Differentiation of epithelial cells in the urinary tract (original) (raw)

Mammalian uroplakins. A group of highly conserved urothelial differentiation-related membrane proteins

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1994

The asymmetric unit membrane (AUM) forms the apical plaques of mammalian urothelium and is believed to play a role in strengthening the urothelial apical surface thus preventing the cells from rupturing during bladder distention. W e have shown previously that purified bovine GUMS contain four major integral membrane proteins: the uroplakins Ia (27 m a) , Ib (28 ma), I1 (16 ma), and I11 (47 m a). This contradicts some previous reports indicating that some of these proteins are absent in AUMs of several species. Using an improved procedure, we isolated AUMs from, in addition to cattle, eight mammalian species (human, monkey, sheep, pig, dog, rabbit, rat, and mouse). The AUMs of these species appear morphologically similar bearing crystalline patches of 12-nm protein particles with a center-to-center spacing of 16.6 nm. Using antibodies raised against synthetic oligopeptides or individual bovine uroplakins, we established by immunoblotting that the four uroplakins are present in AUMs of all these species. The DNA-deduced amino acid sequences of bovine and mouse uroplakin I1 revealed 83% identity. These results indicate that uroplakins la, Ib, 11, and I11 are the mGor protein components of probably all mammalian urothelial plaques, and that the sequence and three-dimensional structure of uroplakin molecules are highly conserved during mammalian evolution. Ultrastructural studies have established that mammalian urothelia elaborate a highly specialized plasma membrane during an advanced stage of cellular differentiation. This membrane forms numerous rigid-looking plaques covering the apical surface of the urothelium. They exhibit a thickened luminal leaflet (8 nm) and a regular looking cytoplasmic leaflet (4 nm), hence the term asymmetric unit membrane (AUM)' (Porter and Bonneville, 1963; Hicks, 1965; Koss, 1969). Negative staining of plaques purified from several species revealed densely packed, hexagonal protein particles (12 nm in diameter) that form crystalline patches associated with the outer leaflet of the * T h s work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants DK39753, DK47529, and AR39749 (to T.-T. S.), Grant 31-30129.90 from the Swiss National Science Foundation (to U. A.), a predoctoral fellowship from the Roche Research Foundation (to T. W.), Education of the Kanton Basel-Stadt. The computing was supported by the M. E. Muller Foundation of Switzerland, and the Department of National Science Foundation Grant DIR-8908095. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "aduertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Superficial cell differentiation during embryonic and postnatal development of mouse urothelium

Tissue and Cell, 2006

After drastic urothelial destruction around birth and around postnatal day 6, mouse urothelial renewal starts each time de novo. The differentiation of superficial cells during urothelial restoration was followed for the first time from embryonic day 15 to postnatal day 6 by the detection of differentiation markers: cytokeratins, uroplakins and apical membrane specialization. The differentiation markers of short-lived superficial cells were studied before and after urothelial destruction. Three distinctive types of superficial cells, typical for certain developmental period, were characterised: cells at low differentiation stage with microvilli and cilia, expressing CK7 and CK18, detected on embryonic day 15; cells at advanced differentiation stage with star-like arrangement of prominent membrane ridges, expressing CK7 and CK20, present between the two urothelial destruction events; highly differentiated cells with typically jagged apical surface, expressing CK7 and CK20, found twice during development. This cell type appears for the first time on embryonic day 18 as the terminal stage of embryonic differentiation. It was found again on postnatal day 6 as an initial stage of differentiation, leading toward terminally differentiated cells of the adult urothelium. Our work proves that apical membrane specialization is the most valuable differentiation marker of superficial cells.

Endocytotic activity of bladder superficial urothelial cells is inversely related to their differentiation stage

Differentiation, 2009

The composition of the apical plasma membrane of bladder superficial urothelial cells is dramatically modified during cell differentiation, which is accompanied by the change in the dynamics of endocytosis. We studied the expression of urothelial differentiation-related proteins uroplakins and consequently the apical plasma membrane molecular composition in relation to the membrane-bound and fluid-phase endocytosis in bladder superficial urothelial cells. By using primary urothelial cultures in the environment without mechanical stimuli, we studied the constitutive endocytosis. Four new findings emerge from our study. First, in highly differentiated superficial urothelial cells with strong uroplakin expression, the endocytosis of fluid-phase endocytotic markers was 43% lower and the endocytosis of membrane-bound markers was 86% lower compared to partially differentiated cells with weak uroplakin expression. Second, superficial urothelial cells have 5-15-times lower endocytotic activity than MDCK cells. Third, in superficial urothelial cells the membrane-bound markers are delivered to lysosomes, while fluid-phase markers are seen only in early endocytotic compartments, suggesting their kiss-and-run recycling. Finally, we provide the first evidence that in highly differentiated cells the uroplakin-positive membrane regions are excluded from internalization, suggesting that uroplakins hinder endocytosis from the apical plasma membrane in superficial urothelial cells and thus maintain optimal permeability barrier function.

Uroplakin Gene Expression by Normal and Neoplastic Human Urothelium

The American Journal of Pathology, 1998

cDNA sequences for human uroplakins UPIa , UPIb, UPII , and UPIII were cloned and used to investigate uroplakin transcription by normal and neoplastic urothelial cells. Normal urothelium expressed mRNA for all four uroplakins , although UPIII could be detected only by ribonuclease protection assay. By in situ hybridization , UPIa and UPII were confined to superficial cells and UPIb was also expressed by intermediate cells. Cultured normal human urothelial cells showed a proliferative basal/intermediate cell phenotype and constitutive expression of UPIb only. Uroplakin expression by transitional cell carcinoma cell lines was related to their differentiated phenotype in vitro. RT4 cells expressed all uroplakins, VM-CUB-3 expressed three uroplakins , RT112 and HT1376 cells expressed only UPIb in high abundance, and COLO232 , KK47 , and EJ cells had no detectable expression. These results correlated with patterns of uroplakin expression in tumors. UPIa and UPII were detected superficially only in well differentiated transitional cell carcinoma papillae. UPIb was positive in seven of nine and overexpressed in five of nine noninvasive transitional cell carcinomas and was also present in four of eight invasive transitional cell carcinomas. Lymph node metastases retained the same pattern of UPIb expression as the primary tumor. Unlike the three differentiation-regulated uroplakins, UPIb may have an alternative role in urothelial cell/ tissue processes. (Am J Pathol 1998, 153:1957-1967 Urothelium is a stratified epithelium in which basal, intermediate, and superficial cell zones can be distinguished on the basis of morphology and differential antigen expression. The superficial or umbrella cell is characterized by a unique asymmetric unit membrane, which is recognized as an unequivocal ultrastructural marker of terminal urothelial cytodifferentiation. 1 The asymmetric unit membrane is present on the apical plasma membrane surface as thickened membrane plaques interconnected by re-gions of normal trilaminar membrane (interplaque or hinge regions). Antisera reacting, respectively, with interplaque and plaque regions of the specialized apical membrane have been developed as markers of urothelium-specific cytodifferentiation. Characterization of the asymmetric unit membrane from bovine urothelium has led to the identification of specialized integral membrane proteins known collectively as the uroplakins. 4 Four highly conserved uroplakin (UP) proteins have been characterized. The 27,000 M r UPIa and the 28,000 M r UPIb proteins belong to the tetraspan protein family 5 and in bovine urothelium are thought to interact, respectively, with the genetically unrelated 15,000 M r UPII and 47,000 M r UPIII proteins. On the basis of their urothelial specificity and differentiation-restricted expression, the uroplakins have been described as urothelial differentiation-related membrane proteins and proposed as markers of advanced urothelial cytodifferentiation. Although well characterized in the bovine system, less is known regarding the expression of uroplakins in normal and neoplastic human urothelia, where studies have been hampered by a lack of monospecific reagents recognizing individual uroplakin proteins in situ. Expression of UPIII in normal and neoplastic human urothelium has been examined by comparing the immunolocalization patterns of two rabbit heteroantisera raised against isolated bovine asymmetric unit membranes, which were considered to co-localize where UPIII was expressed. 8 By this criterion, UPIII was restricted to the apical membrane of superficial umbrella cells of normal urothelium and was retained by 88% of papillary noninvasive transitional cell carcinomas (TCCs), 53% of invasive TCCs, and 66% of metastatic TCCs, suggesting a possible diagnostic application. 8 Similar results were attained using an anti-UPII peptide antiserum. Normal human urothelial (NHU) cells can be maintained in a highly proliferative state in serum-free culture in a low-calcium medium, where they express a basal/ intermediate cell phenotype. 10 Stratification can be induced by increasing the exogenous calcium concentration but is not accompanied by expression of asymmetric unit-membrane-associated antigens. This implies that the

Uroplakin I: a 27-kD protein associated with the asymmetric unit membrane of mammalian urothelium

Journal of Cell Biology, 1990

Bovine urothelial cells (90% confluent) cultured in serum-free medium were rinsed twice with PBS prewarmed to 37°C and incubated for 30 rain in a methionine-free MEM supplemented with hydrocortisone (5/~g/ml), choleratoxin (5 #g/ml), insulin (5/~g/ml), and epidermal growth factor (15 ng/ml). The cells were then pulse-labeled for l0 rain by adding 1 mCi [35S]methionine per 10 mi of the same serum-free, methionine-free medium per 100-ram dishes (containing l07 cells). Chasing was done using serumfree medium (see Cell Culture) with an excess of unlabeled methionine (30 /~g/ml). The labeled cells were washed with cold PBS, and extracted with lysis buffer 0% Triton X-100, 25 mM Tris-HC1, pH 7.4; 0.5 M NaC1; 1 mM PMSF, 1 mM EDTA; 1 /zg/ml of antipain, pepstatin, and chymostatin) for immanoprecipitation.

Uroplakins in urothelial biology, function, and disease

Kidney International, 2009

Urothelium covers the inner surfaces of the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and prostatic urethra. Although morphologically similar, the urothelia in these anatomic locations differ in their embryonic origin and lineages of cellular differentiation, as reflected in their different uroplakin content, expandability during micturition, and susceptibility to chemical carcinogens. Previously thought to be an inert tissue forming a passive barrier between the urine and blood, urothelia have recently been shown to have a secretory activity that actively modifies urine composition. Urothelial cells express a number of ion channels, receptors, and ligands, enabling them to receive and send signals and communicate with adjoining cells and their broader environment. The urothelial surface bears specific receptors that not only allow uropathogenic E. coli to attach to and invade the bladder mucosa, but also provide a route by which the bacteria ascend through the ureters to the kidney to cause pyelonephritis. Genetic ablation of one or more uroplakin genes in mice causes severe retrograde vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, and renal failure, conditions that mirror certain human congenital diseases. Clearly, abnormalities of the lower urinary tract can impact the upper tract, and vice versa, through the urothelial connection. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the field of urothelial biology by focusing on the uroplakins, a group of urothelium-specific and differentiation-dependent integral membrane proteins. We discuss these proteins' biochemistry, structure, assembly, intracellular trafficking, and their emerging roles in urothelial biology, function, and pathological processes. We also call attention to important areas where greater investigative efforts are warranted.

Cellular basis of urothelial squamous metaplasia: roles of lineage heterogeneity and cell replacement

The Journal of Cell Biology, 2005

Although the epithelial lining of much of the mammalian urinary tract is known simply as the urothelium, this epithelium can be divided into at least three lineages of renal pelvis/ureter, bladder/trigone, and proximal urethra based on their embryonic origin, uroplakin content, keratin expression pattern, in vitro growth potential, and propensity to keratinize during vitamin A deficiency. Moreover, these cells remain phenotypically distinct even after they have been serially passaged under identical culture conditions, thus ruling out local mesenchymal influence as the sole cause of their in vivo differences. During vitamin A deficiency, mouse urothelium form multiple keratinized foci in proximal urethra probably originating from scattered K14-positive basal cells, and the keratinized epithelium expands horizontally to replace the surrounding normal urothelium. These data suggest that the urothelium consists of multiple cell lineages, that trigone urothelium is closely related to th...

Apical Plasma Membrane Traffic in Superficial Cells of Bladder Urothelium

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2009

Superficial urothelial cells that line the urinary bladder accommodate cyclical changes in organ volume while maintaining a permeability barrier between urine and tissue fluids. The specific apical plasma membrane traffic is necessary for their proper function. The composition of the apical plasma membrane is dramatically modified during differentiation of bladder urothelial cells, most notably by assembly of urothelial plaques containing uroplakins. However, the assembly of uroplakins into plaques, their insertion and removal from the apical surface, and the regulation of these processes are still poorly understood. This review examines the traffic (exocytosis/endocytosis) of the apical plasma membrane during differentiation of urothelial cells and focuses on the physiological and clinical significance of the apical plasma membrane traffic in bladder superficial urothelial cells.

Cytokeratin 15 Marks Basal Epithelia in Developing Ureters and Is Upregulated in a Subset of Urothelial Cell Carcinomas

The mammalian ureter contains a water-tight epithelium surrounded by smooth muscle. Key molecules have been defined which regulate ureteric bud initiation and drive the differentiation of ureteric mesenchyme into peristaltic smooth muscle. Less is known about mechanisms underlying the developmental patterning of the multilayered epithelium characterising the mature ureter. In skin, which also contains a multilayered epithelium, cytokeratin 15 (CK15), an acidic intermediate filament protein, marks cells whose progeny contribute to epidermal regeneration following wounding. Moreover, CK15+ precursor cells in skin can give rise to basal cell carcinomas. In the current study, using transcriptome microarrays of embryonic wild type mouse ureters, Krt15, coding for CK15, was detected. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed the initial finding and demonstrated that Krt15 levels increased during the fetal period when the ureteric epithelium becomes multilayered. CK15 protein was undetectable in the ureteric bud, the rudiment from which the ureter grows. Nevertheless, later in fetal development, CK15 was immunodetected in a subset of basal urothelial cells in the ureteric stalk. Superficial epithelial cells, including those positive for the differentiation marker uroplakin III, were CK15-. Transformation-related protein 63 (P63) has been implicated in epithelial differentiation in murine fetal urinary bladders. In wild type fetal ureters, CK15+ cells were positive for P63, and p63 homozygous null mutant ureters lacked CK15+ cells. In these mutant ureters, sections of the urothelium were monolayered versus the uniform multilayering found in wild type littermates. Human urothelial cell carcinomas account for considerable morbidity and mortality. CK15 was upregulated in a subset of invasive ureteric and urinary bladder cancers. Thus, in ureter development, the absence of CK15 is associated with a structurally simplified urothelium whereas, postnatally, increased CK15 levels feature in malignant urothelial overgrowth. CK15 may be a novel marker for urinary tract epithelial precursor cells.