New optical equations for the interaction of a two-level atom with a single mode of the electromagnetic field (original) (raw)

Theoretical analysis of resonances in the polarization spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a polychromatic field

Physical Review A, 1999

Analytic solutions of the optical Bloch equations for a two-level atom interacting with a strong polychromatic field whose frequencies are symmetrically positioned with respect to the atomic frequency are used to obtain the polarization spectrum of the atom. The spectrum is found to consist of a series of discrete peaks or dips superimposed on the continuous part of the spectrum. Physical interpretation of resonances exhibited in the continuous part of the spectrum is given using a semiclassical dressed-atom approach.

Transport of Photonic Bloch Wave in Arrayed Two-Level Atoms

Scientific reports, 2018

In a quantum system of arrayed two-level atoms interacting with light, the interacted (dressed) photon is propagating in a periodic medium and its eigenstate ought to be of Bloch type with lattice symmetry. As the energy of photon is around the spacing between the two atomic energy levels, the photon will be absorbed and is not in the propagating mode but the attenuated mode. Therefore an energy gap exists in the dispersion relation of the photonic Bloch wave of dressed photon in addition to the nonlinear behaviors due to atom-light interactions. There follows several interesting results which are distinct from those obtained through a linear dispersion relation of free photon. For example, slow light can exist, the density of state of dressed photon is non-Lorentzian and is very large around the energy gap; the Rabi oscillations become monotonically decreasing in some cases; and besides the superradiance occurs at long wavelengths, the spontaneous emission is also very strong near ...

Absorption Spectrum for a Multi-photon -type Three-level Atom Driven by a Single-Mode Field with Nonlinearities


A treatment of a multi-photon -type three-level atom interacting with a single mode field in a cavity, taking explicitly the existence of forms of nonlinearities of both the field and the intensity-dependent atom-field coupling into account. Analytical expressions of the absorption spectrum is presented using the dressed states of the system. The characteristics of the absorption spectrum considering the field to be initially in a squeezed coherent state is exhibited. The effects of the photon multiplicities, mean number of photons, detuning and the nonlinearities on the spectrum are investigated.

Polariton analysis of a four-level atom strongly coupled to a cavity mode

Physical Review A, 2002

We present a complete analytical solution for a single four-level atom strongly coupled to a cavity field mode and driven by external coherent laser fields. The four-level atomic system consists of a three-level subsystem in an electromagnetically induced transparency ...

Light propagation in dense resonant media: intrinsic optical bistability, solitons, and transients

ICONO 2001: Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Nonlinear Dynamics of Optical Systems, 2002

The local-field effects are considered which are feasible in a dense ensemble of resonant atoms modeled by multilevel quantum systems. Our approach is based on the generalized two-level system ͓V.S. Butylkin, A.E. Kaplan, and Yu.G. Khronopulo, Zh. É ksp. Teor. Fiz. 59, 921 ͑1970͔͒. Making use of this model, we take account of the nonresonant polarization and Stark shift of the absorption line due to the difference in linear polarizabilities of atoms in ground and excited states. With near dipole-dipole interaction and quadratic Stark effect included simultaneously, new features of the hysteresis behavior of the population difference as a function of the external-field intensity are predicted. ͓S1050-2947͑99͒01504-8͔

General formalism of interaction of a two-level atom with cavity field in arbitrary forms of nonlinearities

Physica A-statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2002

We propose a general formalism of a nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings-model by including possible forms of nonlinearities of both the ÿeld and the intensity-dependent atom-ÿeld coupling. We obtain an exactly analytic solution of the model, by means of which we identify and numerically demonstrate the region of parameters where signiÿcantly large entanglement can be obtained. Under the condition of an initial coherent ÿeld, the atomic inversion shows the collapse-revival phenomenon, which have di erent features in di erent forms of the nonlinearities. It is shown that features of the degree of entanglement is in uenced signiÿcantly by the kinds of the nonlinearities of the single-mode ÿeld. The in uences of the nonlinearities on the photon number distribution and phase properties are examined.

Absorption spectra of two-level atoms interacting with a strong polychromatic pump field and an arbitrarily intense probe field

Physical Review A, 1999

A numerical method is introduced that solves the optical Bloch equations describing a two-level atom interacting with a strong polychromatic pump field with an equidistant spectrum and an arbitrarily intense monochromatic probe field. The method involves a transformation of the optical Bloch equations into a system of equations with time-independent coefficients at steady state via double harmonic expansion of the densitymatrix elements, which is then solved by the method of matrix inversion. The solutions so obtained lead immediately to the determination of the polarization of the atomic medium and of the absorption and dispersion spectra. The method is applied to the case when the pump field is bichromatic and trichromatic, and the physical interpretation of the numerically computed spectra is given. ͓S1050-2947͑99͒10409-8͔

Multiphoton resonances and Bloch-Siegert shifts observed in a classical two-level system

Physical Review A, 1992

We report experimental observation of multiphoton resonances and Bloch-Siegert shifts in a strongly driven classical two-level system. The system is an optical ring resonator, and the levels are two orthogonal linear polarizations. The Rabi frequency and the Bloch-Siegert shift were measured for both the oneand three-photon cases. Satisfactory agreement was achieved with theory developed for a quantum two-level system. The experiment demonstrates that these coherence phenomena can be observed in a purely classical system.

Dynamics of physical properties of a single-mode quantized field non-linearly and non-resonantly interacting with two V-type three-level atoms passing consecutively through a cavity

Optics Communications, 2015

In this paper we address the analytical solution of the non-resonant interaction between two identical V-type three-level atoms passing consecutively through a single-mode cavity field in the presence of intensity-dependent coupling. By considering an identical initial condition for both atoms and an initial coherent field, we find the analytical solution of the state vector of the entire atom-field system. Accordingly, we could carefully investigate the influence of various parameters in the circumstances of the interacting system on different physical quantities such as the atomic population inversion, atom-field entanglement, field squeezing, sub-Poissonian statistics and the Wigner quasi-probability distribution function. In detail, we discuss numerically the influences of the detuning parameters and a particular nonlinearity function on the mentioned quantities and demonstrate that they have substantial effects on the temporal behavior of the above-mentioned nonclassical