A new open-air Middle Paleolithic site at Nesher Ramla, Israel (original) (raw)
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The Early Neolithic site Al’ba 8 in the upper course of Klyazma (in Russian)
Al’ba 8 in Dmitovskiy district of Moskovskaya oblast’ was discovered by V.V.Sidorov in 2005. The site is located on the cape of the left bank of Al’ba being a channel conjoining lakes Krugloye and Dolgoye. The site was thought to be a seasonal unspecialized camp of the Upper Volga Early Neolithic culture hunters, fishers and gatherers. An open ground hearth and two manufacturing areas were revealed under excavations associated with primary and secondary flint knapping activities. Ceramics is presented by small fragments belonging to the 1st and 2nd stages of the Upper Volga culture. The stone assemblage of Alba 8 site is multiform and obtains analogies from the materials of the Early Neolithic sites cultural horizons such as Alekseevskoe I, Berendeevo IIa, Davydkovo, Zamostjе II, Okayomovo XVIII, Ozerki V, Ivanovskoye III, VII, Sakhtysh II, IIa, Pleshcheevo I and others. Furthermore the similarities are noticed in the stone inventories of the early stage of the Valdai Early Neolithic culture/the western local variant of the Upper Volga culture ( the sites Kochishche I, II, Nizhnie Kotitsy).
Studies at the Aktas Upper Paleolithic site in North Kazakhstan in 2021
Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий, 2021
Основная масса фаунистического материала найдена в слоях 3 (тяжелая буровато-серая супесь) и 4 (обломочный горизонт с супесчаным заполнителем). Общее количество остеологических находок составило 82 экз. В их составе остатки шерстистого носорога, дикой лошади и козлообразных. Каменные артефакты обнаружены не были, однако найдены единичные кости с возможными следами антропогенного воздействия (раскалывание, заполировка). Расположение памятника Актас на возвышенности исключает формирование костеносного горизонта в результате естественных геологических процессов. Все это позволяет связать формирование материалов памятника с антропогенной деятельностью. Возраст материалов стоянки, по составу фаунистических находок, может быть определен в пределах финала MIS 3-начала MIS 2.
Results of Field Works on Middle Paleolithic Complexes of Strashnaya Сave in 2018
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories, 2018
In 2018, comprehensive studies of Pleistocene layers, containing earliest archaeological horizons, were continued in Strashnaya cave. Sedimentation specifi city in the excavated area, in addition to the usual cave factors, was determined by introduction of diapiric type intrusion (deformation of layer 11) to the overlying layers. Developing during the postsedimentation period, this process has had a signifi cant infl uence on the other deposits in the central part of the cave. The archaeological collection from layers 6-9 comprises 110 artifacts. Primary reduction was based on radial fl aking. The toolkit includes side-scrapers, spur-like tools and retouched fl akes. Techno-typological characteristics and stratigraphic context attest to the Middle Paleolithic attribution of this archaeological complex. One of the most signifi cant fi nds of the excavations in 2018 was a human deciduous tooth (Homo sp.) found in the course of cleaning of layer 5. According to preliminary data, the age of the individual was 9-11 years.
Early Neolithic site of Amnya I – revision
Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к 120-летию М.Е. Фосс, 110-летию Н.Н. Гуриной и 80-летию А.Т. Синюка. Представленные работы затрагивают вопросы изучения позднекаменного века и эпохи раннего металла. Анализируются критерии выделения археологических культур неолита, сходства и различия волго-окской, верхневолжской, дубово-отарской, среднедонской, средневолжской и других культур. Рассматриваются возможности определения культурных областей, горизонтов и типов. Выделяются принципы обоснования перехода от неолита к бронзовому веку на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. Определяется роль керамики в реконструкции культурных процессов в неолите-энеолите. Издание предназначено для археологов и представителей смежных дисциплин.
New Stratifi ed Paleolithic Sites in Akhangaran Valley (Uzbekistan)
Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropology of Siberia and Neighboring Territories, 2021
The paper deals with survey data recorded in 2021 in Uzbekistan by joint team of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Warsaw University, and National Center of Archaeology Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Based on 2018-2019 data, we carried out local excavations, and the Paleolithic artifacts were recorded in the cross-sections of two sites—Ertashsai-12 and Kuksarai-2 located on the right side of the Akhangaran valley in its midstream. The stratified archaeological material of Ertashsai-12 occurs in three lithological positions (layers 2b, 3, and 4) and is represented mainly by fragments of flakes and wastes of lithic production. Together with the surface complex, these materials can be attributed to the Middle to Upper Paleolithic. Materials from the Kuksarai-2 site are more representative; they occur in four layers (layers 2, 3, 5, and 6). In total, the lithic collection includes 43 artifacts. The technical and typological characteristics of the st...
Introduction. Unpublished materials related to several open–type localities investigated by participants of the Nubian Archaeological Expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences during the 1962-1963 season in the Wadi al-Allaqi area were found in the Palaeolithic Department of the Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Technical and typological analysis of stone artefacts allows us to attribute the collections under discussion to a long period from the Middle Stone Age to the Mesolithic. Materials and methods. The article examines the materials of three locations: Huqab-Abd-as- Salam 1, Huqab-Abd-as-Salam 4, Huqab-Karar. The classification of archaeological finds (186 items in total) was carried out according to various characteristics: raw materials. Many aspects, due to the in- complete was carried out according to various characteristics: raw materials. Many aspects, due to the incomplete preservation of field documentation and imperfect methods of investigating open-type loca- tions of the 60s of the last century, cannot be clarified at this stage.
Camera Praehistorica, 2021
The materials of many Paleolithic sites in Eurasia contain large stone objects. As a rule, they retain their natural shape without any signs of artificial modification. However, the presence of characteristic use-wear features (polishing, linear traces, micro- and macrodeformations) unambiguously indicates that these stones served as tools. Multidisciplinary research, including an experimental and traceological approach, as well as analysis of organic micro-residues, make it possible to distinguish among the unmodified stone tools those that were used for processing plant raw materials. One of such tools is a large stone found in the lower layer of the Upper Paleolithic site Suren I** (Crimea). The results obtained in the course of the study suggest that the inhabitants of the site used plant materials in their household activities, as well as allow us to describe in detail the ways of adaptation of ancient people to the natural environment of the Crimean peninsula.