Impact of microfinance on women empowerment: An economic analysis from Eastern India (original) (raw)


Sambodhi , 2021

The SHG Bank Linkage Programme (SBLP) was introduced by NABARD in the year 1992. Microfinance refers to entire range of financial and nonfinancial services including skill upgradation and entrepreneurship development (Nagayya, et al., 2009). The SBLP programme started as a pilot project by NABARD (Sharif Mohd, 2018). Over the past two decades different development approaches have been innovated by policy makers, international development agencies and nongovernmental organisations. One of these strategies which have become increasingly more popular involves micro finance schemes which offers financial services in the form of savings, credit supply to the working poor (Johnson et al., 1997). Microfinance is regarded as a powerful and useful tool of poverty alleviation. Women development and empowerment assumes significance since there cannot be any development unless women across the globe are empowered. Microfinance has been considered as a powerful tool of uplifting the economic condition of poor through the group approach. Tessi-Swope, (2005) has stated that the participants enjoy the benefit of higher education, decrease in vulnerability to economic shock and greater empowerment. Microfinance is a type of service provided to low-income individuals or groups who otherwise would have no other access to financial services (Julia Kagan, 2021). The present study makes an attempt to provide a critical appraisal with effective follow of microfinance initiatives which contributes towards women empowerment, deriving benefits & income before and after joining SHGs. The study reveals about the presence of favourable demographic variables impacting microfinance activities. The factors impacting women empowerment measured and presented and assumes highest significance as they are going affect empowerment. These factors include freedom from money lenders, economic independence and savings formation etc. Further the study also clearly highlights the income variation before and after joining SHGs. The microfinance initiative is assuming significance is it is going to offer innumerable benefits. These benefits are presented and by using weighted average the related importance of benefits is highlighted.


Microfinance plays a vital role for gender equality and empowering women. In India, Government has bought a number of development project but most of them have ignored the women. Microfinance plays a vital role for the elevation of poverty and for the empowerment of women. Women are the most decisive component of the society and are playing a vital role in the socioeconomic framework of Rajasthan. Microfinance Program like SHG does motivate small amount of saving among the members. The present work is done to study the empowerment of women through Microfinance. The survey was conducted in Alwar district of Rajasthan on around 50 respondents, covering a sample of beneficiaries.

Impact of Microfinance on Women Empowerment: An Empirical Evidence from Andhra Pradesh

This paper makes an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of microfinance on empowerment of women. A crosssectional research on 215 women in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India through a structured questionnaire was conducted. Population of study is women who are associated with Self Help Groups (SHG’s). These women are married and have at least one child. Exploratory factor analysis is used to study the indicators of women empowerment. Results reveal that indicators of women empowerment are household economic decision making, legal awareness, mobility, economic security and family decision making. Five hypotheses are developed to evaluate the effectiveness of microfinance on empowerment of women for mentioned five indicators. Paired samples t test is used to know the difference in women’s perception before joining microfinance program and after joining microfinance program. The findings of this study reveal that microfinance is a powerful tool in enhancing women empowerment for its all indicators like household economic decision making, legal awareness, mobility, economic security and family decision making.

Microfinance and Its Impact on Women Empowerment in India

Indian journal of applied research, 2016

This study based on the women empowerment through microfinance. In India, there is a male dominated society and the women always depend on the male and their participation in different economic activities is very low as compared to male. But now this time to change the mentality and to support the women empowerment. In India, women empowerment is one of very important issue and the microfinance helps to women empowerment. In India, Microfinance described as a Self Help Group (SHGs) it is a effective mechanism for providing financial services to the “Unreached Poor”, and also in promoting theirself help capacities leading to their empowerment. Rapid progress in SHG formation has now moved into an empowerment among women across the country. This paper attempt to find out the impact on women empowerment through microfinance and how, women increase the availability in the society. The result of this research paper is to promoting women empowerment in India through microfinance and to ...

A Study on Women Empowerment Through Microfinance in North India


In India, a woman faces several discrimination like they were not allowed to own property, they did not have a share in the property of their parents, they had no voting rights, and they had no freedom to choose their work or job. The traditional Indian mentality assumes that the place of women is mainly concentrated to the household activities like kitchen work and upbringing of the children. Women make up half of the Indian population but their participation in various activities is not the same as men today. There is systematic discrimination against women economically, socially, politically and culturally and therefore empowerment of women is the only panacea to this problem. Women empowerment is a process of acquiring, providing, bestowing the resources and the means or enabling the access to a control over such means and resources. The present study measures the impact of microfinance on women empowerment in five districts of North India. A sample of 166 respondents has been t...

Impact of Microfinance on Women Empowerment : A Study of Rural Gujarat

Indian Journal of Finance, 2018

Microfinance is considered as an important financial service in many countries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of microfinance on women empowerment. The paper aimed to judge the societal transformation through strategic interventions of microfinance in rural areas. A total of 384 women staying in rural areas of Mehsana and Navsari district were surveyed. Paired t - test was performed to analyze the situation before and after women joined SHGs for women empowerment on three contexts, that is, political, social, and economic on 12 variables. Paired t - test revealed a significant difference in women empowerment indicators before and after joining SHGs. The results of binary logistic regression revealed that with the increase in duration of membership by 1 year, the probability of empowering women on grounds of economic, social, and political empowerment increased by 9%, 14%, and 11%, respectively. The study can be used to empower women on the grounds of political, social, and economic conditions. The successful implementation of microfinance could lead to societal transformation in rural areas, especially for a country like India. It was suggested that the government and non-government organizations (NGOs) can work on microfinance services to empower women.

Impact of Microfinance on Women Empowerment Through Poverty Alleviation: An Assessment of Socio- Economic Conditions in Chennai City of Tamil Nadu


The empowerment of women is one of the central issues in the process of development of countries all over the world. Poverty is one of the major reasons of women’s disempowerment. Different micro and macro level strategies are being used by government agencies and NGOs for poverty alleviation of women as a way to empower them. Microfinance has become an important component of development, poverty reduction and economic regeneration strategy around the world. In India, Microfinance programme are implemented through Self Help Groups (SHGs). The SHG is an association of people belonging to similar socio-economic characteristic, residing in same locality. The SHGs are voluntary associations of people formed to attain some common goals. These are groups have similar social identity, heritage, caste or traditional occupations. The present study is analyses the role of microfinance in empowering Muslim women as well as non-Muslim women in a comparative perspective and a comparison between ...

Effectiveness Of Microfinance On Empowerment Of Women

Restaurant Business, 2019

This paper makes an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of microfinance on empowerment of women. A cross-sectional research on 115 women in the State of Tamil Nadu, India through a structured questionnaire was conducted. Population of study is women who are associated with Self Help Groups (SHG"s). These women are married and have at least one child. Exploratory factor analysis is used to study the indicators of women empowerment. Results reveal that indicators of women empowerment are household economic decision making, legal awareness, mobility, economic security and family decision making. Five hypotheses are developed to evaluate the effectiveness of microfinance on empowerment of women for mentioned five indicators. Paired samples t test is used to know the difference in women"s perception before joining microfinance program and after joining microfinance program. The findings of this study reveal that microfinance is a powerful tool in enhancing women empowerment for its all indicators like household economic decision making, legal awareness, mobility, economic security and family decision making.

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Microfinance on Women Empowerment: Evidence from West Bengal

Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies

Empowerment especially for women is a very important term of economy. It always helps to make a step forward. For that, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are designed to reach the poor, especially women who needs to be empowered by providing various assistance programmes. Now the question arises which factors are really helping and how they are helping to enhance the empowerment level of the borrowers. This paper is an attempt to comprehend the role of MFIs and its associated factors towards empowerment in Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal. It deals with primary data of 220 borrowers collected through structured questionnaire and personal observation from the specified area. To serve the objective, a cross sectional research with a structural questionnaire was conducted. Applying ordered logistic regression it has been observed that MFIs do act as a supportive tool for psychological, economic and social empowerment of women borrowers of the selected district.


Manuscript History: Received: 15 March 2016 Final Accepted: 12 May 2016 Published Online: May 2016 Key words: Microfinance, Social empowerment, Self Help groups, Etc. *Corresponding Author Shailaja Kheni. India is a nation filled with tremendous wealth & prosperity. Among the successful emerging economies in the world India occupies a prominent place. India’s performance in recent years has been among best in the world. On the other side becoming more complex because of the various Social, political, economical & Technological changes occurring at a rapid pace for growth. India is filled with regional, cultural and socio- economic differences that have made the status of women complicated and her contribution often goes unrecognised. Due to cultural and traditional aspects, a Women’s presence has been a question of survival. She fears for society, lives in society with all problems as Indian culture makes them to bear everything silently and run the family. It is more difficult for women to get out of poverty than men because they lack money, resources, land and property and get less paid than men for the same job (Premchander 2009). Our Women have a great part to play in the progress of our country, as the mental and physical contact of women with life is much more lasting and comprehensive than that of men. Women must be empowered by enhancing their awareness, knowledge, skills and technology use efficiency, thereby facilitating overall development of the society. The early 90’s saw the reshaping of strategies of socio –economic development and the emphasis gradually shifted from “development to empowerment”. Women play a significant role in domestic and socio-economic life of the society and therefore holistic national development is not possible without developing this segment of the society (Ravindra c satpute 2012). Low level of skills, lack of access to training, facilities and credit, literacy, ignorance coupled with their invisible contribution to family economy, restricted mobility as a result of gender bias and lack of linkage facilities are some of the contributory factors for the backwardness of the women in the rural areas. At this juncture, organizing the poor women in a group is the need of the hour. Thus the SHG is one that is considered as the movement of self development. The SHG is the institutional informal setup through which the micro credit is routed by the formal and semi formal micro finance institutions to assist the poor women. Now a day’s women are depending on microfinance institutions than men. They believe that a woman is a small credit risk and often benefits the whole family (S.Sarumathi and Dr.K.Mohan 2011) The main aim of microfinance is to empower women .This induced the researcher to focus more on the empowerment of women who participates in Microfinance and its activities. Kalaburagi is considered as one of the most backward districts of Karnataka. Majority of people in this district are living in the rural areas and most of them depend upon Agriculture for their livelihood. There are many Microfinance institutions which are operating in the districts and the number of SHGs is in thousands. The number of Groups is increasing year after year; this made an interesting fact to know the reason behind this improvement. What makes women to join the Self Help Groups, are they socially empowered. Therefore the Objective of the researcher here is to study to what extent women beneficiaries of microfinance in kalaburagi district have succeeded in achieving their Goals and have empowered Socially.