Hydraulic tomography in fractured granite: Mizunami Underground Research site, Japan (original) (raw)
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Transient hydraulic tomography in a fractured dolostone: Laboratory rock block experiments
Water Resources Research, 2012
1] The accurate characterization of fractured geologic medium, imaging of fracture patterns and their connectivity have been a challenge for decades. Recently, hydraulic tomography has been proposed as a new method for imaging the hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (S s ) distributions of fractured geologic media. While encouraging results have been obtained in the field, the method has not been rigorously assessed in a controlled laboratory setting. In this study, we assess the performance of transient hydraulic tomography (THT) in a fractured dolomitic rock block. The block is characterized through flow-through tests and multiple pumping tests. The pumping test data were then analyzed with the THT code of to image the fracture patterns and their connectivity through the delineation of K and S s distributions (or tomograms). Results show that the THT analysis of pumping tests yields high-K and low-S s zones that capture the fracture pattern and their connectivity quite well and those patterns become more vivid as additional pumping test data are added to the inverse model. The performance of the estimated K and S s tomograms are then assessed by: (1) comparing the tomograms obtained from synthetic to real data; (2) comparing the tomograms from two different pumping configurations; (3) comparing the estimated geometric mean of the hydraulic conductivity (K G ) from the K tomogram to the effective hydraulic conductivity (K eff ) estimated from the flow-through tests; and (4) predicting five independent pumping tests not used in the construction of the K and S s tomograms. The performance assessment of the K and S s tomograms reveals that THT is able to image high-K and low-S s zones that correspond to fracture locations in the fractured rock block and that the tomograms can be used to predict drawdowns from pumping tests not used in the construction of the tomograms with reasonable fidelity.
Pumping Tests and Hydraulic Tomography in Fractured Granite, Blair Wallis, Laramie Range, Wyoming
We investigated the hydraulic properties of a fractured granite aquifer in the Laramie Range, Wyoming, using cross-hole pumping tests among six boreholes ranging from 16-76 m deep. Results of four cross-hole pumping tests were interpreted using analytical conceptual models and using SimSLE, a two-dimensional transient hydraulic tomography (HT) algorithm (Xiang et al., 2009). A set of field-scale vertically averaged horizontal hydraulic conductivities (Kh) was interpreted first using analytical models, i.e., Theis (1935), Cooper and Jacob (1946), Neuman (1974), and Moench (1997). The estimated Kh values are very close despite the difference in the assumptions of these analytical models. HT is a useful technique for imaging inter-well permeability heterogeneity. The SimSLE algorithm was able to image, between these boreholes, continuous high Kh and low specific storage (Ss) zones, thus areas with high hydraulic diffusivity. These inter-well zones allow fast preferential flows that ref...
Practical Issues in Imaging Hydraulic Conductivity through Hydraulic Tomography
Ground Water, 2007
Hydraulic tomography has been developed as an alternative to traditional geostatistical methods to delineate heterogeneity patterns in parameters such as hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss). During hydraulic tomography surveys, a large number of hydraulic head data are collected from a series of cross-hole tests in the subsurface. These head data are then used to interpret the spatial distribution of K and Ss using inverse modeling. Here, we use the Sequential Successive Linear Estimator (SSLE) of Yeh and Liu (2000) to interpret synthetic pumping test data created through numerical simulations and real data generated in a laboratory sandbox aquifer to obtain the K tomograms. Here, we define “K tomogram” as an image of K distribution of the subsurface (or the inverse results) obtained via hydraulic tomography. We examine the influence of signal-to-noise ratio and biases on results using inverse modeling of synthetic and real cross-hole pumping test data. To accomplish this, we first show that the pumping rate, which affects the signal-to-noise ratio, and the order of data included into the SSLE algorithm both have large impacts on the quality of the K tomograms. We then examine the role of conditioning on the K tomogram and find that conditioning can improve the quality of the K tomogram, but can also impair it, if the data are of poor quality and conditioning data have a larger support volume than the numerical grid used to conduct the inversion. Overall, these results show that the quality of the K tomogram depends on the design of pumping tests, their conduct, the order in which they are included in the inverse code, and the quality as well as the support volume of additional data that are used in its computation.
Journal of Hydrology, 2007
Hydraulic tomography potentially is a viable technology that facilitates subsurface imaging of hydraulic heterogeneity. To date, a comprehensive validation of hydraulic tomography has not been done either at the laboratory or field scales. The main objective of this paper is to examine the accuracy of hydraulic conductivity (K) tomograms obtained from the steady-state hydraulic tomography algorithm of [Yeh, T.-C. J., Liu, S., 2000. Hydraulic tomography: development of a new aquifer test method. Water Resources Research 36, 2095-2105]. We first obtain a reference K tomogram through the inversion of synthetic cross-hole test data generated through numerical simulations. The purpose of reference K tomogram generation is to examine the ability of the algorithm to image the heterogeneity pattern under optimal conditions without experimental errors and with full control of forcing functions (initial and boundary conditions as well as source/sink terms). Parallel to the generation of synthetic data, we conduct hydraulic tests at multiple scales in a laboratory aquifer with deterministic heterogeneity to generate data that are used to validate K tomograms from hydraulic tomography. Measurements include multiple K estimates from core, slug, single-hole and cross-hole tests as well as several unidirectional, flow-through experiments conducted on the sandbox under steady-state conditions. Validation of K tomograms involved a multi-method and multiscale approach proposed herein which include: (1) visual comparisons of K tomograms to the true sand distributions and the reference K tomogram; (2) testing the ability of 0022-1694/$ -see front matter Published by Elsevier B.V. a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j h y d r o l
Island Arc, 2008
Abstract A multi-offset hydrophone vertical seismic profiling (VSP) experiment was done in a 747 m deep borehole at Nojima Hirabayashi, Hyogo prefecture, Japan. The borehole was drilled to penetrate the Nojima Fault, which was active in the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. The purpose of the hydrophone VSP is to detect subsurface permeable fractures and permeable zones and, in the present case, to estimate the permeability of the Nojima Fault. The analysis was based on a model by which tube waves are generated when incident P-waves compress the permeable fractures (or permeable zones) intersecting the borehole and a fluid in the fracture is injected into the borehole. Permeable fractures (or permeable zones) are detected at the depths of tube wave generation, and fracture permeability is calculated from the amplitude ratio of tube wave to incident P-wave. Several generations of tube waves were detected from the VSP sections. Distinct tube waves were generated at depths of the fault zone that are characterized by altered and deformed granodiorite with a fault gouge, suggesting that permeable fractures and permeable zones exist in the fault zone. Tube wave analysis shows that the permeability of the fault gouge from 624 m to 625 m is estimated to be approximately 2 × 10−12 m2.
Island Arc, 2001
A multi-offset hydrophone vertical seismic profiling (VSP) experiment was done in a 747 m deep borehole at Nojima Hirabayashi, Hyogo prefecture, Japan. The borehole was drilled to penetrate the Nojima Fault, which was active in the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. The purpose of the hydrophone VSP is to detect subsurface permeable fractures and permeable zones and, in the present case, to estimate the permeability of the Nojima Fault. The analysis was based on a model by which tube waves are generated when incident P-waves compress the permeable fractures (or permeable zones) intersecting the borehole and a fluid in the fracture is injected into the borehole. Permeable fractures (or permeable zones) are detected at the depths of tube wave generation, and fracture permeability is calculated from the amplitude ratio of tube wave to incident P-wave. Several generations of tube waves were detected from the VSP sections. Distinct tube waves were generated at depths of the fault zone that are characterized by altered and deformed granodiorite with a fault gouge, suggesting that permeable fractures and permeable zones exist in the fault zone. Tube wave analysis shows that the permeability of the fault gouge from 624 m to 625 m is estimated to be approximately 2 ¥ 10 -12 m 2 .
Tectonophysics, 2003
This paper presents a geophysical investigation performed in the median separating the east and west bound lanes of U.S. Highway 60, approximately 15 km west from the town of Sikeston, MO, USA. Two boreholes, drilled at depth of 45 m, approximately located 6 m from the Wahite Ditch Bridge in U.S. Highway 60, were used to carry out the geophysical tests. The objective of the survey was to obtain the density distribution of soil materials and high-resolution compressional and shear wave velocities of the shallow subsurface for computation of elastic engineering properties of the unconsolidated material interposed between the two investigated boreholes.
The potential of seismic cross-hole tomography for geotechnical site investigation
E3S Web of Conferences
Seismic cross-hole tomography has been commonly used in oil and gas exploration and the mining industry for the detection of precious resources. For near-surface geotechnical site investigation, this geophysical method is relatively new and can be used to supplement traditional methods such as the standard penetration test, coring and sampling, thus improving the effectiveness of site characterization. This paper presents a case study which was carried out on a reclaimed land in the Eastern region of Singapore. A seismic cross-hole test was performed by generating both compressional waves and shear waves into the ground. The signals were interpreted by using first-arrival travel time wave tomography and the arrival times were subsequently inverted using Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT). A comparison with the borehole logging data indicated that P-wave velocity model cannot provide sufficient information about the soil layers, especially when the ground water ta...