Deciphering an Ottoman Fairy Tale: Tayyarzade Throughout the Centuries (original) (raw)
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Evolution of the Turkish Language in the Ottoman Chronicle Tradition
The article deals with the origin and development of Turkic written monuments, particularly with the formation of traditions of the Arabographic Ottoman Turkish chronicles written in the “Turki” Language, containing data about the development of the ethic and historic processes that were taking place on the territory of Ukraine. Concerning this problem, an exact interpretation of some linguistic and historiographic terms is needed. Besides, it should be noted that then the classical Turkish language performed the function of the literary language in the Crimean area as well. The manuscript documents written in the Ottoman Turkish Language between the second part of the 16th century and the first quarter of the 18th century had their own special features. In the modern Turkic Studies the Ottoman Turkish Language means the variant of the Turkish Language − “Turki” ( ىًِ رْ تُج) that was used in the Ottoman Empire during the above said historic period, and which became known under the ...
Turanly, Ferhad. Evolution of the Turkish Language in the Ottoman Chronicle Tradition.
The article deals with the origin and development of Turkic written monuments, particularly with the formation of traditions of the Arabographic Ottoman Turkish chronicles written in the " Turki " Language, containing data about the development of the ethic and historic processes that were taking place on the territory of Ukraine. Concerning this problem, an exact interpretation of some linguistic and historiographic terms is needed. Besides, it should be noted that then the classical Turkish language performed the function of the literary language in the Crimean area as well. The manuscript documents written in the Ottoman Turkish Language between the second part of the 16th century and the first quarter of the 18th century had their own special features. In the modern Turkic Studies the Ottoman Turkish Language means the variant of the Turkish Language − " Turki " that was used in the Ottoman Empire during the above said historic period, and which became known under the name " the Turkic Ottoman' or 'the Ottoman Turkish " Language.
Meltem Toksöz - The World of Mehmed Murad: Writing Histoires Universelles in Ottoman Turkish
Öz Bu makale, Osmanlıların ondokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarına doğru yazdıkları dünya tarihlerini inceleyerek, dönemin dünya çapındaki insanlık tarihi kitapları arasında yer alma çabasını ve bu çaba üzerinden yazarların Osmanlılar'ı dünya medeniyeti içinde nasıl konumlandırdıklarını ele alır. Bu dönemde başka ülkelerde yazılmış dünya tarihleri, hızla modernleşen o toplumların bu yeni dünyada yerlerini alma çabasının yansımaları olarak düşünüldüğünde, Osmanlı umumi tarihleri, diğer dünya tarihlerinden çok farklı değildir. Öte yandan Osmanlı umumi tarihleri de, Aydınlanma Çağı sonrasında gelişen insanlık ve medeniyet tarihi anlayışı üzerine, kendilerine özgü ve dolayısıyla kendi içlerinde değerlendirilmesi gereken düşünceler katmışlardır. Özellikle Mehmed Murad gibi son dönem Osmanlı aydınları tarafından kaleme alınan bu tarihler, Osmanlı Devleti'nin modern dünyanın nasıl bir parçası olduğunu ve bunun tahayyülünü yansıtıyordu. Mehmed Murad'ın Umumi Tarih adlı eseri aynı zamanda yeni açılan yüksek öğrenim kurumlarının ders programında yeralan tarih derslerinin ihtiyacına da cevap veriyordu. Mizan gazetesini de çıkaran Mehmed Murad, Yahya Kemal'in deyimiyle 1870'lerde yazdığı bu son derece 'modern' altı ciltlik Tarih-i Umumi ile dünya tarihini bir Osmanlı disiplini haline getirmişti.
Sakarya Üniversitesi / Turkey, 2017
The article deals with the origin and development of Turkic written monuments, particularly with the formation of traditions of the Arabographic Ottoman Turkish chronicles written in the " Turki " Language, containing data about the development of the ethic and historic processes that were taking place on the territory of Ukraine. Concerning this problem, an exact interpretation of some linguistic and historiographic terms is needed. Besides, it should be noted that then the classical Turkish language performed the function of the literary language in the Crimean area as well. The manuscript documents written in the Ottoman Turkish Language between the second part of the 16th century and the first quarter of the 18th century had their own special features. In the modern Turkic Studies the Ottoman Turkish Language means the variant of the Turkish Language − " Turki " that was used in the Ottoman Empire during the above said historic period, and which became known under the name " The Turkic Ottoman' or 'the Ottoman Turkish " Language.
Language use in the Ottoman Empire and its problems, 1299-1923
The Ottoman Empire, an imperial power that existed from 1299 to 1923, was one of the largest empires to rule the borders of the Mediterranean Sea. Ottoman Turkish was used especially between the 16 and 19 centuries during the Ottoman Empire. This ornamented, artificial language separated the general population from intellectual and palace elite and a communication problem followed. Although the minorities of the Ottoman Empire were free to use their language amongst themselves, if they needed to communicate with the government they had to use Ottoman Turkish. This thesis explains these language differences and the resulting problems they created during the Empire. Examples of original correspondence are used to highlight the communication differences and the difficulties that ensured. From this study, the author concludes that Ottoman Turkish was not a separate language from Turkish; instead, it was a variation of Turkish in inexistence for approximately 600 years.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2016
This article aims to investigate the effects of the Ottoman/Turkish morals and customs on the selection of novels to be translated from Western languages into Ottoman Turkish and the translation strategies deployed by the translators between the Tanzimat Period and the Alphabet Reform in witness of the prefaces written by the translators and publishers of the period. The novel, as a literary genre, entered the Ottoman/Turkish literary system in the Tanzimat Period and a high number of translated and original novels were produced in the historical period examined in the present study. Conformity of the content of the works with the Ottoman/Turkish morals and customs emerges as a major issue in the context of the translations in question. In terms of preliminary and operational norms (Gideon Toury), translators and/or publishers either viewed the content-related conformity as a criterion in selecting works for translation or they decided to change or omit the parts in the source texts that they considered inappropriate for the Ottoman/Turkish "national morals" (âdât-ı millî) and Islamic morals. While some translators were sensitive about the Turkish language, some others were specifically concerned about the material and spiritual characteristics of the Turks and the Turkish authors. In the present study, the forewords and afterwords by the translators and publishers will be discussed in relation to the memoirs of the translators and publishers. Moreover, the emphasis on the "idea of nationality" (millîlik) and the "cultural repertoire" (Itamar Even-Zohar) desired to be created accordingly by the translators and publishers will be examined via the analysis of a selected corpus of forewords and afterwords. The results of the examination will be evaluated in the context of contemporary theories of translation with the aim of shedding light on the function of the activity of translation-defined as a means of intercultural communication and interaction-in the context of Turkish nationalism in the relevant historical period.
An Early Ottoman History (Intro & Preface)
This is the introductory section of my book-length annotated translation and study of the so-called Oxford Anonymous Chronicle (Bodleian Marsh 313), one of the earliest comprehensive Ottoman histories compiled in the late fifteenth century (ca 1484). My book has been reviewed in several major journals, and is now available as a paperback ($45). It is one of the few full-length translations available of an Ottoman source into English. The compiler was an educated member of the Ottoman court (most probably the chancery), whose name has not survived because the title page is missing. This work is not to be confused with the unrelated, also anonymous 'Chronicles of the House of Osman' published by Giese, studied by Yerasimos and other scholars.
Literary Heritages of the Ottoman Empire
The linguistic heterogeneity and literary plurality of the Ottoman Empire has typically been explored under various national literary traditions. This meant that milli edebiyat (national literature) of Ottoman-Turkish writers during the First World War, for instance, would be categorized as distinct from their Armenian, Greek, Arab or Kurdish contemporaries. In this article, I explore different conceptualizations of early Turkish nationalism in the milli edebiyat canon, while evaluating Armenian literature in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The map of various literary traditions outlined in this article needs to be complemented with analyses of Greek, Jewish, Kurdish, and Arabic literatures and other linguistic repertoires of the Ottoman Empire.