Skill Assessment of Sixth Semester Counseling Students in Cross-Cultural Counseling Practices (original) (raw)
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Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017), 2017
Cultural Study of Counselors and Counselees in Counseling. The purpose of this study is to explain the culture of the counselors and counselees with regard to language, values, stereotypes, social class, ethnicity, gender, age, and lifestyle aspects. This study uses qualitative approach. The cultural descriptions about the counselors' and counselees' perspective towards those aspects were very diverse and varied. Value-laden situation in counselors and counselees relationship greatly affected the success of counseling. The result of the study could be used as additional discourse for the Foundation of Socio-Cultural of Guidance and Counseling, Multicultural Counseling, and Field Study and Practice (KPL) of Guidance and Counseling course.
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An Evaluation of the First Diploma in Counseling Programme at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Akademika, 1983
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Developing Interculturally Skilled Counselors: Process and Productivity of the Project
This paper focuses on the structure, process, and accomplishments during the first two years of the Developing Interculturally Skilled Counselors (DISC) project, which trains and supervises eight pre-doctoral trainees for one-year appointments in the areas of intercultural awareness, knowledge, and skill. Objectives of the project are .listed and stages used to reach the objectives are explained. The training stage, designed to teach trainees the concepts of awareness, knowledge, and skills through classroom work and in-field experiences, is discussed along with the thLee graduate seminar courses which comprise the training phase and student participation in field experience. The second stage of the project, the practice phase, is reviewed in terms of its focus on using knowledge and gaining experience in sharing skills. The implementation of this stage through the development of both research projects and inservice training workshops for mental health agencies is discussed. Examples of DISC research projects are included; the development and implementation of inservice workshops is described in detail. The final phase, evaluation, which measures training outcomes of all DISC activities is presented; methods of participant evaluation are reviewed; and the annual evaluation by the project evaluator, complete with suggestions for change, is described.
Development and factor structure of the Cross-Cultural Counseling Inventory--Revised
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 1991
This article presents the development and preliminary validation of the Cross-Cultural Counseling Inventory (CCCI), a measure based on the American Psychological Association Division 17 Education on and Training Committee's tridimensional characteristics of cross-cultural counseling competence-beliefs/attitudes, knowledge, and skills (Sue et al, 1982). Three studies investigated the instrument's content validity, interrater reliability, and factor structure. The first study established substantial agreement among judges when classifying items according to the tridimensional characteristics. In the second study, judges reached adequate levels of interrater reliability after viewing cross-cultural counseling vignettes. The third study found a 3-factor orthogonal solution of crosscultural counseling skill, sociopolitical awareness, and cultural sensitivity. The authors discuss the utility of the instrument in counseling supervision and research.
Perceptions of Psychological Counselors on Working with Clients From Different Cultures
International journal of psychology and educational studies, 2024
The main purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of psychological counselors on working with clients from different cultures. Accordingly, the extent of the knowledge of psychological counselors on multicultural counseling approach and their perceptions of this approach, the theoretical competencies thereof, and cultural differences were examined in line with the main purpose of the study. The study was conducted using the basic qualitative design. The study group consists of 17 psychological counselors (eleven females and six males) who were continuing their postgraduate education at Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences in the Spring Semester of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. Data were collected online with semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that a significant portion of the participants did not consider themselves theoretically competent in the multicultural counseling approach. It was further concluded that the majority of the participants had positive perceptions of cultural differences. On the other hand, the holistic evaluation of the answers indicated that the extent of knowledge and awareness of the significant portion of the participants on cultural differences are rather poor and insufficient. It is recommended to implement psychoeducational programs and training on the subject, to give compulsory courses on multicultural counseling approach in Guidance and Psychological Counseling undergraduate programs, and to direct students to exchange programs to experience cultural differences.