shrinkage-crack morphotypes in the Libby Formation (upper Belt Supergroup) are confined to distinct environmental facies. The lower facies is characterized by flat rip-up clasts, stromatolites, oolites, smallscale symmetrical ripples, and fenestral fabric. These rocks were deposited above fair-weather wave base on a periodically exposed mudflat. Shrinkage cracks in this facies are predominantly branching, incompletely connected features in plan view, except for local examples of completely connected polygonal cracks on purple argillite bed tops and rare, long spindle-shaped cracks on bed tops of dark grey argillite. The upper facies was deposited below fair-weather wave base and contains mainly unconnected, short spindle-shaped shrinkage cracks, and rare slightly branching cracks. Restriction of some crack types to certain facies better constrains interpretation of the origin of these shrinkage cracks. The cracks in the upper facies were strongly influenced by sediment loading, and may have formed by compaction-induced expulsion of water from pore space, resulting in synaeresis cracks. In the underlying shallower facies, polygonal cracks formed by desiccation. Elsewhere in this facies, incomplete, partially connected cracks and long spindle-shaped cracks on the same bedding plane are interpreted as having formed by desiccation. Shrinkage cracks are an under-used source of environmental information, but confusion as to their origin sometimes restricts their potential. More intensive analysis of properties of host sediment and crack fills may further our understanding of depositional and diagenetic influence on crack morphology. Crack crosssections, which are often more commonly exposed than bedding plane cracks, may provide critical additional information on crack genesis. Better understanding of crack genesis will strengthen our ability to interpret unfossiliferous muddy sequences common in Precambrian and lacustrine settings.
The implications of diagenetic history and weathering on the engineering behaviour of mudrocks
The variability of mudrocks has important consequences on their behaviour during geotechnical work. The characteristic composition and weathering processes that led to formation and deposition of the constituent mineral grains followed by the diagenetic processes that influence the mineralogy and morphology of the resultant mudrocks result in considerable variability in terms of engineering behaviour. During uplift and exposure, the effects of stress relief and weathering further influence intrinsic characteristics including mineralogy, porosity, particle cohesion and the degree of fracturing. Thus near-surface mass properties differ considerably from the intact properties of the rock material.
Earth Sciences Notes CSIR-UGC NET/JRF
These same ancient shallow seas sometimes allowed large areas to become isolated and begin drying up. In that setting, as the seawater grows more concentrated, minerals begin to come out of solution (precipitate), starting with calcite, then gypsum, then halite. The resulting rocks are certain limestones or dolomites, gypsum rock, and rock salt respectively. These rocks, called the evaporite sequence, are also part of the sedimentary clan. In some cases chert can also form by precipitation. This usually happens below the sediment surface, where different fluids can circulate and interact chemically.