Multi-Criteria Analysis of Waste Management in Szczecin (original) (raw)

Multicriterial analysis in selecting a waste management system in region

Economics, ecology, socium

Introduction. The implementation of the European Union regulations into Polish law resulted in the establishment of such methods of dealing with waste in order to comply with the requirements of environmental protection and waste management plans. Each time the construction of another plant is a social and economic problem, therefore, the enhancement of the form and shape of such a system requires justification. The basic task of municipal waste management is to create technical conditions for the collection, transport, recovery, recycling and disposal of waste. The technical correctness of the system and the scope of the adverse impact resulting in lowering ecological, aesthetic and cultural values ​​will decide about its capital expenditure and operating costs. The large number of imposed, overlapping, and often conflicting goals means that finding a favourable solution and decisively accepting it is a very difficult task, often requiring a compromise. The solution will be based o...

Planning of Waste Management Systems in Urban Area Using Multi-Criteria Analysis

Journal of Environmental Protection, 2011

Planning of waste management system in urban area should take into consideration many legal, technological, financial, economic, technical, ecological, social and spatial aspects. The aim of the paper is to propose the method, which can be helpful in planning procedure of waste management system in European cities or regions, which comprise with following steps: identification of produced volume and municipal solid waste characteristics in the region for providing grounds to design a technological system, identification of other financial, economic, legal, social aspects for creation of waste management scenarios, definition of the criteria allowing evaluate designed waste management scenarios based on plan requirements, make an the multi-criteria analysis for choosing the best scenario in the region. Such analyses were conducted to evaluate the proposed different waste management systems in city of Cracow in 2000Cracow in , 2004Cracow in and 2007. This comparison of theses systems shows that evaluating criteria were tightened as a result of toughening regulations of both Polish and the EU laws.

Multi-criteria evaluation in strategic environmental assessment for waste management plan, a case study: The city of Belgrade

Waste Management, 2015

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is one of the key instruments for implementing sustainable development strategies in planning in general; in addition to being used in sectoral planning, it can also be used in other areas such as waste management planning. SEA in waste management planning has become a tool for considering the benefits and consequences of the proposed changes in space, also taking into account the capacity of space to sustain the implementation of the planned activities. In order to envisage both the positive and negative implications of a waste management plan for the elements of sustainable development, an adequate methodological approach to evaluating the potential impacts must be adopted and the evaluation results presented in a simple and clear way, so as to allow planners to make relevant decisions as a precondition for the sustainability of the activities planned in the waste management sector. This paper examines the multi-criteria evaluation method for carrying out an SEA for the Waste Management Plan for the city of Belgrade (BWMP). The method was applied to the evaluation of the impacts of the activities planned in the waste management sector on the basis of the environmental and socioeconomic indicators of sustainability, taking into consideration the intensity, spatial extent, probability and frequency of impact, by means of a specific planning approach and simple and clear presentation of the obtained results.

Multi-criteria Analysis of the Waste Management System in a Metropolitan Area

E3S Web of Conferences

Selection of a waste management strategy for a region is a difficult decision that must take into account various frequently contradictory targets and tasks. This article presents the use of a multi-criteria analysis for estimating and selecting the most profitable selection of a regional-metropolitan waste management system. The final solution should take ecological, economic and social aspects into consideration. It was established that the solutions chosen needed to ensure the following: waste stream reduction, social acceptance, and a profitable economic efficiency index.

Multi-criteria analysis as a tool for sustainability assessment of a waste management model

Energy, 2014

To assess the sustainability of waste management scenario with energy recovery, it is necessary to carry out an adequate analysis of all influential criteria. The main problem in the analysis is to determine the indicators that clearly and fully sublimate the most important influential factors. The model for the assessment of the sustainability of waste treatment scenarios based on multi-criteria analysis AHP (analytic hierarchy process) method is developed. The model predicts an increase in the number of indicators, if it found that a selected number of indicators are not sufficient to distinguish between scenarios and new criterion for the selection of indicators: the relevance of the indicator for certain waste treatment. The model is verified in the case study the city of Ni s. Four scenarios were selected and examined: business as usual scenario (landfilling of waste) and the other are created as scenarios with energy recovery and recourses preserving: composting organic waste with recycling inorganic waste, incineration of waste and anaerobic digestion of waste. The assessment of the sustainability of waste treatment scenarios was made in several steps. It is found that the best sustainable scenario is composting of organic and recycling of inorganic waste.

Using multi-criteria decision making for selection of the optimal strategy for municipal solid waste management

Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy, 2016

Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is a relatively new tool for decision makers who deal with numerous and often contradictory factors during their decision making process. This paper presents a procedure to choose the optimal municipal solid waste (MSW) management system for the area of the city of Kragujevac (Republic of Serbia) based on the MCDM method. Two methods of multiple attribute decision making, i.e. SAW (simple additive weighting method) and TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution), respectively, were used to compare the proposed waste management strategies (WMS). Each of the created strategies was simulated using the software package IWM2. Total values for eight chosen parameters were calculated for all the strategies. Contribution of each of the six waste treatment options was valorized. The SAW analysis was used to obtain the sum characteristics for all the waste management treatment strategies and they were ranked accordingly. The TO...

Assessment of waste management technology using BATNEEC options, technology quality method and multi-criteria analysis

Journal of Environmental Management, 2011

Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Costs (BATNEEC) options, technology quality method and multi-criteria analysis were proposed as means of developing indices for evaluating municipal waste management systems. The proposed indices can be treated as a tool for ranking the system taking into account technical, environmental, economic, social and other objectives, bearing in mind specific features of the area involved. The analysis was made for three different incineration plants (Spittelau in Vienna, Warsaw and Tarnobrzeg) together with alternative waste disposal versions (with or without biogas burning and with MBP Mechanical-Biological Process) and the waste management infrastructure. The results showed that incineration of waste is much more beneficial than disposal. These results conform to the waste hierarchy identified in EU Directive 2008/98, but the indices created are easy to interpret and useful as a tool for communicating with the public, which is often a crucial factor in determining the location of investment.

A criticism of applications with multi-criteria decision analysis that are used for the site selection for the disposal of municipal solid wastes

Waste Management, 2012

The main aim of this study is to criticize the process of selecting the most appropriate site for the disposal of municipal solid wastes which is one of the problematic issues of waste management operations. These kinds of problems are pathological symptoms of existing problematical human-nature relationship which is related to the syndrome called ecological crisis. In this regard, solving the site selection problem, which is just a small part of a larger entity, for the good of ecological rationality and social justice is only possible by founding a new and extensive type of human-nature relationship. In this study, as a problematic point regarding the discussions on ecological problems, the existing structure of the applications using multi-criteria decision analysis in the process of site selection with three main criteria is criticized. Based on this critique, fundamental problematic points (to which applications are insufficient to find solutions) will be defined. Later, some modifications will be suggested in order to provide solutions to these problematical points. Finally, the criticism addressed to the structure of the method with three main criteria and the feasibility of the new method with four main criteria is subjected to an evaluation process. As a result, it is emphasized that the new structure with four main criteria may be effective in solution of the fundamental problematic points.

Multicriteria decision making in selecting best solid waste management scenario: a municipal case study from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016

In modern challenging environment, decision makers often need fast and effective tools to quickly model and optimize several decision alternatives and then compare them according to various preconditions or performance criteria. Specifically, efficient solid waste management requires responsible administration to implement detailed screening of needs and desired development directions, followed by decision on the implementing measures. Such process results with a number of various solid waste management scenarios, often with mutually conflicting objectives or expected results. These scenarios affect different range of population, relate to diverse problems, vary in costs levels and time needed to become effective. When selecting only one from various scenarios, different groups of decision-makers are involved. Decision-making has to take into account usually conflicting technological, economic, social and environmental objectives. Single-criterion decision-making based on available financial resources as a sole criterion does not respond to such requests. This paper demonstrates the reliability of use of multi-criteria decision making tool for the purpose of selecting the best municipal solid waste management scenario among six different alternatives. The multi-criteria decision making tool enables decision makers to make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.