Pentingnya Pelayanan Kesehatan Kepada Narapidana Muda DI Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (original) (raw)

Implementasi Persamaan Hak Narapidana Terhadap Pelayanan Kesehatan Pada Lembaga Permasyarakatan Provinsi Riau

Legal Standing : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum

In essence, correctionalization is one of the manifestations of the formal institutionalization of the public's reaction to crime. The reaction of this society at first only focused on the element of giving suffering to lawbreakers. However, in line with the development of society, the element of giving suffering must also be balanced with humane treatment by paying attention to the human rights of lawbreakers as individual beings, as well as creatures. social. Therefore, the correctional facility must also function as a place for the rehabilitation of prisoners with a variety of coaching activities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the equal rights of prisoners to get health services at prisons in Riau province and to analyze the obstacles and efforts in implementing the equal rights of prisoners to get health services in prisons in Riau province. The research method is sociological legal research, by identifying the legal effectiveness of the law i...

Pemenuhan Hak Mendapatkan Pelayanan Kesehatan Bagi Narapidana (Studi di Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas II A Curup)

Jurnal Komunikasi Hukum (JKH)

Getting health services is a right for everyone, including someone who is serving a sentence of independence in a correctional facility. Prisoners who are serving a sentence of loss of independence with the same right to obtain health services provided by the state, so that there is no difference between other community members and prisoners. At this time, the author wants to see the extent to which health services are provided to inmates. Research conducted at the Class IIA Correctional Institution using qualitative methods with data techniques carried out by interviews and field observations. Data sobtained from primary data and secondary data. The provision of rights to health services in prisons has on average been given, seen from each correctional institution already has a health clinic that can provide health services to prisoners who are undergoing a criminal period, although there are some health games that cannot be given such as certain diseases. From the results of resea...

Pelaksanaan Hak Pelayanan Kesehatan Bagi Narapidana Yang Terjangkit COVID-19 DI Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II a Kendal

Recidive : Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Penanggulangan Kejahatan

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan bagi Narapidana yang terjangkit Covid-19 di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kendal serta hambatan yang dihadapi oleh aparat di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kendal. Penelitian ini merupakan penetilian empiris, bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode penelitian lapangan dan studi pustaka yang dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif dengan metode interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan hak kesehatan terhadap Narapidana yang terjangkit Covid-19 di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Kendal belum maksimal, dikarenakan tidak semua prosedur dalam Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI Nomor M.HH.02.UM.06.04 Tahun 2011 dan Instruksi Direktur Jenderal Pemasyarakatan Nomor PAS-08.OT.02.02 Tahun 2020 belum dilaksanakan dengan baik. Tidak maksimalnya pelaksanaan hak kese...

Pemenuhan Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Konsumsi Bagi Narapidana di Lapas dan Rutan

Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal), 2019

Article 14 of the penal law regulates prisoners' rights, namely Health Service Rights and consumption in prisons and detention centers. The Correctional Law provides legal certainty for the obligation to provide optimal service so the aim of related serve achieved. Health and consumption services in Class II A Banda Aceh Lapas and Class II B Jantho Detention Centers shortage and ineligible. It’s Health Service Rights and consumes inmate’s centers. Indeed, the writer observed that health consumptions served at prison class II A Banda Aceh that inmates at class II B Jantho Inefficiency. This study aims to describe the fulfillment of basic rights in health services and consume Its influence and efforts them. Types of legal research and empirical juridical approaches or sociological. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative. It’s used so that the writer tends under study. Based on observed, the writer knows that health served and consumption inefficient const...

Peran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Dalam Pemberian Remisi Bagi Narapidana


Lembaga Pemasyarakatan mempunyai fungsi selain sebagai tempat untuk menjalani hukuman pidana juga merupakan tempat untuk melaksanakan pembinaan dan merehabilitasi serta reintegrasi sosial narapidana (napi), agar setelah menjalani masa pemidanaan bisa menjadi manusia yang baik dan/atau tidak menjadi residivis. Tujuan pemidanaan bukanlah suatu penderitaan/balas dendam tetapi pemidanaan ditujukan untuk memberikan pendidikan moril, spiritual, jasmani dan rokhani serta mendapat keterampilan sesuai dengan bakat narapidana. UU No. 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan.sebagai dasar hukum pelaksanaan sistem pemasyarakatan yang terkait dengan prinsip dasar hak-hak narapidana termasuk hak untuk mendapatkan remisi, asimilasi dan pelepasan bersyarat Remisi adalah hak setiap narapidana untuk mendapat pengurangan masa pidana, sebagaimana diatur dalam PP No. 99 Tahun 2012. Eksistensi pelaksanaan pemberian remisi bagi napi mengalami berbagai macam penolakan, karenaitu, perlu dilakukan pengetatan dalamp emberian remisi guna memberikan rasa keadilan masyarakat khususnya terhadap napi narkotika/psikotropika, teroris, korupsi, kejahatan terhadap keamanan negara dan HAM berat. Pengetatan pemberian remisi terhadap kejahatan extra ordinary crime ini justru bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip keadilan hak-hak nara pidana itu sendiri.

Implementasi Pelayanan Hak Kesehatan Narapidana Di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas II B Magetan

Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research

Pada penelitian ini penulis memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi pelayanan pemenuhan hak kesehatan terhadap narapidana di Rumah Tahanan Kelas II B Magetan. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk dapat menjelaskan kondisi Rumah Tahanan Kelas II B Magetan dengan data primer berupa wawancara kepada beberapa narapidana dan petugas kesehatan sebagai narasumber dan peneliti juga melakukan observasi yang telah mendapat izin dari kepala rutan kelas II B Magetan, selain data primer penulis menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data pendukung berupa study kepustakaan dan dokumentasi selama melakukan penelitian. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti melihat rutan magetan sudah memberikan hak pelayanan kesehatan kepada Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan sebagai bentuk pemenuhan Hak Asasi Manusia yang akan selalu mengikat pada setiap manusia, meskipun bagi orang yang sedang menjalani pidana semaksimal mungkin, yang dibuktikan dengan kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak ...

Peran Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Melaksanakan Pelayanan Kesehatan WBP Rutan

Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada

This research focuses on the role of health workers in carrying out health services for WBP in Detention Centers. The research method used is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are field research by conducting interviews and observations as well as literature studies. Based on the results of research conducted it is known that the role of health workers in detention centers is in accordance with their main duties and functions. Detention centers have a Polyclinic as a place for the implementation of health services in detention centers. In addition in the implementation of health services, there is an MoU between the detention center and the Government. In this case the provision of free health services with a National Identity Card (KTP) at a government-owned health agency. In addition, the detention center supports the implementation of the National Health Insurance for Penitentiary Guides in the Detention Center. But in the implementation of health services, ...

Pelayanan Khusus Bagi Narapidana Perempuan Terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan Reproduksi Di Lapas Kelas IIB Cilacap

Widya Yuridika

Women are special creatures created by God as ihsan who deserve to be loved and respected. Women were created by Allah SWT with the privilege of obtaining beauty and sophistication from the reproductive system. That the reproductive system is used as a tool to create offspring or new generations for mankind. On this basis, women are entitled to reproductive health services including female prisoners. Correctional institutions in Indonesia adhere to the correctional system, which is that the conceptual and historical system is very different from the prison system. The prison system is motivated by the concept of fostering and guiding it is very different from the prison system which is motivated by the concept of retaliation. Reflection on the concept of developing WBP (Correctional Assistance Residents) is based on the "10 principles of correctionalism" written in the Ministry of Justice No. M.02-PK.04.10 in 1990. Female prisoners pose separate barriers to prison officers for those who are part of a very small group in the prison community. The percentage of access to female prisoners to get health and care services is smaller than that of male prisoners. Services for reproductive health are limited or even non-existent and materials regarding health promotion, information and treatment are limited. The aim of the research is to find out the special services for female prisoners to fulfill the reproductive health rights in Lapas Kelas IIB Cilacap.