The Approach to Defining the Competencies for Military Professionals in Command and Control in Military Operations (original) (raw)
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Vojenské rozhledy, 2016
The primary mission of commanders and staffs is a skillful realization of all measures related to preparation, planning, conduct and control of military operations. Ability to implement these measures originates from their professional knowledge of the theory of operational art and capability to execute it in practice. Based on a feedback from the courses participants, the authors of the article propose a set of measures which may contribute not only to improvement of the level of knowledge, skills and competences of military personal, but also to increase interest in the overall development of operational art in the Czech Armed Forces.
On Personnel Policy of Wilhelm II in German and Prussian Armed Forces
The study analyses the influence of Wilhelm II, German Emperor on the personnel policy in the armed forces between 1888–1918. It also describes the most crucial events in connection with the level of institutions of the Empire and highest Prussian institutions. The study looks for main actors of individual appointments and examines who was instrumental in key personnel appointments. The study’s conclusions are primarily based on analysing non-published sources from the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin-Dahlem, namely the Brandenburg-Preußisches Hausarchiv, Repositur 53, Kaiser Wilhelm II. und Familie. It is also based on reports of Austrian-Hungarian ambassadors in Berlin saved in the Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, Wien, namely Abteilung III. (Preußen). The author concludes that Wilhelm II’s personnel policy had three stages of development. At the beginning of his rule, he excitedly grasped the chance to “rejuvenate” the corps of generals of the armed forces and...
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