Method of the Development of Ontological Operational Semantics for Imperative Programming Languages (original) (raw)
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System Informatics, 2017
In the paper the notion of the conceptual operational semantics of a programming language is proposed. This formalism represents operational semantics of a programming language in terms of its conceptual model based on conceptual transition systems. The special kind of conceptual transition systems, operational conceptual transition systems, oriented to specification of conceptual operational semantics of programming languages is defined, the extension of the language of conceptual transition systems CTSL for operational conceptual transition systems is described, and the technique of the use of the extended CTSL as a domain-specific language of specification of conceptual operational semantics of programming languages is proposed. The conceptual operational semantics for the family of sample programming languages illustrate this technique.
The methodology of the operational semantics development for programming languages based on the operational ontological approach, conceptual transition systems and CTSL, the language for the specification of such systems, is proposed. The development of operational semantics is illustrated by an example of procedural programming languages from the family MPL of model programming languages. Each target language covers a certain type of the procedural language constructs. Thus, the paper can be also considered as a cookbook on the development of operational semantics of procedural programming languages.
Semantics of Programming Languages
In these lecture notes we present a few basic approaches to the definition of the semantics of programming languages. In particular, we present: (i) the operational semantics and the axiomatic semantics for a simple imperative language, and (ii) the operational semantics and the denotational semantics for some first order and higher order, typed functional languages. We then present some basic techniques for proving properties of imperative, functional, and concurrent programs. We closely follow the presentation done in the book by Glynn Winskel [19]. I express my gratitude to my colleagues at the Department of Informatics, Systems, and Production of the University of Roma Tor Vergata, and to my students and my co-workers Fabio Fioravanti, Fulvio Forni, Maurizio Proietti, and Valerio Senni for their support and encouragement. Thanks to Michele Ranieri and Massimiliano Macchia for pointing out some imprecisions in a preliminary version of these lecture notes. Many thanks also to the Aracne Publishing Company for its helpful cooperation.
The formal semantics of programming languages: an introduction
Choice Reviews Online
The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages provides the basic mathematical techniques necessary for those who are beginning a study of the semantics and logics of programming languages. These techniques will allow students to invent, formalize, and justify rules with which to reason about a variety of programming languages. Although the treatment is elementary, several of the topics covered are drawn from recent research, including the vital area of concurency. The book contains many exercises ranging from simple to miniprojects.Starting with basic set theory, structural operational semantics is introduced as a way to define the meaning of programming languages along with associated proof techniques. Denotational and axiomatic semantics are illustrated on a simple language of while-programs, and fall proofs are given of the equivalence of the operational and denotational semantics and soundness and relative completeness of the axiomatic semantics. A proof of Godel's incompleteness theorem, which emphasizes the impossibility of achieving a fully complete axiomatic semantics, is included. It is supported by an appendix providing an introduction to the theory of computability based on whileprograms.Following a presentation of domain theory, the semantics and methods of proof for several functional languages are treated. The simplest language is that of recursion equations with both call-by-value and call-by-name evaluation. This work is extended to lan guages with higher and recursive types, including a treatment of the eager and lazy lambda-calculi. Throughout, the relationship between denotational and operational semantics is stressed, and the proofs of the correspondence between the operation and denotational semantics are provided. The treatment of recursive types-one of the more advanced parts of the book-relies on the use of information systems to represent domains. The book concludes with a chapter on parallel programming languages, accompanied by a discussion of methods for specifying and verifying nondeterministic and parallel programs. DOWNLOAD A complete proof system for SCCS with modal assertions , Glynn Winskel, 1985, Parallel processing (Electronic computers), 23 pages.. Denotational Semantics The Scott-Strachey Approach to Programming Language Theory, Joseph Stoy, 1977, Computers, 414 pages. "First book-length exposition of the denotational (or mathematical' or`functional') approach to the formal semantics of programming languages (in contrast to `operational. Transitions and Trees An Introduction to Structural Operational Semantics, Hans H Ttel, Apr 29, 2010, Computers, 272 pages. A rigorous, self-contained introduction to the theory of operational semantics of programming languages and its use..
System Informatics, 2017
In the paper the notion of the conceptual model of a programming language is proposed. This formalism represents types of the programming language, values, exceptions, states and executable constructs of the abstract machine of the language, and the constraints for these entities at the conceptual level. The new definition of conceptual transition systems oriented to specification of conceptual models of programming languages is presented, the language of redefined conceptual transition systems CTSL is described, and the technique of the use of CTSL as a domain-specific language of specification of conceptual models of programming languages is proposed. The conceptual models for the family of sample programming languages illustrate this technique.
A case study in specifying the semantics of a programming language
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages - POPL '80, 1980
about a year I have worked on a semantic specification for the C programming language My objecti~e was to construct a readable and precise specification of C. aimed at compiler writers, maintamers, and language pundm, This paper is a report on the project, * UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.
Understanding programming language concepts via operational semantics
The origins of “formal methods” lie partly in language description (although applications of methods like VDM, RAISE or B to areas other than programming languages are probably more widely known). This paper revisits the language description task but uses operational (rather than denotational) semantics to illustrate that the crucial idea is thinking about an abstract model of something that one is trying to understand or design.
Formal Semantics of Programming Languages - An Overview
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2006
These notes give an overview of the main frameworks that have been developed for specifying the formal semantics of programming languages. Some of the pragmatic aspects of semantic descriptions are discussed, including modularity, and potential applicability to visual and modelling languages. References to the literature provide starting points for further study.
Program Specific Transition Systems
Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center. Series:Computer Science, 2012
A new kind of labeled transition systems, program specic transition systems, is proposed. These systems are used to formalize and unify some aspects of program handling. Such aspects as the development of program operational semantics and proof of safety properties of programs are considered, and the appropriate classes of program specic transition systems are dened. Ontological transition systems and operational ontological semantics are dened in terms of program specic transition systems.