HA Gene Phyloanalysis of Influenza H1N1 2009 Virus in Surabaya (original) (raw)

Analisis Molekuler Filogenetik Dan Struktur Antigenic Virus Avian Influenza Subtipe H5N1 Isolat Lampung Tahun 2008-2013

Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan - Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2015

Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan karakterisasi molekuler antigenic site terhadap isolat virus avian influenza (AI) Balai Penyidikan dan Pengujian Veteriner (BPPV) Regional III Lampung dari tahun 2008-2013. Amplifikasi RNA dilakukan dengan teknik reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) menggunakan 4 pasang primer referens dari Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) Geelong Australia (HA10, HA20, dan HA30) dan dilanjutkan dengan proses pengurutan. Analisis hasil pengurutan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak MEGA versi 5.05 yang meliputi multiple alignment, deductive amino acids prediction, dan phylogenic tree analysis diperoleh hasil perbedaan genetik antar isolat Lampung dari tahun 2003-2013 ditemukan berkisar 1,1-9,1% dengan tingkat homologi mencapai 90,9-98,9%. Variasi genetik ditemukan adanya substitusi pada posisi 53 (R53K), 126 (D126E), 136 (P136), 138 (H138Q, dan H138L), 140 (R140K, R140S, dan R140N), 141 (S141P), dan 189 (K189R). Berdasarkan analisis fil...

Analisis Molekuler Gen NS1 Virus Avian Influenza H5N1 yang Diisolasi dari Unggas Asal Purworejo Jawa Tengah dan Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta


Pathogenesis of infection of H5N1 virus involves hyperinduction of pro inflammatory cytokines which causes the cytokine storm. Although multigenic, NS1 gene can contribute to the level of virulence and or cytokine resistance. In this study, the NS1 gene fragment of H5N1 isolated from chicken and muscovy duck in Central Java and Yogyakarta, respectively, were analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses were performed in comparison to sequence data of H5N1 viruses from 29 bird isolates and 32 human isolates which were accessed from gene bank in the period of 1997 to 2007. Molecular characterization of amino acid sequences (64-173) revealed a common characteristic of highly pathogenic avian influenza namely, 5 codon deletion (80-84 position). The D92E mutation was not found in these isolates. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the two genetic sequences from A/Chicken/Purworejo/2005 and A/Muscovyduck/Bantul/2005 have the closest relationship with level of confidence bootstrap value (1000 replicates) as 97.9%. Moreover, the two isolates have closer genetic relationship with isolates from Indonesia than from outside of Indonesia. There is no significant difference between NS1 gene fragment sequence motif between birds and human isolates. Three dimensional structure analyses displayed that deletion 80-84 is able to change protein structure of NS1.

Isolasi dan Identifikasi Virus Avian Influenza Subtipe H 5 N 1 pada Unggas di Pasar Tradisional Semarang Isolation and Identification Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H 5 N 1 on Fowl in Semarang Traditional Market


The increasing cases of viral infection of Avian Influenza (AI) H5N1 subtype or more commonly known as bird flu that causes death in humans very feared to spread from human to human. The aim of this research was to obtain isolates of Avian Influenza virus (AIV) subtype H 5 N 1 that marketable in traditional markets in Semarang. A total of 55 cloacal swab samples taken from healthy and unvaccinated fowl in the 6 traditional market in Semarang. Inoculum was grown in embryonated chicken eggs specific pathogen free (SPF TAB) nine days. Then the eggs were incubated for 4 days. Allantoic fluids were harvested and tested for their ability to agglutinate red blood cells. Allantoic fluid that showed hemagglutination activity, further their RNA was extracted and AIV subtype H 5 N 1 identified with Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) method using specific primers primary H 5 and N 1 . Then the results of RT - PCR were analyzed by electrophoresis technique. The results show...

Perbandingan Sekuens Konsensus Gen Hemaglutinin Virus Avian Influenza Subtipe H5N1 Asal Unggas di Indonesia dengan Subtipe H5N2 dan H5N9

Jurnal Veteriner, 2009

Consensus sequence of hemagglutinin (HA) gene of avian influenza viruses of H5N1 subtype isolatedfrom fowl in Indonesia – hereafter named as H5N1_Indonesia – is compared with that of H5N2 and H5N9viruses. Sequence information were downloaded from the public database GeneBank. The genetic distancesand nucleotide as well as its deduced amino-acid sequence alignment were analysed. At nucleotide level,genetic distances of HA between H5N1_Indonesia to H5N2 and H5N9 are 16.2% and 9.6%, respectively.At amino-acid level, the distances are 9.7% and 6.8%. The genetic distances of HA1 fragments are 19.0%(H5N1_Indonesia – H5N2) and 10.9% (H5N1_Indonesia – H5N9). At amino-acid, level the genetic distancesof HA1 are 13.1% (H5N1_Indonesia-H5N2) and 8.8% (H5N1_Indonesia – H5N9). All three subtypes havedifferent glycosilation motive and variation of amino-acid sequence of four antigenic sites. The consequenceof those facts is discussed.

Molecular characterization of Indonesia avian influenza virus

Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner, 2005

Avian influenza outbreaks in poultry have been reported in Java island since August 2003. A total of 14 isolates of avian influenza virus has been isolated from October 2003 to October 2004. The viruses have been identified as HPAI H5N1 subtype. All of them were characterized further at genetic level and also for their pathogenicity. Phylogenetic analysis showed all of the avian influenza virus isolates were closely related to avian influenza virus from China (A/Duck/China/E319-2/03(H5N1). Molecular basis of pathogenicity in HA cleavage site indicated that the isolates of avian influenza virus have multiple basic amino acid (B-X-B-R) indicating that all of the isolates representing virulent avian influenza virus (highly pathogenic avian influenza virus). Key Words: Avian Influenza Virus, Molecular Characterization, Poultry, Indonesia

Prevalence of Influenza Viruses (Influenza Like Illness) In Regional Laboratory Avian Influenza Semarang


Background: Influenza is the major health threat worldwide causing illness and death every year. However, data on the epidemiology of influenza in tropical countries, including Indonesia, are still limited. Up dated data for its prevalence is needed to monitor its spreading and to evaluate its outbreak. Therefore a working regional laboratory in surveillance of ILI (Influenza Like Illness) was formed. This research was conducted to provide updated data on prevalence of ILI in regional laboratorium avian influenza Semarang. Design and Method: Data from patients examined in the regional laboratory of avian influenza Semarang from April 2009 until December 2010 was collected. Samples were obtained from Malang sentinel, Yogyakarta sentinel and Semarang sentinel. Samples were examined using PCR to detect influenza A, influenza B, and swine flu. Result: out 1367 patients tested, 279 patients (20.41%) were from Yogyakarta sentinel, 619 patients (45.28%) were from Malang sentinel, and 467 p...

Deteksi Virus Avian Influenza Subtipe H5N1 pada Organ Ayam yang Terserang Flu Burung Sangat Patogenik di Jawa Timur dan Jawa Barat dengan Teknik Imunohistokimia


DAMAYANTI, R., N.L.P. I. DHARMAYANTI, R. INDRIANI, A. WIYONO and DARMINTO. 2004. Detection of avian influenza virus H5N1 subtype in organs of chicken affected by higly pathogenic avian infuenza in East and West Java by using immunohistochemical technique. JITV 9(3): 197-203. The study was conducted to detect antigen H5N1 of highly pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) virus in various farms in East and West Java. The immunohistochemical technique was applied due to Hematoxilin-eosin (H&E) staining was impossible to visualize the antigen in tissue. Immunohistochemical staining was applied for some visceral organs collected from the areas where the outbreaks occurred in September-October 2003. The specimens were processed as histopathological paraffin blocks using standard method. The blocks that were suspected to have antigen H5N1 were cut and rabbit antisera to H5N1 produced from the local isolate was applied as the primary antibody. Biotinylated secondary antibody and avidin biotin per...

Profil Virus Dengue DI Surabaya Tahun 2008–2009


Four serotypes of dengue viruses (DENV) 1–4 are mosquito-borne human pathogens that cause widespread epidemics withconsiderable morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dengue serotypes profile, which were circulating inSurabaya. This research has been carried out consisting of 360 samples from patients with dengue virus infections, according the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) criteria. These sera were collected from patients Dr. Soetomo Hospital and private laboratory in Surabayafrom 2008–2009. From 360 samples, 68 samples (18.9%) were undifferentiated fever, 53 samples (14.7%) were dengue fever, 239samples (66.4%) were dengue hemorrhagic fever. From 58 Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) samples, 25samples (43%) were positive, consisting of 52% DEN-2, 20% DEN-1, 16% DEN-3 and 12% DEN-4. These results showed that fourserotypes are circulating in Indonesia, dominated by DEN-2, followed by DEN-1, DEN-3 and DEN-4.