Artikel Bimbingan dan Konseling oleh Angel Felicia, 2022

At this time, technology has become a "main need" for humans. Technology can have a good impact when used properly. One example of the usefulness or positive impact of technology lies in the current disaster, namely the Covid-19 virus outbreak. After the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has set a policy to temporarily eliminate face-to-face learning (PTM), which was later replaced with Distance Learning (PJJ). Distance Learning (PJJ) cannot be separated from the role of technology. Along with the development of technology, there are currently many platforms that can easily find information and assist the implementation of online learning (Google, Zoom). With good and correct mastery of technology, Distance Learning will not be an obstacle for the world of education to continue to provide services for students. However, there are many problems in the use of information and communication technology in the learning process during the pandemic. The most frequent example is having very minimal understanding and knowledge in the use of technology to improve the quality of learning. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out socialization, counseling and training to the general public. The goal is to provide an understanding of the role of information and communication technology that supports learning during a pandemic, and to continue to maximize the use of technology to improve the quality of learning. Apart from the many positive impacts of information technology given to the field of education, technology also has a negative impact that mostly attacks the behavior of teenagers. Cases of the negative impact of technology include students who use google (source of information) incorrectly (cheating), students do not focus on learning because of technological distractions that seem more interesting than learning.


Jocelyn Welly, 2022

Currently, almost every country around the world has contracted the CoronaVirus (COVID-19). This virus initially appeared in China, to be precise the City of Wuhan at the end of 2019. This virus is very dangerous because it is transmitted from person to person so quickly. Indonesia is no exception, which is increasing day by day. The number of COVID-19 cases is increasing and has a big impact in almost all aspects of life including education. Almost all levels of education have now switched to using the online system. The use of this online system requires that every student and education staff master various technologies. Technology is very much needed in the online education system because it supports activities carried out during distance learning. Therefore, technology and information play a very important role in the online learning system which is currently being implemented due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The role of technology in online learning is very helpful for education staff in the implementation of learning with the availability of various applications and facilities that facilitate and support learning activities. The technology used must of course be mastered and understood well by teachers and students so that later in the implementation of learning can run smoothly. Starting from the use of devices/tools such as laptops and gadgets, to the use of the internet and also various applications that will be used continuously in online learning activities in this Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of making this journal is to analyze further the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the important role technology plays today which is really needed and is one of the important facilities and infrastructure that must be owned by all education personnel, including students.

Pojok Baca Digital: Media Penunjang Aktivitas Belajar Masa Pandemi Covid-19

DINAMIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

Masa Pandemi Covid-19 ini telah mengubah banyak tatanan aturan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan. Salah satu bidang yang terdampak dalam hal ini yakni bidang pendidikan. Pandemi mengubah aturan dalam pembelajaran yang awalnya merdeka belajar dilakukan secara tatap muka antara tenaga pendidik dengan peserta didik, diubah menjadi merdeka belajar secara online. Oleh karena itu, pojok baca digital dalam hal ini sangat dibutuhkan sebagai rujukan pendamping. Pojok baca digital dengan didalamnya terdapat berbagai materi pembelajaran mengenai matematika, ilmu pengetahuan sosial, Bahasa Inggris, Cerpen dan pengetahuan umum lainnya. Pembuatan pojok baca digital ini dengan menggunakan metode persiapan kegiatan pengabdian, penyusunan modul pembelajaran, dan penyuluhan. Persiapan kegiatan disini seperti berdiskusi mengenai program kerja yang akan dijalankan oleh kelompok kami dan menghubungi pihak desa untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa program kerja yang kita pilih merupakan persembahan kami untuk warga ...


Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak besar pada berbagai sektor, salah satunya pendidikan. Pendidik harus memastikan kegiatan belajar mengajar tetap berjalan, meskipun peserta didik berada di rumah. Solusinya, pendidik dituntut mendesain media pembelajaran sebagai inovasi dengan memanfaatkan media daring. Sistem pembelajaran dilaksanakan melalui perangkat personal computer (PC) atau laptop yang terhubung dengan koneksi jaringan internet. Pendidik dapat melakukan pembelajaran bersama di waktu yang sama menggunakan grup di media sosial seperti WhatsApp (WA), E learning, Google Class, aplikasi zoom ataupun media lainnya sebagai media pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, pendidik bisa memastikan siswanya mengikuti pembelajaran dalam waktu yang telah ditentukan secara bersamaan, meskipun di tempat yang berbeda beda.


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused major changes in almost all aspects of life, one of which is the education system. Changes in the education system make it difficult for students to receive the material, especially students at the Elementary School and Kindergarten levels, because learning that is usually done conventionally turns into distance-learning or done online, the implementation of which cannot be separated from the use of technology information. This journal aims to examine the role of technology in the implementation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, besides that it also examines the challenges of education during the Covid-19 pandemic using descriptive-analytical literature methods. The results and conclusions in this paper show that technology has an important role in the implementation of learning, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic like today. Technology plays a role as a medium in making interactions between educators and students in the implementation of online learning. In addition, technology also plays a role in facilitating educators to deliver learning material so that learning continues even though it is not done face to face. In the implementation of online learning, of course, there are obstacles that become challenges for educations actors, related to academic culture, including values, attitudes, knowledge, skills, and readiness of technologyrelated facilities and infrastructure. The implementation of literacy and training related to the

Pemanfaatan Teknologi Media Pembelajaran di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Trapsila: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar

In everyday life we are used to dealing with technology, but it is different today. Since the covid-19 virus came to the world, especially the Indonesian state, Indonesian education has been carried out differently. During this pandemic, education was carried out by utilizing learning platforms that actually existed but were rarely used, but for now of course it is a new thing for some education circles because they are not familiar with technology in education. There are so many platforms that can be used for online learning that can be used by all educational institutions including children in elementary schools, namely there is a google classroom which is a form of e-learning that uses WebCT, YouTube, WAG, Edmodo, Zoom, Googlemeet and there are many other supporting applications. This study aims to determine the use of online learning technology during the Covid-19 pandemic using the Google classroom, YouTube, WAG, Edmodo, Zoom, and Googlemeet platforms. And the results of resear...


Intan Noor Azizah, 2021

Artikel ini ditulis bertujuan untuk memaparkan pemanfaatan teknologi masa kini dalam pendidikan di masa pandemic Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dan kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari tulisan-tulisan atau studi pustaka yang didapatkan melalui online atau pun offline, fisik maupun file. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam