The interactive documentary as a Living Documentary (original) (raw)

Proposed methodology for studying and analysing the new documentary forms

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2017). Proposed methodology for studying and analysing the new documentary forms. Doc-online, n. especial, pp. 6-42. ---------------- Abstract: This article presents an original methodological proposal for studying and analysing interactive and transmedia documentary. I propose guidelines for teaching three independent modules that present the study object in relation to three structured phases: (1) the precedents and antecedents, appearance of the expression form; (2) emergence and experimentation; and (3) consolidation and possible institutionalisa-tion. ---------------- Resumo: O artigo apresenta uma metodologia original para estudar e analisar o docu-mentário transmedia e interativo. Proponho diretrizes para o ensino de três módulos independentes que apresentam o objeto de estudo na sua relação com três fases estrutu-radas: 1) precedentes e antecedentes, aparência da forma de expressão; 2) emergência e experimentação; e 3) consolidação e possível institucionalização. Palavras-chave: documentário; meio digital interativo; documentário interativo; me-todologia de ensino. ---------------- Resumen: Este artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica original para estudiar y analizar el documental interactivo y transmedia. Propongo directrices para la en-señanza de tres módulos independientes que presentan el objeto de estudio en relación con tres fases estructuradas: (1) los antecedentes y antecedentes, la apariencia de la forma de expresión; (2) emergencia y experimentación; y (3) consolidación y posible institucionalización. Palabras clave: género documental; medio digital interactivo; documental interactivo; metodología de enseñanza.


KEY WORDS: empowerment youth webdoc artistic pedagogy citizen science ABSTRACT: The interaction potential offered by new technologies open up unprecedented possibilities both for the investigation of youth empowerment within academia, and for the design and implementation of participatory methodologies that foster young people's empowerment processes in society. The HEBE webdoc [\] described in this paper is presented as a pioneering case in the field of youth empowerment, as it combines within a single interactive platform: empowering stories in the form of audiovisual segments; reflections on the creative process as shown in various focus groups; and, finally, digital sharing in order to enable a dialogue between the materials and citizens.

Interactive multimedia documentary. PrePHD. Ch5

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2010). “El documental multimèdia interactiu. Per una proposta de model d’anàlisi”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació. ---------------- ABSTRACT ENG: The purpose of this research study is to consider the ongoing process of convergence between the traditional documentary genre and the online interactive documentary genre. We will examine how new digital technologies are transforming the logics of creation and production of the conventional audiovisual documentary. We present an initial overview of the areas of convergence between the two areas, suggest a proposed definition and characterization of the new interactive genre, and discuss proposals for an analysis model of the interactive multimedia documentary, which will be the basis for the future doctoral thesis and will be applied therein.

Interactive/Transmedia Documentary


Este artigo explora o desenvolvimento da realidade da contação de histórias através do veículo de documentário interativo imersivo, participativo, dirigido pelo usuário e multiplataforma. O que surge é uma alfabetização evolutiva mediada como resposta às tecnologias emergentes da narrativa e o surgimento da "cultura da convergência" que está refazendo a maneira como vivenciamos as histórias. O resultado é uma recuperação da narrativa da Indústria Cultural e o surgimento de uma nova ecologia da narratividade para histórias atraentes e interativas. Ademais, a natureza participativa dessa narratologia em evolução atribui papéis diferentes a 'autor', 'sujeito' e 'público / usuário' - cada um deles imerso no discurso narrativo e envolvido ativamente na co-construção da atualidade (isto é, ' verdade ') através do ato de contar histórias.

Interactive multimedia documentary. PrePHD. Ch7

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2010). “El documental multimèdia interactiu. Per una proposta de model d’anàlisi”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació. ---------------- ABSTRACT ENG: The purpose of this research study is to consider the ongoing process of convergence between the traditional documentary genre and the online interactive documentary genre. We will examine how new digital technologies are transforming the logics of creation and production of the conventional audiovisual documentary. We present an initial overview of the areas of convergence between the two areas, suggest a proposed definition and characterization of the new interactive genre, and discuss proposals for an analysis model of the interactive multimedia documentary, which will be the basis for the future doctoral thesis and will be applied therein.

Interactive multimedia documentary.PrePHD. Ch4

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2010). “El documental multimèdia interactiu. Per una proposta de model d’anàlisi”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació. ---------------- ABSTRACT ENG: The purpose of this research study is to consider the ongoing process of convergence between the traditional documentary genre and the online interactive documentary genre. We will examine how new digital technologies are transforming the logics of creation and production of the conventional audiovisual documentary. We present an initial overview of the areas of convergence between the two areas, suggest a proposed definition and characterization of the new interactive genre, and discuss proposals for an analysis model of the interactive multimedia documentary, which will be the basis for the future doctoral thesis and will be applied therein.

Interactive multimedia documentary. PrePHD. Ch3

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2010). “El documental multimèdia interactiu. Per una proposta de model d’anàlisi”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació. ---------------- ABSTRACT ENG: The purpose of this research study is to consider the ongoing process of convergence between the traditional documentary genre and the online interactive documentary genre. We will examine how new digital technologies are transforming the logics of creation and production of the conventional audiovisual documentary. We present an initial overview of the areas of convergence between the two areas, suggest a proposed definition and characterization of the new interactive genre, and discuss proposals for an analysis model of the interactive multimedia documentary, which will be the basis for the future doctoral thesis and will be applied therein.

Interactive multimedia documentary. PrePHD. References

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells, A. (2010). “El documental multimèdia interactiu. Per una proposta de model d’anàlisi”. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Departament de Comunicació. ---------------- ABSTRACT ENG: The purpose of this research study is to consider the ongoing process of convergence between the traditional documentary genre and the online interactive documentary genre. We will examine how new digital technologies are transforming the logics of creation and production of the conventional audiovisual documentary. We present an initial overview of the areas of convergence between the two areas, suggest a proposed definition and characterization of the new interactive genre, and discuss proposals for an analysis model of the interactive multimedia documentary, which will be the basis for the future doctoral thesis and will be applied therein.

The Interactive Documentary. Definition Proposal and Basic Features of the New Emerging Genre

Recommended citation: Gifreu, Arnau (2011). “The Interactive Documentary. Definition Proposal and Basic Features of the New Emerging Genre”. McLuhan Galaxy Conference. Conference Proceedings, ISBN: [ISBN 978-84-938802-1-7] ---------------- ABSTRACT ENG: The purpose of this paper is to explore some topics regarding the convergence between the fields of the audiovisual documentary and the interactive documentary. A new definition proposal for the new emerging genre, the so-called “interactive documentary”, is argued, compared with the logic of creating and producing linear documentaries. A taxonomy of the main characteristics of the new genre is also established from three points of view: the director, the text and the interactor. At the end, some considerations about evolving perspectives of the new genre are presented.

Interactive Documentary as a Narrative Form of Expression. Towards a Second Birth and Institutionalization

Recommended citation: Gifreu-Castells A. (2022). Interactive Documentary as a Narrative Form of Expression. Towards a Second Birth and Institutionalization. En Á. Rocha, D. Barredo, P.C. López-López e I. Puentes-Rivera (eds), Communication and Smart Technologies. ICOMTA 2021. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 259 (pp. 424-434). Springer, Singapore. ISBN: 978-981-16-5791-7.\_42 ---- ABSTRACT: This work analyses the evolution of the documentary genre in the new media by characterizing four periods: appearance, emergence and experimentation, consolidation and diversification. First, we define the range of new media applied to the documentary genre based on theories that propose certain important milestones in the evolution of digital interactive documentary. Second, we present an original proposal for a chronological evolution divided into four stages or specific periods, in which we outline the main elements that constitute each stage and that have made the next stage possible. We believe that this format is experiencing a second birth and moving towards institutionalisation with the aim of differentiating itself from its audiovisual counterpart and becoming a narrative form of expression with its own identity.