Low-Cost Remote Semiconductor Devices Laboratory with NI Switch

International Conference on Engineering Education 2012, Turku, Finland, 2012

This paper describes the design and implementation of a low-cost semiconductor device characterization laboratory using computer-controlled instrumentation and the Internet. National Instruments (NI) PXI-1042 hardware combined with NI PXI 4130 power SMU and NI PXI 4110 programmable DC power supply, NI TB 2636 and LabVIEW software are used to implement the low-cost laboratory.


The paper describes the developed software architecture of computer based measurement system for semiconductor devices labs. The architecture is specifically targeted towards Web based Java applications, where the browser becomes the platform for a lightweight hypertext-based user interface. An overview of some data acquisition (DAQ) devices is performed.

VirtLAB: A Low-Cost Platform for Electronics Lab Experiments


The recent SARS-CoV2 pandemic has put a great challenge on university courses. Electronics teaching requires real laboratory experiences for students, which cannot be realized if access to physical infrastructures is prohibited. A possible solution would be to distribute to students, at home, electronics equipment suitable for laboratory experiments, but no reasonable product is currently available off-the-shelf. In this paper, the design and development of a very-low-cost experimental board tailored to these needs is presented. It contains both programmable prototyping circuitry based on a microcontroller and an FPGA and a set of measurement instruments, similar to the ones found on a typical lab desk, such as a digital storage oscilloscope, multimeter, analog signal generator, logic state analyzer and digital pattern generator. A first board, suitable for analog and digital electronics experiments, has been designed and manufactured, and is described in this paper. The board has b...


The advance of the technologies nowadays allows putting many laboratory measurement instruments in a single desktop box. This desktop box combined with a personal computer and Internet connection, gives a perfect opportunity for a laboratory which is accessible at any time and place. Many companies have created different measurement boxes with different virtual instruments attached to them, but it is still difficult for the trainee to make use of all of them. The article proposes common software architecture, which is suitable for all existing measurement boxes. The proposed software architecture is web based and creates a single view of the virtual instruments, so a trainee could easy use any hardware from single software.

Low Cost and User-friendly Electronic Components Characterization System for Undergraduate Students

A low cost and easy to use electronic components characterization system, which consists of a dc programmable voltage source, a dc subnano-amperemeter, a test fixture where a device under test is put on, an RS232 interface, and a computer has been developed. The characterization system becomes a tool in the laboratory that can strengthen concepts delivered in lectures. Furthermore, the characterization system, which obtains current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, can also make students familiar with the characteristic equations of electronic components. The I-V characteristics of high value resistor, silicon diode, Zener diode, and light emitting diode have been obtained and the results have been compared to the theory.



The aim of this work is to develop a simultaneous multi user access system—READ (Remote ASCI Design and Test)—that allows users to perform test and measurements remotely via clients running on mobile devices as well as on PCs. The system also facilitates the remote design of circuits with the PAC-Designer®. The system is controlled by LabVIEW® and was implemented using a Data Acquisition Card from National Instruments. Such systems are specially suited for manufacturing process monitoring and control. The performance of the simultaneous access was tested under load with a variable number of users. The server implements a queue that processes user’s commands upon request. 1 Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr. Sc. Michael E. Auer, is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Center of Competence Online Labs and Open Learning, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS), Villach, Austria. Earned his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and IT from the University of Technolo...

Using virtual instrumentation in the application study of electronic devices

MATEC Web of Conferences

Continuous technological developments require proper training of future specialists through the use of modern training systems. This paper presented in detail both hardware and software structures in a laboratory stand for interactive training of future professionals in the fields related to using electronic devices. Virtual instrumentation is the basics of these applications in terms of data acquisition, processing, and display in a form as explicit and easy to understand of the results. The entire system was created using National Instruments equipment to generate the input stimulus signals to generate both input signals and receive response signals. For various electronic circuits or devices, software applications were created in the LabView graphics development environment. Builds in the form of interactive applications the virtual instruments offer the opportunity for future professionals to benefit from a complete training starting from studying the theoretical part of laborat...

Online Laboratory for Electronic Circuit Test Engineering


This paper will discuss the utilisation and student participation in an online laboratory set-up intended primarily to support the teaching and learning of microelectronic circuit test engineering concepts. The arrangement is a custom-built experimentation laboratory with the ability for twelve permanently connected hardware experiments targeting a range of electronic circuit Design, Test and Design for Testability (DfT) concepts. A mixture

Hardware and Software Means for Electronic Components and Sensors Research


The main results of RETwix development are presented in the paper. RETwix is an universal hardware and software means for laboratory research, which can be used for investigation both electronic components and arbitrary electrical, thermal, chemical or biochemical processes. Sensors, actuators and signal transducers of the Analog Front-End are used for this purpose. The RETwix means includes two CV-LAB devices (Capacitance & Voltage LABoratory) and UA-LAB (Universal Analog LABoratory). The peculiarities of construction and examples of RETwix using are described.

A Web Service and Interface for Electronic Device Characterization

Estrada received his B.S. in EE from Boise State (2007) and M.S. in ECE from UIUC (2009). He is now pursuing his Ph.D. in ECE, working on thermal characterization of CNT arrays. He is also interested in developing sub-nanosecond electrical thermometry techniques. David is the recipient of the SURGE Fellowship, Micron Fellowship, and NDSEG and NSF Fellowships.