Abdülganî b. İsmâil en-Nablusî’nin el-Hâmil fi’l-felek ve’l-mahmûl fi’l-fülk fî ıtlâkı’n-nübüvvet ve’r-risâle ve’l-hilâfe ve’l-mülk Başlıklı Risâlesinin Tahkik ve Tahlili (original) (raw)
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Journal of International Social Research, 2020
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Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin el-Heyûlâ ve’s-sûre Adlı Risalesi: Tahlil, Tahkik ve Tercüme
Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences), 2014
Bu makalede, Fahreddin er-Râzî’nin madde ve suretten bileşik cisim eleştirisini konu edinen el-Heyûlâ ve’s-sûre adlı eseri incelendi. Eserin mevcut nüshaları tanıtıldı; adı, yazım tarihi ve diğer eserlere nispetle krono- lojisi belirlendi, Râzî’ye aidiyeti gösterildi. Daha sonra metnin ele aldığı konular belirlendi. Bu çerçevede cismin tanımı, hakikati, heyûlâ ve suretten bileşik cisim düşüncesiyle ilgili Râzî’nin fikirleri tartışıldı. Özellikle Râzî’nin bu konuları ele alan el-Mebâhis, el-Mülahhas, Cevâbât ‘an Şükûki’l-Mes‘ûdî, Şerhu’l-İşârât, el-Heyûlâ ve’s-sûret, Lü- bâbü’l-İşârât, Şerhu Uyûni’l-hikme ve el-Metâlib adlı eserleri kronolojik olarak dikkate alındı, konuyla ilgili içerikler karşılaştırıldı, delillerin gelişimi gösterildi, değişimi gösteren tablolar hazırlandı. İçeriğin tartışıldığı kısımda konu- nun felsefî düşünce ve kelamî asıllar bakımından önemine değinildi ancak Râzî’nin atomculuğa dair düşüncesine özellikle temas edilmedi. Fikirlerinin tespiti çerçevesinde Râzî’nin, ilmî kariyerinin başından sonuna kadar mad- de-suretten bileşik cisim anlayışını eleştirdiği tespit edildi. Bunun yerine, onun, cismin kendinde tek bir hakikati ve zatı olduğunu kabul ettiği, mekânlı, hacimli, uzamlı ve işaret edilebilir olmak gibi arazların bu zat ve hakikate iliştiğini kabul ettiği belirlendi. Râzî’nin cismin, söz konusu arazî niteliklerinin sayılması suretiyle tanımlanabi- leceği şeklindeki fikri üzerinde duruldu. Nihayet risalenin metin tahkiki yapıldı ve eser, Türkçeye tercüme edildi.
Pamukkale Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
ABDURRAHMAN EL-CÂMÎ'NİN NEFHATÜ'T-TE'YÎD FÎ ŞERHİ KELİMETİ'T-TEVHÎD ADLI RİSÂLESİNİN TAHKİK VE TAHLİLİ Harun ABACI , Yunus İNANÇ Öz Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de Molla Câmî olarak da bilinen Abdurrahman el-Câmî'nin (ö.998/1492) Nefhatü't-te'yîd fî şerhi kelimeti't-tevhîd adlı risâlesinin tahkikini ele almaktadır. Abdurrahman el-Câmî birçok tasavvuf eseri kaleme alan üretken bir yazar olarak tanınmaktadır. O, İbn Arabî ekolünün ve Nakşibendî tarikatının tasavvufî şiirler kaleme alan önde gelen şairidir. O, ardında birçok kitap ve öğrenci bırakmıştır. Onun bize ulaşan çalışmalarından biri de Nefhatü't-te'yîd'dir. Bu risâlenin Türkiye kütüphanelerinde beş nüshası bulunmaktadır. Bu nüshaların hepsi Süleymaniye Kütüphanesi'ndedir. Bu çalışmada gerçekleştirilen tahkik, beş nüsha içerisinden iki nüsha esas alınarak yapılmıştır. Çünkü bu iki nüshada müellifin önsözü bulunmakta iken diğer nüshalarda bulunmamaktadır. Ayrıca bu iki nüsha, diğerlerinden daha az hata barındırmaktadır. Bu risâle, kelime-i tevhidin i'râbı ile ilgilidir. Molla Câmî bu risalede, kelime-i tevhîdin i'râb vecihleri konusunda ortaya konulan görüşleri eleştirerek bu i'râb vecihlerini kelime-i tevhîdin anlamına katkısını da dikkate alarak tartışmıştır. Bu i'râb vecihlerini eleştirmesinin ardından kelime-i tevhîdin i'râbı konusunda kendi görüşünü ortaya koymuştur. O, bu konuda yerleşik nahiv kurallarını ve diğer dilbilim araçlarını kullanarak Kur'ân'ın nazil olduğu dönemdeki muhatabın durumunu ve kelime-i tevhidin onlara ne anlam ifade ettiğini dikkate almıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Abdurrahman el-Câmî, i'râb, kelime-i tevhîd, dilbilim, tasavvuf.
Jurnal Alfazuna : Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
Purpose- This study aims to analyze the errors in pronunciation of Arabic greetings (salam) to students of Madrasah Diniyyah Assalam Tegalombo Class VI and find out the implementation in Arabic learning. Design/Methodology/Approach- This study used a descriptive qualitative method using a contrastive analysis approach. The validity of the data was tested by using triangulation technique. The data were obtained through field research. Findings- Based on the results of the research on errors in pronunciation of Arabic greetings to Class VI students of Madrasah Diniyyah Al-Quran (MDA) Assalam Tegalombo consisting of 16 students, it was found 7 forms of pronunciation that were not in accordance with the original phonology of salam, example Assalamualaikum, Salamualaikum, Slamualaikum, Slamlékum, Saamlékum, Samlékum, and Smléikum. Of the 7 forms of pronunciation errors, there are 4 types of phonological errors, namely 1) Pronouncing "ع" to "أ" because the mother tongu...
Mafhum Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî ‘An At-Tafsîr Al-‘Ilmî (Dirâsah fî Al-Jânib Al-Unthûlûjî)
Studia Quranika, 2020
Tafsir Ilmi" is a new characteristic of "tafsir" which was famous in this era. There are many contemporary problems of "tafsir ilmi". It is required a thought of contemporary scholar whose able to solve it. He is Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî who has devoted his thought to solve it. He is specialist in jurisprudence but it was not in authority of Al-Qur'an and tafsir. Eventhough, he has researched in tafsir ilmi and owned several works in Al-Qur'an and tafsir. This research shows that Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî's thought in tafsir ilmi (especially ontological aspect) comprehends: First, existence of "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Second, the reality of "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Third, the connection between "tafsir ilmi" and "i'jaz ilmi"; Fourth, Yûsuf Al-Qardhâwî's position in dialectics of tafsir ilmi.
Asālīb Tadrīs al-Imlā li Gair Nāṭiqīn bi al-Arabiyyah
Imlā is in the high position among the branches of language. It constitutes an important foundation for written language. Errors in imlā can result in many problems and lead to errors in understanding sentence because of its unclear meaning. Students who are not Arabic speakers encounter many problems when learning this realm. Therefore, it is needed an appropriate method to adapt students language ability with their language level. This study aims to explain several methods of teaching Imla for non Arabic speakers. The suggested method here is adjusted with the four types of imlā, namely: Imlā Manqūl, Imla Manżūr, Imla Masmū’ and Imla Ikhtibāri. Besides it is provided with applicative examples in the teaching of imlā based on certain stages that should be taken by a teacher. Thus the teaching can be carried out pleasantly and satisfy all students needs in the lesson.This study uses the method of al-waşfi al-taḩlīli, a method that describes the problems that occur, by analyzing the...
Taṭbīq Al-Manhaj Al-Takamuly Fī Mu’assasāt Al-Ta’līm Al-‘Āly
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan
This study aims to (1) describe the idea of an integrated curriculum in higher education, (2) depict its implementation at the university level, and (3) find out the impact of the curriculum on university development. This research used a qualitative approach. It employed a literature study. The researchers gathered the data from book reviews and related journals. Data analysis involved collecting the data, sorting, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The findings showed that (1) the idea of an integrated curriculum was depicted in a tree-shaped scientific structure; (2) the integrated curriculum was done by requiring all students to learn Arabic and English, as well as providing opportunities for all students to memorize the Quran and practice Islamic life; (3) integrated curriculum contributed to accelerating the development and internationalization of institutions. Moreover, it improved human resources competencies. Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendeskripsikan gagasan integrasi kurikulum pendidikan tinggi, (2) mendeskripsikan penerapan pemikiran tersebut di tingkat universitas, dan (3) mengetahui implikasi kurikulum terhadap perkembangan universitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kepustakaan. Data diambil dari resensi buku dan jurnal terkait. Analisis data dimulai dari mengumpulkan, memilah, menyajikan, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian
Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2019
This research aims to determine the types of adat al-Syibhi, the differences and the roles in understanding the texts of the hadith of the Prophet, as well as facilitating the identification of tasybih elements in a hadith text. This research is a Library Research, that relies on a descriptive analytical approach (al-Manhaj al-Washfi al-Tahlili). Descriptive approach is to analyze scientific material that is related to the subject, through library research and then presented and explained systematically. The analytical approach is to analyze the hadith of the Prophet which contains the aspects of tasybih and the words of the ‘ulama (clerics) and balaghah experts. Adat al-Shibh is the link between musyabbah and musyabbah bih. Tasybih will not be considered as completed without adat al-Syibh. Adat al-Syibh has a big role in tasybih, which can be mentioned in the sentence or omitted, and with omitting, it will give a stronger meaning than mentioning. Tasybih in terms of the Adat of al-...
Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture, 2020
The Suggestopedia method consists of a series of recommendations based on the education of the science of suggestion described by Lozanov that suggestion is "science relating to the study of the effects of organizational irrationality and the unconscious, or both," which respond to people continuously. Then the problems in this study: (2) How effective is the use of the Suggestopedia method to develop speaking skills in aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure, and fluency. The research methodology used in this study is quantitative empirical and qualitative analysis. Then the researchers restricted the experimental and control groups to the E-6 class in the Arabic intensive program at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang for the 2013-2014 academic year with 36 students. The researcher used the analysis of the T-test to reveal the results of the pre-test and post-test. And the results of this study were: (1) the results of t0 in the pronunciation aspect of the experimental group 51.63 this value is greater than the control group that is 0.129 (2) the results of t0 on aspects of the experimental group vocabulary 24,713 this value is greater than the control group that is 1.193. (3) the results of t0 in the sentence structure aspect of the experimental group 8.36 this value is greater than the control group that is 0.383 (4) the results of t0 in the smoothness aspect of the experimental group 8.475 this value is greater than the control group 0 (5) results of t0 in the pre-test and post-test experimental group was greater by 22.695 than in the control group that was 0.968.