The Construction of National Identity in Modern Times : Theoretical Perspective (original) (raw)
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Social, cultural and political aspects of national identity
National identity is considered as one of the most important forms of collective identities in nowadays world. This paper is devoted to the conceptual investigation of different aspects of this social phenomenon such as social, historical, political and cultural dimensions. Authors define troubles on the way of constructing national identity on the example of Afghanistan society. They separate and analyze different problems of social-cultural and political formation of united national identity. In the modern time the national identity is usually determined by two primary opposite forces: globalization and localization processes. Both phenomena are simultaneously shatter the national identity and strengthen it through global and local communication processes. Under influence of the fast and extensive changes in global system in the last decades of the twentieth century and the beginning of new century the questions and discussions about ethnic and national identity and their different aspects, about the prospect of identity of ethnic communities and new challenges of multicultural society are proposed as basic and essential issues of social policy of state. The current condition of social and cultural aspects of society life shows us a general view of national identity as far as they include primary identification elements of individuals and communities in every society. Different ethnic values and customs, contradictory ideas about the role of nation and attitude to another ethnic group have led to alienation of humans and difficulties of constructing their national identity. Under the influence of collapse of traditional systems and structures like rural and tribal societies, extension of urbanization, population growth, increase of social movements, intensification of interactions between different cultures and ethnicities in transition societies, the majority of people, especially the youth, are exposed to influence of different and sometimes conflicting local, national and global trends. So, they are confused between tradition and modernity. In such conditions an anomy and social disorder prepares grounds for identity crisis, opposition against norms and social control, reduction of social resources and deprivation of national interests, violence and insecurity in society. In conclusion the authors underline that that solution of problem of constructing strong national identity is the step for national development and creating a well-founded government. Rise of integrate cultural values, design of social patterns and common collective sense system would allow establish and reconstruct the nation. Key words: conception of identity, national identity, ethnic identity.
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The growing complexity of social dynamics and the acceleration of transformations render national identity more visible as a discursive construct, with its contradictions and lacunas. In contrast, it is interesting to perceive the longevity of representations surrounding national identities, which still demarcate a “territory of the imagination” through which material and symbolic disputes are established.
Formation of Modern State Identity: Social and Cultural Dimensions
The article aims to stress the importance of cultural factor influencing the formation of modern states' identities. Studying the formation of state identity through the consideration of exogenous (globalization, establishment of interactions between different states, geopolitical situation) and endogenous (level of social interactions between people, historical memory, common destiny, cultural heritage) factors, the author concludes on the dominance of internal factors influencing this process. It is substantiated that the latters, maintained by the whole society, help the state to act as a unitary actor in the international arena. However, the state can construct its own identity only when the so-called We-feeling is supported by all members of its society. Today only a few countries are considered as nation states because their societies are formed by different ethne. If the cultures of some ethnic groups clash inside the country, the latter is unable to build its own identity. Taking into account the effects of two possible scenarios of cultures' coexistence, it is offered a few models which allow the social identity to be constructed. They include the policy of multiculturalism supported with the state, interexistence of groups, and the collective strategy of ethnic social competition.As a result, it is assumed that, while any of these models is applied the state should play a dominant role promoting the erasement of intercultural contradictions existing between different ethnic groups. The research itself and the conclusions made are based on the usage of inductive, comparative, analytical and historical methods.
Conceptual analysis of national and ethnic identities
Identity is one of the basic concepts in which social scientists have been interested during last decades. Social identity, particularly national and ethnic identities as its forms, is widely applicable topic that determines harmony, unity, integrity of the people and the nation. Every community and every individual as known accept collective ideas and norms forming their own identity, which is contributed to the unity of society. This paper includes a sociological analysis of identity and national identity in particular, the basic elements and functions of national identity, the interrelationship between national and ethnic identities. It is also discussed the positions of sociological analysis about the role of national and ethnic identities in society. Authors analyze the structure of national identity and define its social, political, cultural and economic dimensions. They underline important functions of national identity such as cohesion and solidarity between people, creation of mass awareness and common purpose for people in a society, improving people’s political culture and determination the position of people in the political system. The contemporary world is considerably globalized, and national identity plays a vital role in global solidarity and belonging to the greater identities at the world level. The national identity crosses the ethnic and tribal identities and results to the distinguishing between different citizens of the countries based on their civil characteristics. Each human society is including various ethnical, tribal and racial individuals and groups and each of these groups has their own particular identity which sometimes results to the social conflicts and lead to the social crises. In order to prevent crises; societies require the common identities which include all ethnical and tribal groups and bring social balance. The balance in the society is obtained while the members of the society seek for common social, political and economic activities based on a common identity. Today the modern and developed societies have obtained their common identity while the underdeveloped counties still facing ethnical, and tribal conflicts. Key words: conception of identity, national identity, ethnic identity, ethnicity.
There is a complex concept in sociological sciences, and this is called "identity". It can simply be defined that one person's perception, understanding, and expression of himself or herself, and other people's individuality and group affiliations. This paper is related to the concept of national identity and examines it through a broad context.
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Global Academics. International Journal of Advance Researches, 2020
It is ascertained that the strengthening of ethnical and cultural diversity, the social differentiation of modern societies, the policy of recognizing the identities of minority groups in liberal states objectively neutralize the integrative potential of the national identity, deepen the crisis phenomena associated with the de-legitimization of state institutions and policies which remain without support and loyalty of citizens. Ensuring the integration of modern societies requires the formation of identification models that take into account growing social differentiation and cultural diversity, do not limit individual and group autonomy, but preserve the integrity of society. It is proved that at the core of them there is the societal culture, values and institutions that harmonize and guarantee the compatibility of particular and macro-level identities, redefining the national identity of the age of globalization and multiculturalism.
The concept of national identity has been conceived and used in different ways and for different purposes, especially within the context of a multicultural state. In the first instance, its primordialist interpretation, which sees national identity in terms of 'blood relation' can be used by politicians and technocrats to subvert the unity that is paramount to a multicultural state. On the other hand, the social constructivist view, which sees the concept as an 'artificial contrivance' can be used by a vicious leadership as a weapon of repression against dissenting voices. In this paper, we shall argue for a middle ground between the primordialist and social constructivist conceptions of identity. This middle ground position suggests that national identity is a dynamic and transformative concept and in the hand of a visionary and committed leadership, national identity is a tool for establishing unity, cooperation, solidarity and development in the multicultural state.
A discussion on ethnic identity
Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2002
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