Vývoj Cyrilo-Metodských Textov V Liturgii Hodín V Strednej Európe (original) (raw)

Sv. Cyril a Metod a ich reflexia v krajine Slovenska

Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2020

Methodius and Their Reflection in the Landscape of Slovakia. The formation of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition in our history has an impact on the cultural landscape. The aim of the paper is a spatial identification of the cult of Sts. Cyril and Methodius as well as the study of its impact on the landscape of Slovakia. The first step is to identify tangible and intangible features, or, more precisely, cultural landscape elements. In Slovakia, we register in connection with Sts. Cyril and Methodius more than 120 sacral objects (churches, chapels, exterior sculptures). These, together with profane objects (schools, medical facilities) and intangible elements (e.g. street names, squares, organized events), are involved in the transformation of cultural, or, more precisely, religious landscape. The largest number of sacral objects arose after 1989, in the process of modern sacralisation of the landscape, which is typical of countries with renewed religious freedom.

Svätí Konštantín - Cyril a Gregor Z Nazianzu – Služobníci S/Slova

Slavica Slovaca, 2014

The activity of both saints, Constantine-Cyril and Gregory of Nazianzus, is characterized by several similarities (love for education, inclination towards spiritual life, longing for solitude) that may have been influenced by Constantine’s selection of Gregory as a special patron. The study is based on the hypothesis that not only Gregory’s panegyrics and his autobiographical poem De vita sua but also a wider spectrum of Nazianzen’s poetic works influenced Constantine. It shows some selected Gregory’s verses reflected in the life and works of St. Constantine.

Nárečové texty ako zdroj slavistických štúdií

Slavica Slovaca

The author of the article presents the life and work of Ivan Paňkevyč, a leading Ukrainian researcher. She describes in details his research on Ukrainian dialects in Transcarpathia and Eastern Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century. Essay provides an overview of the scientific works of the linguist, containing valuable texts as a source of Slavic studies written by the author himself in the field or his predecessors. Ivan Paňkevyč, Ukrainian dialects, dialectology, dialect texts

Marginalizovaní bohovia? Príspevok k náboženskej ikonografii v staršej dobe bronzovej


Until recently no anthropomorphic depictions from the Early Bronze Age were known in the western part of the Carpathian Basin and Central Danube Region. The author is presenting the recognized depictions, structured into typical iconographies. It is interesting that they are depictions of women. According to the results of comparative Indo-European studies the pantheons of the Early Bronze Age religions should be headed by male deities. The author reflects on different results of archaeology and religious studies. The answer apparently lies in the holistic study of human creativity.

Stereotypy o židoch v slovenskej literatúre z obdobia pred druhou svetovou vojnou

Stredoeurópske pohľady, 2019

This paper deals with the depiction of Jewish themes in Slovak literature from the end of the 18th century until 1939-the beginning of World War II, which fundamentally changed the view on Jewry. It points on the prevailing stereotypes about Jews in Slovak literature from this period, mainly the stereotype of Jew-trader and wandering Jew-Ahasver, which reflected the attitude of Slovaks towards Jews and which led to the formation of ideas of anti-Semitism in Slovak society.

Suggestions for Refining Theological Terminology in Slovak. Part IV

Studia theologica

Na jeseň roku 2022 som v časopise Studia Theologica publikoval tretiu časť môjho projektu Návrhy na spresnenie teologickej terminológie v slovenčine. 1 Táto štúdia je jeho pokračovaním. V slovenskej kristologickej literatúre sa objavujú formulácie, aké nachádzame v týchto vetách: a) "Zlato vzdáva úctu […] majestátu Ježiša, kadidlo vyjadruje úctu jeho božstvu a myrha jeho posvätenej ľudskosti, ktorá mala zakúsiť smrť a pochovanie." 2 b) "[…] nasledujúc teda svätých Otcov, […] učíme, že […] Kristus, […] je […] dokonalý v ľudskosti, je […] pravý človek […], je […] jednej podstaty s nami podľa svojej ľudskosti, […]." 3 c) "[…] tento verš 4 zdôrazňuje najprv Ježišovu ľudskosť a nie jeho božstvo, […]." 5 d) "[…] pokrivenie dobra, ku ktorému smeruje moja [ľudská] prirodzenosť, moja ľudskosť […]." 6 1

Influence of the philosophy of language to writing of Slovak poetess Mila Haugova


Poetess Mila Haugová has been known to Slovak audience for more than three decades. Her literary activity began in line with the Slovak symbolism. In the nineties of the 20th century the poetry of Haugová's poems changed. This process began after a short break, when Mila Haugová was engaged in translation activities, mainly from the contemporary Austrian literature. In our text, we have attempted to show, that this change occurred under the influence of the philosophy of language, which Haugová took from the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann as well as from the philosophy of poststructuralism. In the first part of the article we explain the concept of Bachmann's language critique, which was elaborated under the influence of the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, especially his work Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921). The second part of our article focuses on the influence of psychoanalysis and poststructuralism on Mila Haugová's poetry. Through the language, the Slovak poetess creates a new, own world of poetry. Crossing the borders of the language also represents crossing the borders of the being. This process is closely linked to the identity of the poet, whose existence acquires through writing a new, higher quality.

OD MISIE KU ŠKOLE -DEJINY PÔSOBENIA JEZUITOV V UŽHORODE DO POVSTANIA JURAJA I. RÁKÓCZIHO (From mission to school – the history of Jesuit activity in Uzhgorod until George I. Rákóczi ́ s uprising). In Annales historici Presovienses. 2020, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 117-127.

Annales historici Presovienses, 2020

A re-catholization of Ung county was inextricably linked to Jesuit mission in a particular region. The arrival of Jesuit to the Ung county was connected to an effort of the Drugeths to re-catholicize as well as to the history of education in that region. Our attention was focused on relations with Jesuit arrival to Uzhgorod and onto their mission in that region as well as other localities where they operated. Since the history of the Drugeths´ residency is primarily connected to a residency in Humenne, based on this we mapped the relation between Humenné residency and Ung county. In the conclusion we add information about the erigation of Uzhgorod´s college. We finish the whole study with the transcript of the document about the erigation of the college in Uzhgorod, which is a clear proof that the college was not transferred from Humenne but it was a newly opened school. Key words: Ung county, Jesuits, Recatholization, the Drugeths, Uzhgorod.