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Evaluation of Student’s Attitude Toward Science in Indonesia
Open Journal for Educational Research
Purpose: Attitude is expression or response of students regarding learning. Attitudes in the form of expressions of like, dislike or rejecting an object. The purpose of this research is to describe the attitudes of students towards the three attitude indicators at middle school in Jambi Province Indonesia. Research Methods: Type of research is survey research. The research instrument was in the form of a questionnaire consisting of three indicators with 27 statements and also interviews. The number of students in research samples is 2,815 which are middle school students in Jambi Province, Indonesia Regency. Results: The results of research on three dominant attitude indicators are in the good category. Adoption of scientific attitudes shows a good category with a percentage of 58.4%. The pleasure of learning science is categorized as good with a percentage of 66.3%. Whereas a career in science is categorized as sufficient with a percentage of 41.8%.
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2021
The study examined the attitudes of students at Adhyaksa 1 Junior High School in Jambi, Indonesia towards science subjects. This type of research is a mixed method. This study involved 136 students of Adhyaksa 1 Junior High School in Jambi City. The instruments used consisted of questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire used was adapted from the study Astalini and Kurniawan with a Cronbach alpha value of 0.842 with a valid number of claims of 56. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics processed using the SPSS program. The results of the seven indicators are the social implications of science, normality of scientists, attitudes towards science inquiry, adoption of scientific attitudes, pleasure in learning science, interest in learning more science, career interest in science, this dominant in the moderate category, which means students are sufficient in learning science. With this research, it is expected to be able to measure students 'attitudes towards how students' attitudes towards the natural science course in Adhyaksa 1 Junior High School, Jambi City.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2020
Purpose of the study: This research was conducted to review the comparison of students’ attitudes towards science subjects through 3 indicators, namely the social implications of science, attitudes towards investigation and career interests in the field of science sourced from TOSRA. Methodology: The research design used is quantitative with the type of survey research. The research subjects were 1075 students. The instrument used in the form of a questionnaire attitude towards science subjects. The analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in the form of one way ANOVA test. Main Findings: Students at Junior High School 26Muaro Jambi were dominant in the indicators of social implications with a percentage of 66.9% (103 out of 154 students) with a good category, while Junior High School 6 Muaro Jambi was dominant in the social implication indicators with a percentage of 51.5% (313 out of 608 students) with a sufficient category, and Junior High Scho...
Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA
This study aims to investigate attitudes towards science in secondary school students. The focus of research is to analyze and to correlate attitudes towards IPA based on indicators of enjoyment and leisure interest in science learning. Method: This research was survey research. The results of the data came from a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 2815 Secondary School students in Muaro Jambi. Finding: The results showed positive results, based on the results of indicators: (1) enjoyment in science has a good category (48.1%), (2) leisure interest in science has a moderate category (47.2%) and this indicator leads to a positive trend supported by a positive attitude with a greater good (38.4%,) while for the analysis of the correlation between the two indicators shows a positive (0,000<0.05) and has a strong degree of correlation indicated by the value Pearson Correlation (0.716). Conclusion: it can be concluded that students' attitudes towards science based on analysis of indicators show positive attitudes and tend to be good, and based on correlation between the two attitude indicators also show positive results with strong correlation, furthermore concluded overall attitudes towards science at secondary school students in Muaro Jambi have a positive attitude and are categorized well.
Attitudes of Elementary Schools Students in Najran District towards Science
Journal of Education and Practice, 2017
This study aims to explore the attitudes of elementary school students, in Najran district in Saudi Arabia, towards science. The modified Attitudes towards Science Inventory questionnaire was used to collect the raw data, with appropriate validity and reliability. The questionnaire of eight items measures only the construct of enjoyment in science using a 3-point Likert scale, which is appropriate for elementary students. This questionnaire was administrated to a sample of 95 students (49 males & 46 females) from two urban and two rural elementary schools. The findings indicated that while there was no significant difference in attitudes towards science between boys and girls. At the same time, grade 5 and 6 students were having more positive attitudes than grade 4 students. Additionally, the urban students showed higher level of attitudes towards science than the rural students. These findings are discussed in the context of science teaching and research. Keywords: Elementary Stude...
A Comparison Study on Attitude Towards Science Among Higher Secondary School Students in Aizawl
Science is information acquired by study or practice, or knowledge that covers broad facts about the operation of general laws as discovered and verified through the scientific process, and is concerned with the physical world. It refers to a method of acquiring information. Observation and experimentation are used to describe and explain natural events in this system of thinking. The psychological foundation for attitudes, their permanency, their learnt nature, and their evaluative character all fall under the category of attitude. Objects, things, people, locations, ideas, or circumstances are all included in this category. The value of a job in science is increasingly seen as greater than the value of a career in any other field, making it a good choice for pupils. As the driving force behind our nation's technological and industrial advancement, science is critical in refining our critical thinking and reasoning abilities. As a result, this study is aimed at determining whether or not students in upper secondary schools have developed positive attitudes toward science as a discipline and for the advancement of science in education. The survey approach is utilised to examine folk's attitudes toward science, and Dr.(Mrs.) Avinash Grewal's Science Attitude Scale was used in this study. Aizawl's public and private high school students in the arts, commerce, and science streams make up the study's 180 participants. According to the findings in this report, many students have a positive view of science. According to comparisons of attitudes toward science at Aizawl's higher secondary schools, students exhibit an average interest in science. The study also reveals that commerce students are assumed to be less interested in the pursuits of Science subject. From the different attitude of students towards science, it can be known that science is important and useful for day to day life and development of human beings.
Secondary School Students' Predictors of Science Attitudes
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affect the secondary school students' attitudes in science. This study was conducted using survey method. The sample of the study was 503 students from four different secondary schools in Bartın and Düzce. Data were obtained using the Survey of Factors Affecting Students' Science Attitudes (SFASSA) and the Survey to Determine the Degree of Importance of Categories Affecting Students' Science Attitudes (SDDICASSA). Qualitative data were subjected to a content analysis. For the analysis of the quantitative data, descriptive analysis was used. According to the results of the study, teacher is the most important category affecting the students' science attitudes
Comparison of student attitudes towards natural sciences
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2020
The attitude of students during the learning process is essential to be known by an educator to understand how to deal with students in the class. This study aims to determine how students 'attitudes towards science subjects and this study also aim to determine whether there is a comparison of students' attitudes towards natural science subjects in junior high schools in Indonesia. This research was conducted at some state junior high schools in Jambi. Specifically, the research sites were Junior High School 5, Junior High School 6, and Junior High School 26 in Jambi. The research design used in this study was a quantitative approach with survey methods. The research instrument was a science attitude questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed that students' attitudes toward science subjects based on indicators of adoption of scientific attitudes, fun in learning science, and interest in increasing the time to study science were in good categories and also there are significant differences of students' attitude towards science subjects in the three schools with a comparison value of 0.042 < 0.05.
Attitude Towards Science Among Lower Secondary Students in Johor Bahru
EDUCATUM Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology
The purpose of the study was to investigate attitude towards science among lower secondary students in Johor Bahru. The attitude in this study included interest, perception towards science and motivation. The study was carried out in Johor Bahru, Johor. The study adopted quantitative descriptive research designs and questionnaires were used in the study. A total of 370 respondents constituted the sample of the study, which included Form 2 lower secondary students from Johor Bahru. Data was analysed to obtain frequency, mean and standard deviation. The results revealed that laboratory activity, curiosity to discovery science and science as a tool to understand the world is able to improve science learning. As a conclusion, interest especially created by laboratory activity, perception of student when they are curios to discovery science and motivation factor when students know that science as a tool to understand the world are able to improve students science learning in lower secondary schools in Johor Bahru. The implication was that school teachers could prepare more laboratory activities in science lesson. They also can stimulate students' curiosity to discovery science and related science knowledge to the world so that students are interested and motivated to learn science. Future studies on this subject would be beneficial to understand more deeply the relationship between student personal factors with science achievement.
Grade 4 to 8 primary school students attitudes towards science: Science enthusiasm
Educational Research Review, 2011
The aim of this study is to investigate the grades 4 to 8 students' attitudes towards science under the 'liking school', 'independent investigator' and 'what I really think of science' titles. The affect of gender, grade level and science achievement on students' attitudes was analysed in 'liking school', 'independent investigator', 'science enthusiasm', 'social context' and 'science is a difficult subject' subscales that took place in this study. For selecting the sample, all schools in Izmit were clustered into three groups which are upper, middle and lower levels according to their achievement. From each group four schools, totally 12 primary schools selected by drawing lots, a total of 540 students were selected from every group with randomly selection method. In pilot study alpha reliability for measurements of three scales was found 0.80, 0.75 and 0.78 respectively. According to the results, level of willing 'independent investigator' falls significantly at unsuccessful students and 'science enthusiasm' falls significantly at high grade levels.